5 results returned
Title: Block-level, non-work accessibility data for planned transitways in the Twin Cities [Minnesota]
- Vector data ; Point data ; Polygon data
- 2021
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Accessibility to grocery stores, primary healthcare, elementary, middle, and high schools by transit is measured for the Twin Cities. Census block-level minimum travel times to the first, second, third,...,tenth destination are calculated before and after incorporating services changes to the transit network. The transit network baseline includes the Green Line extension and Orange Line. Five planned transitways are evaluated against the baseline including the B Line and local route 21 changes, the D Line and local route 5 changes, the E Line and local route 6 changes, the Gold Line, and the Rush Line. The analysis is completed for four departure windows during the weekday. The report associated with this data aggregates across the Twin Cities metropolitan worker population and disaggregates by worker demographics. The data are organized by scenario then by departure window for a total of 28 scenarios. Each scenario has a Geopackage spatial file which is comprised of result layers for the five destination types studied. Travel times between blocks and X number of destinations are given in seconds. For example, this data answers the question "What is the minimum travel time on transit needed to reach 3 different grocery stores?"
Title: Block-level accessibility data for managed lanes in the Twin Cities] (2019)
- Line data ; Vector data
- 2020
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: The data are provided in 4 ESRI shapefiles. The shapefiles are segmented by the analysis day of the week and departure time. The fields include the Census block-level 15-digit identifier (GEOID10), baseline accessibility, tier 1 managed lane scenario accessibility, their absolute difference, their percent difference. CRS EPSG: 4326 - WGS 84. Users should be able to map the cumulative job accessibility by automobile for 4 comparisons between baseline (general purpose lanes) and managed lanes (tier 1 corridors).
Title: Block-level accessibility data for transit-way evaluation in the Twin Cities metropolitan region] (2019)
- Line data ; Vector data
- 2020
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: The data are provided in 20 shapefiles. The shapefiles are segmented by the scenario comparison and the analysis day/time. The fields include the Census block-level 15-digit identifiers, baseline accessibility, alternative scenario accessibility, their absolute difference, their percent difference. CRS EPSG: 4326 - WGS 84. Users should be able to map the cumulative job accessibility by transit for 5 transit network scenarios and 4 comparisons between transit networks.
Title: Reconnaissance erosion survey of the State of Indiana
- Thematic maps
- 1934
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Indiana University)
- Bushnell, T. M. (Thomas Mark),1889-1976
- Carlson, E. E.
- Maxwell, D. C.
- Shearin, A. E.
- Waggoner, M. E. (Morris Edward)
Summary: At bottom left: Base map by U.S. Geological Survey, 1930. Scale 1:500,000 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service; Indiana erosion survey of 1934 by M.E. Waggoner, in charge, A.E. Shearin, T.M. Bushnell, D.C. Maxwell, E.E. Carlson.
Title: Simple Bouguer gravity map of Minnesota, Stillwater sheet, M-35
- Not specified
- 1977
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Bouguer gravity anomaly map (anomaly related to different densities of rocks in the upper crust, Bouguer anomaly is a corrected difference between an observed gravity measurement and value predicted from a generalized earth model), shown as contour lines (isolines) of equal value, Stillwater quadrangle, scale 1:250,000.