Title: Buildings (Footprints & Structure Points) Washburn County, WI 2022
- Polygon data
- 2022
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Coverage: 2022
This data represents buildings for Washburn County, Wisconsin in 2022 and includes the layers 'Washburn_Building_Footprints_2022' and 'Washburn_Building_StructurePoints_2022.'Structure Points: [This data set consists of digital map files containing addressing or building information obtained primarily by conducting lab work using aerial imagery. Features contained in the data set include all building or primary structure points countywide and associated attributes. Building points sometimes are referred to as primary structures, however these data typically represent the main building(s) that have been addressed on each parcel. The Washburn County Land Information Office plans to maintain this digital data in ESRI's ArcGIS 10.x geodatabase environment using ArcMap tools. Data was developed using field data collection techniques, Aerial Imagery and building footprints. Site access points are always present as a related feature class, however not all site access points are accompanied by a building point.]
- Structure
- Datasets
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-92.052032, -91.537166, 46.158482, 45.636878)
- Geometry: BBOX (-92.052032, -91.537166, 46.158482, 45.636878)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Access rights: Public
Washburn County. Buildings (Footprints & Structure Points) Washburn County, WI 2022. Polygon data. https://geodata.wisc.edu/catalog/578A026F-EC16-412B-B2B8-DC2907364EF0
- English