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  1. Title: Parcel Areas (City of Somerville)


    Summary: This datalayer was developed by the City's GIS consulting firm, Camp Dresser and McKee, Inc. (CDM) and is a polygon coverage of property lines and areas, along with associated property information for the City of Somerville, Massachusetts.

  2. Title: Blocks - Areas (City of Somerville)


    Summary: This datalayer was developed by Camp Dresser and McKee, Inc. (CDM) and is a polygon coverage of block lines and areas along with associated data for the City of Somerville, Massachusetts. It was created by offsetting Boston Edison's (BECo.) road centerline by the distances depicted on the assessor maps to create rights-of-way constraints.

  3. Title: Parcel Boundaries (City of Somerville)


    Summary: This datalayer was developed by the City's GIS consulting firm, Camp Dresser and McKee, Inc. (CDM) and is a polyline coverage of property lines and associated property information for the City of Somerville, Massachusetts.

  4. Title: Building Footprints (City of Somerville)


    Summary: This map data layer represents the building footprints for the City of Somerville, Massachusetts. This layer was developed by Camp, Dresser & McKee (CDM), derived from Boston Edison Company (BECo.)

  5. Title: Blocks - Lines (City of Somerville)


    Summary: This datalayer was developed by Camp Dresser and McKee, Inc. (CDM) and is a polyline coverage of block lines and associated data for the City of Somerville, Massachusetts. It was created by offsetting Boston Edison's (BECo.) road centerline by the distances depicted on the assessor maps to create rights-of-way constraints.

  6. Title: Hydrographic Features (City of Somerville)


    Summary: Polygon coverage which displays those areas of two hydrographic features, Alewife Brook and the Mystic River, which are within the city limits of Somerville, Massachusetts.

  7. Title: Map (City of Somerville)


    Summary: Map of Somerville, Massachusetts. A polygon datalayer created by automating the map boundaries based on the rights-of-way created from Boston Edison's ( BECo) data road centerline.

  8. Title: Street Centerlines (City of Somerville)


    Summary: The street centerlines transportation coverage is a polyline layer representing the center of road and streets righst of way within the City of Somerville, Massachusetts.

  9. Title: Zoning Map, Somerville, Massachusetts, 1984 (Raster Image)


    Summary: This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Zoning map, City of Somerville : as amended to January 1984 / prepared by the Somerville Planning Board. It was published by the Planning Board in 1984. Scale [ca. 1:7,200]. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Massachusetts State Plane Coordinate System, Mainland Zone (in Feet) (Fipszone 2001). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads, drainage, cities and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Includes also zoning districts. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.

  10. Title: Boston, MA (Land parcels, 2018)

    • Polygon data
    • 2018
    • MIT authentication required

    Summary: City of Boston property parcel data from FY 2018 was joined with parcel boundaries from FY 2018. All data is from the City of Boston Assessor's office and represents data from 2017.

  11. Title: Boston, MA (Land parcels, 2017)

    • Polygon data
    • 2017
    • MIT authentication required

    Summary: City of Boston property parcel data from FY 2017 was joined with parcel boundaries from FY 2017. All data is from the City of Boston Assessor's office and represents data from 2016.

  12. Title: Boston, MA (Land parcels, 2016)

    • Polygon data
    • 2017
    • MIT authentication required

    Summary: City of Boston property parcel data from FY 2016 was joined with parcel boundaries from FY 2016. All data is from the City of Boston Assessor's office and represents data from 2015.

  13. Title: Boston, MA (Land parcels, 2015)

    • Polygon data
    • 2015
    • MIT authentication required

    Summary: City of Boston property parcel data from FY 2015 was joined with parcel boundaries from FY 2015. All data is from the City of Boston Assessor's office and represents data from 2014.

  14. Title: Aldermanic Districts Milwaukee, Wisconsin 2004


    Summary: This polygon data layer represents aldermanic districts for Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 2004. The dataset was originally published by the City of Milwaukee Department of City Development in 2004.

  15. Title: Parcels, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2008


    Summary: This polygon layer contains all of the property parcels in Cambridge. Each parcel has a unique Map and Lot ID number that links it to a record in the Assessing Department's Vision database system.

  16. Title: New York City Central Line Street (LION) 2008


    Summary: LION is a single line representation of New York City streets containing address ranges and other information.

  17. Title: New York City Fire Battalions 2008


    Summary: The service area boundaries for New York City's fire battalions.

  18. Title: New York City Fire Companies 2008


    Summary: The service area boundaries for New York City's fire companies.

  19. Title: New York City Health Areas 2008


    Summary: The boundaries for New York City's Health Areas.

  20. Title: New York City School Districts 2008


    Summary: The current NYC School District boundaries.

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