Title: A plan of the city's [sic] of London, Westminster and borough of Southwark, with the additional buildings, anno 1720 : a new map of London ...
- Not specified
- 1720
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
- Issued: 1720
- Coverage: 1720
- Coverage: 1720 to 1720
- J. Senex (London)
One cartouche with inscription: "A New Map of London Most humbly inscrib'd to the Rt. Worshipfull St. Peter Delme Kt. Aldermn. of London, 1720."; From the author's A New general atlas ..., published in 1721.; Indexes to points of interest: References to Westminster -- References to London -- References to Southwark.; "S. Parker Delin. et Sculpt."
51 x 59 centimeters
Scale approximately 1:12,500; A scale of half a mile
City Maps
- 2022-creator-sprint
- England--London
- England
- Maps
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-0.144,-0.078,51.519,51.494)
University of Minnesota
- Access rights: Public
- Use of this item may be governed by US and international copyright laws. You may be able to use this item, but copyright and other considerations may apply. For possible additional information or guidance on your use, please contact the contributing organization.
Senex, John, -1740. A plan of the city's [sic] of London, Westminster and borough of Southwark, with the additional buildings, anno 1720 : a new map of London .... J. Senex (London). https://umedia.lib.umn.edu/item/p16022coll205:736
- eng