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  1. Title: Disabled Parking Blue Zones


    Summary: Disabled Parking Blue Zones designate parking spaces for persons with a valid disabled parking permit. Blue zones are normally located in areas with high public use, such as in dense commercial areas, and near public parks and playgrounds, where the blue zones can serve a large number of individuals. Blue zones are not established for specific individuals or in front of private residences. There is no fee for establishing blue zones.

  2. Title: Metered Parking Spaces, Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 2009


    Summary: This polygon layer contains metered street parking spaces in the City of Cambridge.

  3. Title: Traffic Signals, Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 2007


    Summary: This layer contains point features representing traffic signals in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

  4. Title: Cambridge, MA (Metered Parking Spaces, 2010)

    • Polygon data
    • 2010
    • MIT authentication required

    Summary: This polygon layer contains metered street parking spaces in the City of Cambridge.

  5. Title: Cambridge, MA (Metered Parking Spaces, 2008)

    • Polygon data
    • 2008
    • MIT authentication required

    Summary: This polygon layer contains metered street parking spaces in the City of Cambridge.

  6. Title: Parcels, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2008


    Summary: This polygon layer contains all of the property parcels in Cambridge. Each parcel has a unique Map and Lot ID number that links it to a record in the Assessing Department's Vision database system.

  7. Title: Parcel Map Index, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1997


    Summary: This layer contains polygons that split the City of Cambridge into 286 city blocks. Each block boundary is associated with an Assessors map, and a group of parcels. Each individual parcel has a map and lot associated to it. The 'map' refers to one of these blocks, the 'lot' is the tax parcel within the block.

  8. Title: Fire Stations, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1997


    Summary: This point layer contains the eight fire stations within the City of Cambridge, Massachusetts.

  9. Title: Snow Areas, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2007


    Summary: This layer contains polygon features representing snow areas in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Created by the Cambridge Department of Public Works (DPW).

  10. Title: Sidewalk Snow Plow Routes, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2007


    Summary: This layer contains line features representing sidewalk snow plow routes in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Created by the Cambridge Department of Public Works (DPW).

  11. Title: Handicap Ramps, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2009


    Summary: This layer contains point features representing handicap ramps in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Created by the Cambridge Department of Public Works (DPW).

  12. Title: Trash Districts, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2007


    Summary: This layer contains polygon features representing trash districts in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Created by the Cambridge Department of Public Works (DPW).

  13. Title: Residential Street Sweeping Areas, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2007


    Summary: This layer contains polygon features representing residential street sweeping areas in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Created by the Cambridge Department of Public Works (DPW).

  14. Title: Recycling Routes, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2007


    Summary: This layer contains line features representing recycling routes in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Created by the Cambridge Department of Public Works (DPW).

  15. Title: Zoning Overlay Districts, Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 2006


    Summary: This polygon layer contains the zoning overlay districts in the City of Cambridge that set out additional or alternative zoning regulations to an area's base zoning restrictions. Overlay districts typically govern aesthetic and physical features, rather than restricting use.

  16. Title: Zoning Districts, Cambridge, Massachusetts, February 2007


    Summary: This polygon layer contains the City of Cambridge's zoning districts governing land and building use.

  17. Title: Bicycle Facilities, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2008


    Summary: This line layer indicates streets within the City of Cambridge that have pavement markings or construction features that facilitate bicycle use. It also contains multi-purpose paths where bicycles can be used off the street.

  18. Title: Bicycle Racks, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2008


    Summary: This point layer indicates the locations of bike racks installed on public property in the City of Cambridge.

  19. Title: Public Pools, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2006


    Summary: This polygon layer contains the three outdoor public pool facilities within Cambridge.

  20. Title: Neighborhoods, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1997


    Summary: This polygon layer contains the boundaries of the City of Cambridge's thirteen neighborhoods.

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