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  1. Title: Tacoma 1889


    Summary: Surrounded by 19 vignettes, mostly commercial buildings. "Explanatory" key to 88 places in bottom margin. "This birds eye view of Tacoma is issued by Geo. W. Traver ... "at top center. "Litho "Elliott Pub. Co." 120 Sutter St. S.F." 1 view; 32 x 73 cm.

  2. Title: Amazon Basin, South America, 1853 (Raster Image)


    Summary: This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Map of the valley of the Amazon : to accompany Lt. Herndon's report, drawn by H.C. Elliot. It was published by A. Hoen in 1853. Scale [ca. 1:6,750,000]. Covers the Amazon River Basin, South America. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the 'World Mercator' projection. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, exploration routes of William Lewis Herndon and Lardner Gibbon, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Includes vertical section of route from Callo to Para. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection and the Harvard University Library as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Organizing Our World: Sponsored Exploration and Scientific Discovery in the Modern Age. Maps selected for the project correspond to various expeditions and represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.

  3. Title: A survey of Great Courland Bay in the Island of Tobago


    Summary: Shows the coastline of Great Courland Bay, Tobago. Relief shown pictorially; depths shown by soundings. "505." In lower right-hand corner: Hydrographical Office.

  4. Title: World Water Bodies, 2013


    Summary: This polygon shapefile represents the open water rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans of the world at 1:250,000 scale. This layer is part of the 2014 ESRI Data and Maps collection for ArcGIS 10.2. World Water Bodies provides a base map layer for the lakes, seas, oceans, and large rivers of the world. DeLorme Publishing Company and ESRI. (2014). World Water Bodies, 2013. ESRI. Available at:

  5. Title: World Airports, 2013


    Summary: This point shapefile represents the airport locations of the world at 1:250,000 scale. This layer is part of the 2014 ESRI Data and Maps collection for ArcGIS 10.2. World Airports provides a base map layer for the airport locations of the world. DeLorme Publishing Company and ESRI. (2014). World Airports, 2013. ESRI. Available at:

  6. Title: World Roads, 2013


    Summary: This line shapefile represents the roads and ferries of the world at 1:250,000 scale. This layer is part of the 2014 ESRI Data and Maps collection for ArcGIS 10.2. World Roads provides a base map layer for the roads and ferries of the world. DeLorme Publishing Company and ESRI. (2014). World Roads, 2013. ESRI. Available at:

  7. Title: World Administrative Divisions (Disputed Boundaries), 2013


    Summary: This line shapefile represents the disputed boundaries of the world. This layer is part of the 2014 ESRI Data and Maps collection for ArcGIS 10.2. World Administrative Divisions (Disputed Boundaries) provides a layer that accompanies the first-level administrative divisions of the world for dealing with disputed boundaries, or boundaries that consist of a fence or other feature. Included are fields with notes identifying disputed boundaries and description information. DeLorme Publishing Company and ESRI. (2014). World Administrative Divisions (Disputed Boundaries), 2013. ESRI. Available at:

  8. Title: World Urban Areas, 2013


    Summary: This polygon shapefile represents the urban areas of the world with populations of more than 10,000. This layer is part of the 2014 ESRI Data and Maps collection for ArcGIS 10.2. World Urban Areas provides a base map layer for the urban areas of the world. DeLorme Publishing Company and ESRI. (2014). World Urban Areas, 2013. ESRI. Available at:

  9. Title: World Railroads, 2013


    Summary: This line shapefile represents the railroads of the world at 1:250,000 scale. This layer is part of the 2014 ESRI Data and Maps collection for ArcGIS 10.2. World Railroads provides a base map layer for the railroads of the world. DeLorme Publishing Company; ESRI. (2014). World Railroads, 2013. ESRI. Available at:

  10. Title: World Elevation Contours, 2013


    Summary: This line shapefile represents the 600-meter interval contour lines of the world. This layer is part of the 2014 ESRI Data and Maps collection for ArcGIS 10.2. World Elevation Contours provides a base map layer for the contours of the world. DeLorme Publishing Company and ESRI. (2014). World Elevation Contours, 2013. ESRI. Available at:

  11. Title: World Populated Places, 2013


    Summary: This point shapefile represents the locations of the populated places of the world at 1:250,000 scale. This layer is part of the 2014 ESRI Data and Maps collection for ArcGIS 10.2. World Populated Places provides a base map layer for the populated places of the world. DeLorme Publishing Company; ESRI. (2014). World Populated Places, 2013. ESRI. Available at:

  12. Title: World Countries, 2013-2014


    Summary: This polygon shapefile represents the boundaries for the countries of the world at 1:15,000,000 scale. This layer is part of the 2014 ESRI Data and Maps collection for ArcGIS 10.2. World Countries provides a basemap layer for the countries of the world. It has been designed to be used as a basemap that can be easily edited. Included are fields for name, ISO code, continent, and land type and rank. DeLorme Publishing Company and ESRI. (2014). World Countries, 2013-2014. ESRI. Available at:

  13. Title: World Linear Water, 2013


    Summary: This line shapefile represents the rivers and streams of the world at 1:250,000 scale. These rivers and streams are too narrow to be represented as polygons. This layer is part of the 2014 ESRI Data and Maps collection for ArcGIS 10.2. World Linear Water provides a base map layer for the rivers and streams of the world. DeLorme Publishing Company and ESRI. (2014). World Linear Water, 2013. ESRI. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  14. Title: World Administrative Boundaries, 2013-2014


    Summary: This polygon shapefile represents the boundaries for the first-level administrative divisions of the world at 1:10,000,000 scale. This layer is part of the 2014 ESRI Data and Maps collection for ArcGIS 10.2. World Administrative Divisions provides a basemap layer for the first-level administrative divisions of the world. It has been designed to be used as a basemap that can be easily edited. Included are fields for name and ISO codes, along with notes identifying disputed boundaries and continent information. DeLorme Publishing Company and ESRI. (2014). World Administrative Boundaries, 2013-2014. ESRI. Available at:

  15. Title: World Urban Areas : ESRI Data & Maps 2010


    Summary: World Urban Areas represents the major urban areas of the world.

  16. Title: World Airports : ESRI Data & Maps 2010


    Summary: World Airports represents the airports of the world.

  17. Title: World Linear Water : ESRI Data & Maps 2010


    Summary: World Linear Water represents the narrow rivers and streams of the world.

  18. Title: World Water Bodies : ESRI Data & Maps 2010


    Summary: World Water Bodies represents the open water rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans of the world.

  19. Title: World Roads : ESRI Data & Maps 2010


    Summary: World Roads represents the major roads and ferries of the world.

  20. Title: World Populated Places : ESRI Data & Maps 2010


    Summary: World Populated Places represents the populated places as points in the world.

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