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  1. Title: Roads Rusk County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data represents roads in Rusk County, Wisconsin in 2024.

  2. Title: PLSS Vernon County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data represents public land survey system (PLSS) corners for Vernon County, Wisconsin in 2024. [The E4 PLSS database, part of a multi-year effort, was created as a sub-project of the greater Version 8 Statewide Parcel Map Database Project (V8 Project), a collaboration between the Wisconsin Land Information Program, the State Cartographer’s Office, and county data contributors. More information about the Statewide Parcel Map Initiative can be found here.The E8 database contains a collection of all uniquely identifiable local-level PLSS data available in digital format, and aggregates that data into a standardized schema and format. It also includes section, quarter-section, and quarter-quarter-section level polygons. The construction of the PLSS corner locations contained within the database relies on the local level coordinate information. This unique aspect of the database, allows for an accurate representation of the on-the-ground location of the PLSS corners.Please complete the feedback survey form.Schema documentation can be found here.]

  3. Title: Zoning Racine County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data represents zoning (general) for Racine County, Wisconsin in 2024.

  4. Title: Hydro (Line and Polygon) Winnebago County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data represents hydrography for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2024 and includes the layers 'WINNEBAGO_HYDRO_2024_LINE' and 'WINNEBAGO_HYDRO_2024_POLY.'

  5. Title: Zoning Eau Claire County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data represents zoning (general) for Eau Claire County, Wisconsin in 2024 and includes the layers 'EAU_CLAIRE_GENERAL_2024', 'EAU_CLAIRE_SHORELAND_2024', and 'EAU_CLAIRE_AIRPORT_2024'.

  6. Title: Roads and ROW Chippewa County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data represent roads and Right of Ways (ROW) for Chippewa County, Wisconsin in 2024.

  7. Title: Addresses Clark County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data layer represents addresses for Clark County, Wisconsin in 2024. [This data layer is an inventory for both rural and city/village addressing. The rural addressing system is based on the emergency response/rural address ordinance and managed through the Planning, Zoning & Land Information Office (PZ&LI). The rural address system runs on a N and W grid from the south east corner of the county. All unincorporated municipalties use the county rural address grid and are managed through PZ&LI. The address number for a location is determined based on the location of the driveway entrance to the named road. No address numbers are given from a private road. In cases such as that, unique address or a lot designation are assigned from the proximity to the driveway/road intersection.City/Village address number locations are entered by PZ&LI, however, the addressing in these locations is managed by each municipality and is not communicated directly with the county. Each municipality has a different origin location and directions for their address grid. Some cities and villages also extend into other counties and their locations are not included. The point locations are either directly in front the addressed structure or on the structure. City and village addresses in the database should not be considered as a complete inventory.]

  8. Title: Addresses Waukesha County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data represents addresses for Waukesha County, Wisconsin in 2024.

  9. Title: PLSS Lincoln County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data represents public land survey system (PLSS ) corners for Lincoln County, Wisconsin in 2024. [The E4 PLSS database, part of a multi-year effort, was created as a sub-project of the greater Version 8 Statewide Parcel Map Database Project (V8 Project), a collaboration between the Wisconsin Land Information Program, the State Cartographer’s Office, and county data contributors. More information about the Statewide Parcel Map Initiative can be found here.The E8 database contains a collection of all uniquely identifiable local-level PLSS data available in digital format, and aggregates that data into a standardized schema and format. It also includes section, quarter-section, and quarter-quarter-section level polygons. The construction of the PLSS corner locations contained within the database relies on the local level coordinate information. This unique aspect of the database, allows for an accurate representation of the on-the-ground location of the PLSS corners.Please complete the feedback survey form.Schema documentation can be found here.]

  10. Title: Roads Ozaukee County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data represents roads for Ozaukee County, Wisconsin in 2024.

  11. Title: PLSS Kenosha County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data represents public land survey system (PLSS) corners for Kenosha County, Wisconsin in 2024.

  12. Title: Zoning Bayfield County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data represents zoning in Bayfield County in 2024 and includes the layers 'BAYFIELD_AIRPORT_2024', 'BAYFIELD_GENERAL_2024' and 'BAYFIELD_SHORELAND_2024'.

  13. Title: Zoning Marinette County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data represents zoning for Marinette County, Wisconsin in 2024 and includes the layers 'Marinette_General_2024' and 'Marinette_Shoreland_2024.'

  14. Title: Addresses Douglas County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data represents addresses for Douglas County, Wisconsin in 2024.

  15. Title: Addresses Vilas County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data layer represents addresses for Vilas County, Wisconsin in 2024.

  16. Title: Zoning Walworth County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data represents zoning for Walworth County, Wisconsin in 2024 and includes the layers 'WALWORTH_GENERAL_2024' and 'WALWORTH_SHORELAND_2024'.

  17. Title: Addresses Buffalo County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data represents addresses for Buffalo County, Wisconsin in 2024. [Site address points represent the location of site or service delivery addresses assigned by local governments].

  18. Title: Land Use Adams County, WI 2024


    Summary: This polygon data layer represents land use for Adams County, Wisconsin in 2024.

  19. Title: Recreation Polk County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data represents recreation for Polk County, Wisconsin in 2024. [Location of Recreation Amenities in Polk County, Wisconsin.]

  20. Title: Buildings Brown County, WI 2024


    Summary: This data represents building footprints for Brown County, Wisconsin in 2024.[This map layer (feature class) depicts the approximate position, size and shape of built structures. Buildings were collected from various sources and years; Check the building feature attribute for source and vintage. Razed buildings are deleted from this layer as time allows. Building feature attribute 'PRIMARY' indicates a structure is believed to be often occupied by humans or frequently serves as a human gathering place (residences, businesses, schools, churches, etc); 'SECONDARY' building attributes indicate the structure is believed to be mostly uninhabited by humans (secondary structures include barns, garages, storage sheds, etc). This map layer is updated by Brown County only on occasion as new data sources become available and as time permits.]

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