10,000+ results returned
Title: Massachusetts (Dams, 2012)
- Point data
- 2012
Summary: The ODS maintains a database that includes detailed information about each dam for operational purposes. Most of the location information was derived from historic data and has been ground-truthed against inspection and ownership reports that are maintained by the ODS. The locations of some dams have not been confirmed. These are pending verification and can be identified through the field 'LocStatus.’Dams regulated by the ODS in accordance with regulation CMR 302 10.00 are listed as ‘Office of Dam Safety’ in the field ‘RegAuth’.Please report any data errors or inconsistencies to the Office of Dam Safety (dam.safety@state.ma.us) or DCR-GIS (chandreyee.lahiri@state.ma.us)
Title: Geologic Structures, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000
- Point data
- 2005
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This point shapefile represents geologic structures, such as quarries and bedding, within the Elk River watershed in Humboldt County, California. This dataset is the product of the Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey’s (CGS) investigation of landslides in the Elk River watershed. The 52 square mile study area is located in Humboldt County in northwestern California. The investigation was based on interpretation of 1940, 1941, 1948, 1954, 1962, 1965, 1984, 1988, 1996 and 2000 aerial photos, findings from CGS’s landslide mapping conducted in the early 1980s (Kilbourne, R.T. 1982-84, Manson, M. W. 1984), as well as other sources. Mapping was conducted at 1:24,000 scale. The resulting maps are titled “Geologic and Geomorphic Features Related to Landsliding, Elk River Watershed” (Plate 1) and “Relative Landslide Potential with Geologic and Geomorphic Features, Elk River Watershed” map (Plate 2). This study was conducted at a regional scale of mapping using ten sets of aerial photos combined with a compilation of earlier published and unpublished work. Other photo sets may reveal additional landslides. The regional nature of the study makes the data and maps, including the relative landslide potential zones, inappropriate as a substitute for site-specific analysis. CGS evaluated the geology, relative slope stability and geomorphic characteristics within the watershed, and compiled the digital geospatial data described in this document. This mapping and compilation is geared toward providing baseline geologic and geomorphic data to aid in responsible land management, as well as the development of watershed restoration projects, watershed management strategies, and watershed plans. Initial checking of attributes was conducted by the geologists who mapped the features. Limited field assessment of attributes was completed. The 'confidence' attribute indicates the geologist's level of certainty in a given feature (typically as viewed through a stereoscope). Peer reviewers and GIS staff conducted additional quality control. Because the attribute fields are designed to address various types of mapping products, and because some data is compiled from other sources, not all attribute fields are populated. Marshall, G., Mendes, E., California Geological Survey and California Dept. of Conservation. (2005). Geologic Structures, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000 California Geological Survey. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/gk783mb5094. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Relative Landslide Potential Regions, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000
- Polygon data
- 2005
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This polygon shapefile depicts regions of relative landslide potential within the Elk River watershed in Humboldt County, California. This layer contains five categories used to indicate potential for landsliding. This dataset is the product of the Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey’s (CGS) investigation of landslides in the Elk River watershed. The 52 square mile study area is located in Humboldt County in northwestern California. The investigation was based on interpretation of 1940, 1941, 1948, 1954, 1962, 1965, 1984, 1988, 1996 and 2000 aerial photos, findings from CGS’s landslide mapping conducted in the early 1980s (Kilbourne, R.T. 1982-84, Manson, M. W. 1984), as well as other sources. Mapping was conducted at 1:24,000 scale. The resulting maps are titled “Geologic and Geomorphic Features Related to Landsliding, Elk River Watershed” (Plate 1) and “Relative Landslide Potential with Geologic and Geomorphic Features, Elk River Watershed” map (Plate 2). This study was conducted at a regional scale of mapping using ten sets of aerial photos combined with a compilation of earlier published and unpublished work. Other photo sets may reveal additional landslides. The regional nature of the study makes the data and maps, including the relative landslide potential zones, inappropriate as a substitute for site-specific analysis. CGS evaluated the geology, relative slope stability and geomorphic characteristics within the watershed, and compiled the digital geospatial data described in this document. This mapping and compilation is geared toward providing baseline geologic and geomorphic data to aid in responsible land management, as well as the development of watershed restoration projects, watershed management strategies, and watershed plans. Initial checking of attributes was conducted by the geologists who mapped the features. Limited field assessment of attributes was completed. The 'confidence' attribute indicates the geologist's level of certainty in a given feature (typically as viewed through a stereoscope). Peer reviewers and GIS staff conducted additional quality control. Because the attribute fields are designed to address various types of mapping products, and because some data is compiled from other sources, not all attribute fields are populated. Marshall, G., Mendes, E., California Geological Survey and California Dept. of Conservation. (2005). Relative Landslide Potential Regions, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000 California Geological Survey. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/jw451fc8243. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Narrow Landslide Features, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000
- Line data
- 2005
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This line shapefile depicts narrow landslide features within the Elk River watershed in Humboldt County, California. These landslides often occur as torrent tracts downstream of a debris slide source. All features in this layer are considered to be historically active. (Estimated to have moved within the last 150 years). This layer does not include narrow features that are less than 150 feet in length. This dataset is the product of the Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey’s (CGS) investigation of landslides in the Elk River watershed. The 52 square mile study area is located in Humboldt County in northwestern California. The investigation was based on interpretation of 1940, 1941, 1948, 1954, 1962, 1965, 1984, 1988, 1996 and 2000 aerial photos, findings from CGS’s landslide mapping conducted in the early 1980s (Kilbourne, R.T. 1982-84, Manson, M. W. 1984), as well as other sources. Mapping was conducted at 1:24,000 scale. The resulting maps are titled “Geologic and Geomorphic Features Related to Landsliding, Elk River Watershed” (Plate 1) and “Relative Landslide Potential with Geologic and Geomorphic Features, Elk River Watershed” map (Plate 2). This study was conducted at a regional scale of mapping using ten sets of aerial photos combined with a compilation of earlier published and unpublished work. Other photo sets may reveal additional landslides. The regional nature of the study makes the data and maps, including the relative landslide potential zones, inappropriate as a substitute for site-specific analysis. CGS evaluated the geology, relative slope stability and geomorphic characteristics within the watershed, and compiled the digital geospatial data described in this document. This mapping and compilation is geared toward providing baseline geologic and geomorphic data to aid in responsible land management, as well as the development of watershed restoration projects, watershed management strategies, and watershed plans. Initial checking of attributes was conducted by the geologists who mapped the features. Limited field assessment of attributes was completed. The 'confidence' attribute indicates the geologist's level of certainty in a given feature (typically as viewed through a stereoscope). Peer reviewers and GIS staff conducted additional quality control. Because the attribute fields are designed to address various types of mapping products, and because some data is compiled from other sources, not all attribute fields are populated. Marshall, G., Mendes, E., California Geological Survey and California Dept. of Conservation. (2005). Narrow Landslide Features, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000 California Geological Survey. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/wt302vp4118. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Landslide Symbology, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000
- Line data
- 2005
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This line shapefile contains symbology used to graphically depict active/dormant landslide features such as earthflow, headwalls, bases of scarps, and the direction of movement of landslides, within the Elk River watershed in Humboldt County, California. This dataset is the product of the Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey’s (CGS) investigation of landslides in the Elk River watershed. The 52 square mile study area is located in Humboldt County in northwestern California. The investigation was based on interpretation of 1940, 1941, 1948, 1954, 1962, 1965, 1984, 1988, 1996 and 2000 aerial photos, findings from CGS’s landslide mapping conducted in the early 1980s (Kilbourne, R.T. 1982-84, Manson, M. W. 1984), as well as other sources. Mapping was conducted at 1:24,000 scale. The resulting maps are titled “Geologic and Geomorphic Features Related to Landsliding, Elk River Watershed” (Plate 1) and “Relative Landslide Potential with Geologic and Geomorphic Features, Elk River Watershed” map (Plate 2). This study was conducted at a regional scale of mapping using ten sets of aerial photos combined with a compilation of earlier published and unpublished work. Other photo sets may reveal additional landslides. The regional nature of the study makes the data and maps, including the relative landslide potential zones, inappropriate as a substitute for site-specific analysis. CGS evaluated the geology, relative slope stability and geomorphic characteristics within the watershed, and compiled the digital geospatial data described in this document. This mapping and compilation is geared toward providing baseline geologic and geomorphic data to aid in responsible land management, as well as the development of watershed restoration projects, watershed management strategies, and watershed plans. Initial checking of attributes was conducted by the geologists who mapped the features. Limited field assessment of attributes was completed. The 'confidence' attribute indicates the geologist's level of certainty in a given feature (typically as viewed through a stereoscope). Peer reviewers and GIS staff conducted additional quality control. Because the attribute fields are designed to address various types of mapping products, and because some data is compiled from other sources, not all attribute fields are populated. Marshall, G., Mendes, E., California Geological Survey and California Dept. of Conservation. (2005). Landslide Symbology, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000 California Geological Survey. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/zw511ck2079. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Topographic Contours, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000
- Line data
- 2005
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This line shapefile depicts contains topographic contours of the Elk River watershed in Humboldt County, California. These countours were derived from a 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle map originally produced by the US Geological Survey. This dataset is the product of the Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey’s (CGS) investigation of landslides in the Elk River watershed. The 52 square mile study area is located in Humboldt County in northwestern California. The investigation was based on interpretation of 1940, 1941, 1948, 1954, 1962, 1965, 1984, 1988, 1996 and 2000 aerial photos, findings from CGS’s landslide mapping conducted in the early 1980s (Kilbourne, R.T. 1982-84, Manson, M. W. 1984), as well as other sources. Mapping was conducted at 1:24,000 scale. The resulting maps are titled “Geologic and Geomorphic Features Related to Landsliding, Elk River Watershed” (Plate 1) and “Relative Landslide Potential with Geologic and Geomorphic Features, Elk River Watershed” map (Plate 2). This study was conducted at a regional scale of mapping using ten sets of aerial photos combined with a compilation of earlier published and unpublished work. Other photo sets may reveal additional landslides. The regional nature of the study makes the data and maps, including the relative landslide potential zones, inappropriate as a substitute for site-specific analysis. CGS evaluated the geology, relative slope stability and geomorphic characteristics within the watershed, and compiled the digital geospatial data described in this document. This mapping and compilation is geared toward providing baseline geologic and geomorphic data to aid in responsible land management, as well as the development of watershed restoration projects, watershed management strategies, and watershed plans. Initial checking of attributes was conducted by the geologists who mapped the features. Limited field assessment of attributes was completed. The 'confidence' attribute indicates the geologist's level of certainty in a given feature (typically as viewed through a stereoscope). Peer reviewers and GIS staff conducted additional quality control. Because the attribute fields are designed to address various types of mapping products, and because some data is compiled from other sources, not all attribute fields are populated. Marshall, G., Mendes, E., California Geological Survey and California Dept. of Conservation. (2005). Topographic Contours, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000 California Geological Survey. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/vv491fg9036. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Active and Dormant Landslides (Small), Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000
- Point data
- 2005
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This point shapefile depicts smaller active and dormant landslides within the Elk River watershed in Humboldt County, California. Features shown here represent landslides too small to delineate at 1:24,000 scale (typically less than 1/5 acre in area or less than 150 feet in length). These features are considered historically active (estimated to have moved within approxiamtely the past 150 years). This dataset is the product of the Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey’s (CGS) investigation of landslides in the Elk River watershed. The 52 square mile study area is located in Humboldt County in northwestern California. The investigation was based on interpretation of 1940, 1941, 1948, 1954, 1962, 1965, 1984, 1988, 1996 and 2000 aerial photos, findings from CGS’s landslide mapping conducted in the early 1980s (Kilbourne, R.T. 1982-84, Manson, M. W. 1984), as well as other sources. Mapping was conducted at 1:24,000 scale. The resulting maps are titled “Geologic and Geomorphic Features Related to Landsliding, Elk River Watershed” (Plate 1) and “Relative Landslide Potential with Geologic and Geomorphic Features, Elk River Watershed” map (Plate 2). This study was conducted at a regional scale of mapping using ten sets of aerial photos combined with a compilation of earlier published and unpublished work. Other photo sets may reveal additional landslides. The regional nature of the study makes the data and maps, including the relative landslide potential zones, inappropriate as a substitute for site-specific analysis. CGS evaluated the geology, relative slope stability and geomorphic characteristics within the watershed, and compiled the digital geospatial data described in this document. This mapping and compilation is geared toward providing baseline geologic and geomorphic data to aid in responsible land management, as well as the development of watershed restoration projects, watershed management strategies, and watershed plans. Initial checking of attributes was conducted by the geologists who mapped the features. Limited field assessment of attributes was completed. The 'confidence' attribute indicates the geologist's level of certainty in a given feature (typically as viewed through a stereoscope). Peer reviewers and GIS staff conducted additional quality control. Because the attribute fields are designed to address various types of mapping products, and because some data is compiled from other sources, not all attribute fields are populated. Marshall, G., Mendes, E., California Geological Survey and California Dept. of Conservation. (2005). Active and Dormant Landslides (Small), Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000 California Geological Survey. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/cg523fv1736. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Waterbodies, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000
- Line data
- 2005
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This line shapefile depicts bodies of water, such as rivers, streams, creeks, channels, and sloughs, within the Elk River watershed in Humboldt County, California. This dataset is the product of the Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey’s (CGS) investigation of landslides in the Elk River watershed. The 52 square mile study area is located in Humboldt County in northwestern California. The investigation was based on interpretation of 1940, 1941, 1948, 1954, 1962, 1965, 1984, 1988, 1996 and 2000 aerial photos, findings from CGS’s landslide mapping conducted in the early 1980s (Kilbourne, R.T. 1982-84, Manson, M. W. 1984), as well as other sources. Mapping was conducted at 1:24,000 scale. The resulting maps are titled “Geologic and Geomorphic Features Related to Landsliding, Elk River Watershed” (Plate 1) and “Relative Landslide Potential with Geologic and Geomorphic Features, Elk River Watershed” map (Plate 2). This study was conducted at a regional scale of mapping using ten sets of aerial photos combined with a compilation of earlier published and unpublished work. Other photo sets may reveal additional landslides. The regional nature of the study makes the data and maps, including the relative landslide potential zones, inappropriate as a substitute for site-specific analysis. CGS evaluated the geology, relative slope stability and geomorphic characteristics within the watershed, and compiled the digital geospatial data described in this document. This mapping and compilation is geared toward providing baseline geologic and geomorphic data to aid in responsible land management, as well as the development of watershed restoration projects, watershed management strategies, and watershed plans. Initial checking of attributes was conducted by the geologists who mapped the features. Limited field assessment of attributes was completed. The 'confidence' attribute indicates the geologist's level of certainty in a given feature (typically as viewed through a stereoscope). Peer reviewers and GIS staff conducted additional quality control. Because the attribute fields are designed to address various types of mapping products, and because some data is compiled from other sources, not all attribute fields are populated. Marshall, G., Mendes, E., California Geological Survey and California Dept. of Conservation. (2005). Waterbodies, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000 California Geological Survey. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/rk814ny3605. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Inner Gorges, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000
- Line data
- 2005
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This line shapefile depicts inner gorges within the Elk River watershed in Humboldt County, California. Inner gorges are geomorphic features consisting of steep slopes adjacent to channels. This dataset is the product of the Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey’s (CGS) investigation of landslides in the Elk River watershed. The 52 square mile study area is located in Humboldt County in northwestern California. The investigation was based on interpretation of 1940, 1941, 1948, 1954, 1962, 1965, 1984, 1988, 1996 and 2000 aerial photos, findings from CGS’s landslide mapping conducted in the early 1980s (Kilbourne, R.T. 1982-84, Manson, M. W. 1984), as well as other sources. Mapping was conducted at 1:24,000 scale. The resulting maps are titled “Geologic and Geomorphic Features Related to Landsliding, Elk River Watershed” (Plate 1) and “Relative Landslide Potential with Geologic and Geomorphic Features, Elk River Watershed” map (Plate 2). This study was conducted at a regional scale of mapping using ten sets of aerial photos combined with a compilation of earlier published and unpublished work. Other photo sets may reveal additional landslides. The regional nature of the study makes the data and maps, including the relative landslide potential zones, inappropriate as a substitute for site-specific analysis. CGS evaluated the geology, relative slope stability and geomorphic characteristics within the watershed, and compiled the digital geospatial data described in this document. This mapping and compilation is geared toward providing baseline geologic and geomorphic data to aid in responsible land management, as well as the development of watershed restoration projects, watershed management strategies, and watershed plans. Initial checking of attributes was conducted by the geologists who mapped the features. Limited field assessment of attributes was completed. The 'confidence' attribute indicates the geologist's level of certainty in a given feature (typically as viewed through a stereoscope). Peer reviewers and GIS staff conducted additional quality control. Because the attribute fields are designed to address various types of mapping products, and because some data is compiled from other sources, not all attribute fields are populated. Marshall, G., Mendes, E., California Geological Survey and California Dept. of Conservation. (2005). Inner Gorges, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000 California Geological Survey. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/qj727wm7589. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Disrupted Ground Regions, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000
- Polygon data
- 2005
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This polygon shapefile depicts disrupted ground within the Elk River watershed in Humboldt County, California. Disrupted ground consists of debris slide ampitheaters, slopes and inner gorges, they are not technically landslides, but features formed by landslide processes. This dataset is the product of the Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey’s (CGS) investigation of landslides in the Elk River watershed. The 52 square mile study area is located in Humboldt County in northwestern California. The investigation was based on interpretation of 1940, 1941, 1948, 1954, 1962, 1965, 1984, 1988, 1996 and 2000 aerial photos, findings from CGS’s landslide mapping conducted in the early 1980s (Kilbourne, R.T. 1982-84, Manson, M. W. 1984), as well as other sources. Mapping was conducted at 1:24,000 scale. The resulting maps are titled “Geologic and Geomorphic Features Related to Landsliding, Elk River Watershed” (Plate 1) and “Relative Landslide Potential with Geologic and Geomorphic Features, Elk River Watershed” map (Plate 2). This study was conducted at a regional scale of mapping using ten sets of aerial photos combined with a compilation of earlier published and unpublished work. Other photo sets may reveal additional landslides. The regional nature of the study makes the data and maps, including the relative landslide potential zones, inappropriate as a substitute for site-specific analysis. CGS evaluated the geology, relative slope stability and geomorphic characteristics within the watershed, and compiled the digital geospatial data described in this document. This mapping and compilation is geared toward providing baseline geologic and geomorphic data to aid in responsible land management, as well as the development of watershed restoration projects, watershed management strategies, and watershed plans. Initial checking of attributes was conducted by the geologists who mapped the features. Limited field assessment of attributes was completed. The 'confidence' attribute indicates the geologist's level of certainty in a given feature (typically as viewed through a stereoscope). Peer reviewers and GIS staff conducted additional quality control. Because the attribute fields are designed to address various types of mapping products, and because some data is compiled from other sources, not all attribute fields are populated. Marshall, G., Mendes, E., California Geological Survey and California Dept. of Conservation. (2005). Disrupted Ground Regions, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000 California Geological Survey. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/kx553gx2645. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Hillshade Topography, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000
- Raster data
- 2005
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This raster dataset contains topographic hillshade for the Elk River watershed in Humboldt County, California. This dataset is the product of the Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey’s (CGS) investigation of landslides in the Elk River watershed. The 52 square mile study area is located in Humboldt County in northwestern California. The investigation was based on interpretation of 1940, 1941, 1948, 1954, 1962, 1965, 1984, 1988, 1996 and 2000 aerial photos, findings from CGS’s landslide mapping conducted in the early 1980s (Kilbourne, R.T. 1982-84, Manson, M. W. 1984), as well as other sources. Mapping was conducted at 1:24,000 scale. The resulting maps are titled “Geologic and Geomorphic Features Related to Landsliding, Elk River Watershed” (Plate 1) and “Relative Landslide Potential with Geologic and Geomorphic Features, Elk River Watershed” map (Plate 2). This study was conducted at a regional scale of mapping using ten sets of aerial photos combined with a compilation of earlier published and unpublished work. Other photo sets may reveal additional landslides. The regional nature of the study makes the data and maps, including the relative landslide potential zones, inappropriate as a substitute for site-specific analysis. CGS evaluated the geology, relative slope stability and geomorphic characteristics within the watershed, and compiled the digital geospatial data described in this document. This mapping and compilation is geared toward providing baseline geologic and geomorphic data to aid in responsible land management, as well as the development of watershed restoration projects, watershed management strategies, and watershed plans. Initial checking of attributes was conducted by the geologists who mapped the features. Limited field assessment of attributes was completed. The 'confidence' attribute indicates the geologist's level of certainty in a given feature (typically as viewed through a stereoscope). Peer reviewers and GIS staff conducted additional quality control. Because the attribute fields are designed to address various types of mapping products, and because some data is compiled from other sources, not all attribute fields are populated. Marshall, G., Mendes, E., California Geological Survey and California Dept. of Conservation. (2005). Hillshade Topography, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000 California Geological Survey. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/fn375hb7028. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Geologic Structures, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000
- Point data
- 2005
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This point shapefile represents geologic structures, such as quarries and bedding, within the Elk River watershed in Humboldt County, California. This dataset is the product of the Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey’s (CGS) investigation of landslides in the Elk River watershed. The 52 square mile study area is located in Humboldt County in northwestern California. The investigation was based on interpretation of 1940, 1941, 1948, 1954, 1962, 1965, 1984, 1988, 1996 and 2000 aerial photos, findings from CGS’s landslide mapping conducted in the early 1980s (Kilbourne, R.T. 1982-84, Manson, M. W. 1984), as well as other sources. Mapping was conducted at 1:24,000 scale. The resulting maps are titled “Geologic and Geomorphic Features Related to Landsliding, Elk River Watershed” (Plate 1) and “Relative Landslide Potential with Geologic and Geomorphic Features, Elk River Watershed” map (Plate 2). This study was conducted at a regional scale of mapping using ten sets of aerial photos combined with a compilation of earlier published and unpublished work. Other photo sets may reveal additional landslides. The regional nature of the study makes the data and maps, including the relative landslide potential zones, inappropriate as a substitute for site-specific analysis. CGS evaluated the geology, relative slope stability and geomorphic characteristics within the watershed, and compiled the digital geospatial data described in this document. This mapping and compilation is geared toward providing baseline geologic and geomorphic data to aid in responsible land management, as well as the development of watershed restoration projects, watershed management strategies, and watershed plans. Initial checking of attributes was conducted by the geologists who mapped the features. Limited field assessment of attributes was completed. The 'confidence' attribute indicates the geologist's level of certainty in a given feature (typically as viewed through a stereoscope). Peer reviewers and GIS staff conducted additional quality control. Because the attribute fields are designed to address various types of mapping products, and because some data is compiled from other sources, not all attribute fields are populated. Marshall, G., Mendes, E., California Geological Survey and California Dept. of Conservation. (2005). Geologic Structures, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000 California Geological Survey. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/rm725tv4032. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Digital Elevation Model, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000
- Raster data
- 2005
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This raster dataset contains a 10-meter resolution digital elevation model (DEM) of the Elk River watershed in Humboldt County, California. This dataset was generated from 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle maps originally produced by the US Geological Survey. This dataset is the product of the Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey’s (CGS) investigation of landslides in the Elk River watershed. The 52 square mile study area is located in Humboldt County in northwestern California. The investigation was based on interpretation of 1940, 1941, 1948, 1954, 1962, 1965, 1984, 1988, 1996 and 2000 aerial photos, findings from CGS’s landslide mapping conducted in the early 1980s (Kilbourne, R.T. 1982-84, Manson, M. W. 1984), as well as other sources. Mapping was conducted at 1:24,000 scale. The resulting maps are titled “Geologic and Geomorphic Features Related to Landsliding, Elk River Watershed” (Plate 1) and “Relative Landslide Potential with Geologic and Geomorphic Features, Elk River Watershed” map (Plate 2). This study was conducted at a regional scale of mapping using ten sets of aerial photos combined with a compilation of earlier published and unpublished work. Other photo sets may reveal additional landslides. The regional nature of the study makes the data and maps, including the relative landslide potential zones, inappropriate as a substitute for site-specific analysis. CGS evaluated the geology, relative slope stability and geomorphic characteristics within the watershed, and compiled the digital geospatial data described in this document. This mapping and compilation is geared toward providing baseline geologic and geomorphic data to aid in responsible land management, as well as the development of watershed restoration projects, watershed management strategies, and watershed plans. Initial checking of attributes was conducted by the geologists who mapped the features. Limited field assessment of attributes was completed. The 'confidence' attribute indicates the geologist's level of certainty in a given feature (typically as viewed through a stereoscope). Peer reviewers and GIS staff conducted additional quality control. Because the attribute fields are designed to address various types of mapping products, and because some data is compiled from other sources, not all attribute fields are populated. Marshall, G., Mendes, E., California Geological Survey and California Dept. of Conservation. (2005). Digital Elevation Model, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000 California Geological Survey. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/rm995qy7357. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Active and Dormant Landslides, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000
- Polygon data
- 2005
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This polygon shapefile depicts active and dormant landslides within the Elk River watershed in Humboldt County, California. This layer does not include features that are less that 1/5 acre or less than 150 feet in length. This dataset is the product of the Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey’s (CGS) investigation of landslides in the Elk River watershed. The 52 square mile study area is located in Humboldt County in northwestern California. The investigation was based on interpretation of 1940, 1941, 1948, 1954, 1962, 1965, 1984, 1988, 1996 and 2000 aerial photos, findings from CGS’s landslide mapping conducted in the early 1980s (Kilbourne, R.T. 1982-84, Manson, M. W. 1984), as well as other sources. Mapping was conducted at 1:24,000 scale. The resulting maps are titled “Geologic and Geomorphic Features Related to Landsliding, Elk River Watershed” (Plate 1) and “Relative Landslide Potential with Geologic and Geomorphic Features, Elk River Watershed” map (Plate 2). This study was conducted at a regional scale of mapping using ten sets of aerial photos combined with a compilation of earlier published and unpublished work. Other photo sets may reveal additional landslides. The regional nature of the study makes the data and maps, including the relative landslide potential zones, inappropriate as a substitute for site-specific analysis. CGS evaluated the geology, relative slope stability and geomorphic characteristics within the watershed, and compiled the digital geospatial data described in this document. This mapping and compilation is geared toward providing baseline geologic and geomorphic data to aid in responsible land management, as well as the development of watershed restoration projects, watershed management strategies, and watershed plans. Initial checking of attributes was conducted by the geologists who mapped the features. Limited field assessment of attributes was completed. The 'confidence' attribute indicates the geologist's level of certainty in a given feature (typically as viewed through a stereoscope). Peer reviewers and GIS staff conducted additional quality control. Because the attribute fields are designed to address various types of mapping products, and because some data is compiled from other sources, not all attribute fields are populated. Marshall, G., Mendes, E., California Geological Survey and California Dept. of Conservation. (2005). Active and Dormant Landslides, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000 California Geological Survey. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/vs864ps8635. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Contacts and Faults, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000
- Line data
- 2005
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This line shapefile depicts contacts and faults within the Elk River watershed in Humboldt County, California. This dataset is the product of the Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey’s (CGS) investigation of landslides in the Elk River watershed. The 52 square mile study area is located in Humboldt County in northwestern California. The investigation was based on interpretation of 1940, 1941, 1948, 1954, 1962, 1965, 1984, 1988, 1996 and 2000 aerial photos, findings from CGS’s landslide mapping conducted in the early 1980s (Kilbourne, R.T. 1982-84, Manson, M. W. 1984), as well as other sources. Mapping was conducted at 1:24,000 scale. The resulting maps are titled “Geologic and Geomorphic Features Related to Landsliding, Elk River Watershed” (Plate 1) and “Relative Landslide Potential with Geologic and Geomorphic Features, Elk River Watershed” map (Plate 2). This study was conducted at a regional scale of mapping using ten sets of aerial photos combined with a compilation of earlier published and unpublished work. Other photo sets may reveal additional landslides. The regional nature of the study makes the data and maps, including the relative landslide potential zones, inappropriate as a substitute for site-specific analysis. CGS evaluated the geology, relative slope stability and geomorphic characteristics within the watershed, and compiled the digital geospatial data described in this document. This mapping and compilation is geared toward providing baseline geologic and geomorphic data to aid in responsible land management, as well as the development of watershed restoration projects, watershed management strategies, and watershed plans. Initial checking of attributes was conducted by the geologists who mapped the features. Limited field assessment of attributes was completed. The 'confidence' attribute indicates the geologist's level of certainty in a given feature (typically as viewed through a stereoscope). Peer reviewers and GIS staff conducted additional quality control. Because the attribute fields are designed to address various types of mapping products, and because some data is compiled from other sources, not all attribute fields are populated. Marshall, G., Mendes, E., California Geological Survey and California Dept. of Conservation. (2005). Contacts and Faults, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000 California Geological Survey. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/gv053qt8274. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Geologic Units, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000
- Polygon data
- 2005
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This polygon shapefile depicts geologic units within the Elk River watershed in Humboldt County, California. This dataset is the product of the Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey’s (CGS) investigation of landslides in the Elk River watershed. The 52 square mile study area is located in Humboldt County in northwestern California. The investigation was based on interpretation of 1940, 1941, 1948, 1954, 1962, 1965, 1984, 1988, 1996 and 2000 aerial photos, findings from CGS’s landslide mapping conducted in the early 1980s (Kilbourne, R.T. 1982-84, Manson, M. W. 1984), as well as other sources. Mapping was conducted at 1:24,000 scale. The resulting maps are titled “Geologic and Geomorphic Features Related to Landsliding, Elk River Watershed” (Plate 1) and “Relative Landslide Potential with Geologic and Geomorphic Features, Elk River Watershed” map (Plate 2). This study was conducted at a regional scale of mapping using ten sets of aerial photos combined with a compilation of earlier published and unpublished work. Other photo sets may reveal additional landslides. The regional nature of the study makes the data and maps, including the relative landslide potential zones, inappropriate as a substitute for site-specific analysis. CGS evaluated the geology, relative slope stability and geomorphic characteristics within the watershed, and compiled the digital geospatial data described in this document. This mapping and compilation is geared toward providing baseline geologic and geomorphic data to aid in responsible land management, as well as the development of watershed restoration projects, watershed management strategies, and watershed plans. Initial checking of attributes was conducted by the geologists who mapped the features. Limited field assessment of attributes was completed. The 'confidence' attribute indicates the geologist's level of certainty in a given feature (typically as viewed through a stereoscope). Peer reviewers and GIS staff conducted additional quality control. Because the attribute fields are designed to address various types of mapping products, and because some data is compiled from other sources, not all attribute fields are populated. Marshall, G., Mendes, E., California Geological Survey and California Dept. of Conservation. (2005). Geologic Units, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000 California Geological Survey. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/ym214py4303. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Debris Slide Slopes, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000
- Polygon data
- 2005
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This polygon shapefile depicts debris slide slopes within the Elk River watershed in Humboldt County, California. This dataset is the product of the Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey’s (CGS) investigation of landslides in the Elk River watershed. The 52 square mile study area is located in Humboldt County in northwestern California. The investigation was based on interpretation of 1940, 1941, 1948, 1954, 1962, 1965, 1984, 1988, 1996 and 2000 aerial photos, findings from CGS’s landslide mapping conducted in the early 1980s (Kilbourne, R.T. 1982-84, Manson, M. W. 1984), as well as other sources. Mapping was conducted at 1:24,000 scale. The resulting maps are titled “Geologic and Geomorphic Features Related to Landsliding, Elk River Watershed” (Plate 1) and “Relative Landslide Potential with Geologic and Geomorphic Features, Elk River Watershed” map (Plate 2). This study was conducted at a regional scale of mapping using ten sets of aerial photos combined with a compilation of earlier published and unpublished work. Other photo sets may reveal additional landslides. The regional nature of the study makes the data and maps, including the relative landslide potential zones, inappropriate as a substitute for site-specific analysis. CGS evaluated the geology, relative slope stability and geomorphic characteristics within the watershed, and compiled the digital geospatial data described in this document. This mapping and compilation is geared toward providing baseline geologic and geomorphic data to aid in responsible land management, as well as the development of watershed restoration projects, watershed management strategies, and watershed plans. Initial checking of attributes was conducted by the geologists who mapped the features. Limited field assessment of attributes was completed. The 'confidence' attribute indicates the geologist's level of certainty in a given feature (typically as viewed through a stereoscope). Peer reviewers and GIS staff conducted additional quality control. Because the attribute fields are designed to address various types of mapping products, and because some data is compiled from other sources, not all attribute fields are populated. Marshall, G., Mendes, E., California Geological Survey and California Dept. of Conservation. (2005). Debris Slide Slopes, Elk River Watershed, California, 1940-2000 California Geological Survey. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/zq506gv3940. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Maps and GIS data for the Albion River Watershed, Mendocino County, California
- Not specified
- 2004
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This collection of vector and raster data layers contain the results of landslide mapping of the Albion River Watershed, Mendocino County, California; includes geologic and geomorphic features related to landsliding and relative landslide potential. by M.S. Fuller ... [et al.]. Title from disc label. Relief shown by contours. "December 2004." System requirements: Intel Pentium processor Macintosh Power PC or later with CD-ROM drive; Acrobat Reader (included on disc).
Title: Maps and GIS data for the Albion River Watershed, Mendocino County, California
- Not specified
- 2004
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This collection of vector and raster data layers contain the results of landslide mapping of the Albion River Watershed, Mendocino County, California; includes geologic and geomorphic features related to landsliding and relative landslide potential. Title from disc label. Relief shown by contours. "December 2004." System requirements: Intel Pentium processor Macintosh Power PC or later with CD-ROM drive; Acrobat Reader (included on disc). by M.S. Fuller ... [et al.].
Title: Map showing points of interest in Indiana
- Not specified
- 1928
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Panel title.; Includes index to points of interest.; Tourist information on verso. 63 x 40 centimeters on sheet 87 x 56 centimeters Scale approximately 1:800,000 General Map Collection