10,000+ results returned
Title: Building Footprints - City of Newton
- Polygon data
- 2001
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This map data layer represents the outlines of all buildings, larger than 100 square feet, for the City of Newton, Massachusetts. This layer is from Boston Edison Company (BECo.). The original aerial photography was flown in 1991 at 1' = 600' negative scale.
Title: School Districts - City of Newton
- Polygon data
- 1998
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This data layer contains elementary school boundaries. The elementary school areas are, in turn, aggregated to create middle or high school boundaries. Some areas of the city have options for school attendance at the elementary or middle school level. This data layer includes areas showing the limits of those boundaries.
Title: Storm Water Collection System Points - City of Newton
- Point data
- 1998
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This coverage contains point features such as manholes, catchbasins, ditch ends, dry wells, pipe junctions, pipe ends and outfalls which comprise part of the storm water collection network for the city of Newton. Line features such as pipes and ditches are contained in the Storm Water Collection System Lines data layer.
Title: Sewer System Points - City of Newton
- Point data
- 1998
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This data layer point coverage models the sewage collection system network of node features (manholes, pipe intersections, wet wells, pipe ends and pumping stations) throughout Newton, Massachusetts. Accompanying coverage for line features (pipes, mains and aqueducts) can be found in the Sewer System Lines - City of Newton datalayer.
Title: Open Space Parcels - City of Newton
- Polygon data
- 1998
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This data layer contains open space parcels in Newton, Massachusetts, that are portions of larger parcels where only part of the parcel is considered open space.
Title: Wards & Precincts - City of Newton
- Polygon data
- 1998
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This data layer contains the boundaries of Newton's election wards and precincts. The Wards2002 layer shows the wards/precincts that will take effect January 1, 2002.
Title: Streams - City of Newton
- Line data
- 1998
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This data layer contains perennial and intermittent streams in Newton. Data supplied to Newton by Boston Edison Co. (now known as NSTAR). Although Boston Edison provided the original version of this data layer, the streams have since been updated to include missing stream features. The city's retired conservation planner who has a lifetime of field experience in Newton identified these missing features
Title: Walking Trails - City of Newton
- Line data
- 1998
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This data layer contains walking trails for the city of Newton; bicycle trails are not included.
Title: Property Parcels - City of Newton
- Polygon data
- 1998
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This coverage contains boundary lines for the approximately 24,200 Assessor's property parcels.
Title: Zoning Districts - City of Newton
- Polygon data
- 1998
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This data layer contains the boundaries of zoning districts based on the Assessor's Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) database zoning attribute for each property. Extra information is added for properties split between two zoning districts. Newton GIS reports that, 'This data layer does not contain all these 'split-lot' parcels because the effort required is too great for present resources and interest. The split lots in this data layer were identified as the ones that had to appear on the zoning map.' This layer is NOT to be treated as an official zoning map at this time.
Title: MBTA Bus Lines - City of Newton
- Line data
- 1998
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This data layer contains the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) Bus routes for Newton.
Title: Major Streets - City of Newton
- Line data
- 1998
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This data layer contains Newton's major streets. These streets include the state highways (Commonwealth Ave - Route 30, Boylston St - Route 9, and Watertown St - Route 16) and the major residential arteries. Public, private, abandoned and un-built roads are also included and identified.
Title: Wards & Precincts, 2002 - City of Newton
- Polygon data
- 1998
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This data layer contains the boundaries of Newton's election wards and precincts that will take effect January 1, 2002. The Wards & Precincts datalayer shows these boundaries before redistricting.
Title: Storm Drain Sub-Basin Boundaries - City of Newton
- Polygon data
- 1998
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This data layer contains the boundaries of the storm water sub-basins for the city of Newton. These sub-basins are roughly equivalent to watersheds. Related line and point drainage basin coverages may be found in the Storm Water Collection System Lines and Storm Water Collection System Points data layers.
Title: Historic Properties - City of Newton
- Polygon data
- 1998
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This data layer shows all historic properties in Newton that are designated on local, state or national historic registries.
Title: Massachusetts Community Boundaries
- Polygon data
- 1998
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This data is a 1:25000-scale data layer containing the boundaries of the 351 towns and cities in Massachusetts. The seaward boundary of coastal communities is the mean high water mark.
Title: Addresses - City of Newton
- Point data
- 1998
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This data layer contains point locations representing all known addresses in Newton. Originally the parcel file was used for this purpose. However, the parcel file is limited to providing one address or address range per parcel. A point file can better represent parcels that have multiple addresses on different streets (corner lots) and can also be used to catch common misspellings or streets with missing spaces such as Marymount Rd (instead of Mary Mount Rd). There are 22 duplicate addresses (two properties in different locations, same address) in Newton.
Title: Sewer System Lines - City of Newton
- Line data
- 1998
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This data layer line coverage models the sewage collection system network of pipes, mains and aqueducts throughout Newton, Massachusetts. Accompanying point coverage for node features (manholes, pipe intersections, wet wells, pipe ends and pumping stations) can be found in the Sewer System Points - City of Newton datalayer.
Title: Storm Water Collection System Lines - City of Newton
- Line data
- 1998
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This polyline data layer contains pipes, ditches and line features comprising the storm water collection network for the city of Newton. Point and other features such as manholes and catch basins are contained in the Storm Water Collection System Points data layer.
Title: Edge of Pavement - City of Newton
- Line data
- 1993
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: This data layer depicts the edge of Newton's paved roads, whether public or private. GIS data provided to Newton by Boston Edison Co. (now known as NSTAR).