1,338 results returned
Title: Hydrogeology of the Paleozoic bedrock in southeastern Minnesota, RI-61, Plate 2
- Not specified
- 2003
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
- Alexander, E. C., Jr.
- Alexander, Scott C. (Geologist)
- Green, Jeffery A.
- Mossler, John H.
- Runkel, Anthony C.
- Tipping, Robert G.
Summary: Cross section of Paleozoic bedrock from central Mower County east showing hydrostratigraphic (water bearing rock units) attributes and classification of aquifers and confining units (rock units that prevent water movement in the vertical direction), scale 1 inch = about 7 miles.
Title: Hydrogeology of the Paleozoic bedrock in southeastern Minnesota, RI-61, Plate 1
- Not specified
- 2003
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
- Alexander, E. C., Jr.
- Alexander, Scott C. (Geologist)
- Green, Jeffery A.
- Mossler, John H.
- Runkel, Anthony C.
- Tipping, Robert G.
Summary: Cross section of Paleozoic bedrock from the northern part of the Twin Cities Metropolitan area south to central Mower County showing hydrostratigraphic (water bearing rock units) attributes and classification of aquifers and confining units (rock units that prevent water movement in the vertical direction), scale 1 inch = about 7 miles.
Title: Geologic atlas of Goodhue County, Minnesota, C-12, Part B, Plate 10, Sinkholes, Sinkhole Probability, and Springs and Seeps
- Not specified
- 2003
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Maps showing distribution of karst (carbonate rock with caves, springs) units and features and karst hydrology in carbonate rocks susceptible to being dissolved by acidic ground water, scale 1:100000, Goodhue County.
Title: Geologic atlas of Mower County, Minnesota, C-11, Part B, Plate 10, Karst Hydrogeomorphic Units
- Not specified
- 2002
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
- Alexander, E. C., Jr.
- Alexander, Scott C. (Geologist)
- Falteisek, Jan
- Green, Jeffrey A.
- Marken, William J.
Summary: Maps showing distribution of karst (carbonate rock with caves, springs) units and features and karst hydrology in carbonate rocks susceptible to being dissolved by acidic ground water, scale 1:100000, Mower County.
Title: Geologic atlas of Mower County, Minnesota, C-11, Part B, Plate 8, Ground-Water Flow in Bedrock Aquifers
- Not specified
- 2002
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Maps and cross sections detailing how and when ground water moves through the bedrock aquifers, scale 1:67,000, Mower County.
Title: Geologic atlas of Wabasha County, Minnesota, C-14, Part A, Plate 5, Karst Features
- Not specified
- 2001
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Maps showing distribution of karst (carbonate rock with caves, springs) rock units and features and karst hydrology, including springs (water emerging from the ground) and stream sinks (water sinking into the ground), in carbonate rocks susceptible to being dissolved by acidic ground water, scale 1:100000, Wabasha County.
Title: Geologic atlas of Fillmore County, Minnesota, C-8, Part B, Plate 9, Springsheds
- Not specified
- 1996
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
- Alexander, E. C., Jr.
- Alexander, Scott C. (Geologist)
- Falteisek, Jan
- Green, Jeffrey A.
- Spong, Ronald C.
Summary: Map showing the locations of springs and seeps and the interaction of surface drainage, karst (carbonate rock with caves, springs) ground water and subsurface flow, scale 1:100,000, Fillmore County.
Title: Hydro (Polygon) Green County, WI 2024
- Polygon data
- 2024
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents hydrography for Green County, Wisconsin in 2024. [Includes small ponds, which in some cases may be intermittent. Also includes oxbows. Some feature digitization is from unknown source. Many features were digitized by the County on 2017 WROC photo background or 2011 Ayres LiDAR background. All features have been inspected by the County at a scale of 1:5000 or better. Only the largest lakes are populated for name field (although most features would not have a geographic name).]
Title: Parks Green County, WI 2024
- Polygon data
- 2024
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data layer represents parks for Green County, Wisconsin in 2024.
Title: Zoning Green County, WI 2024
- Polygon data
- 2024
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represent zoning for Green County, Wisconsin in 2024 and includes the layers 'GREEN_GENERAL_2024', 'GREEN_SHORELAND_2024', and 'GREEN_AIRPORT_2024'. [General: County jurisdiction zoning combined with municipal zoning; boundaries.]
Title: PLSS Green County, WI 2024
- Point data
- 2024
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents public land survey system (PLSS) corners for Green County, Wisconsin in 2024.
Title: Roads Green County, WI 2024
- Line data
- 2024
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents roads for Green County, Wisconsin in 2024.
Title: Addresses Green County, WI 2024
- Point data
- 2024
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents addresses for Green County, Wisconsin in 2024. [Address points. Per Sentryx, since replaced by Flex. Maintained for web mapping. To be used by Green County Sheriff's Dispatcher's through their third party E911 dispatching and reporting system created by Spillman Technologies. Data created in conjunction with State E911 update grant. Features were derived from a variety of sources including deeds, descriptions, subdivision maps, certified survey maps, easements, and right of way maps. These source materials were of varying scale and date. This coverage provides a representation of the geometry and topology of tax parcels within the County, and is suitable as a reference layer within the County's GIS.]
Title: Roads and ROW Green County, WI 2023
- Mixed
- 2023
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents roads and Right of Ways (ROW) for Green County, Wisconsin in 2023. [Roads: Streets / roads. Per Sentryx, since replaced by Flex. Maintained for web mapping. To be used by Green County Sheriff's Dispatcher's through their third party E911 dispatching and reporting system created by Spillman Technologies. Data created in conjunction with State E911 update grant. Features were derived from a variety of sources including deeds, descriptions, subdivision maps, certified survey maps, easements, and right of way maps. These source materials were of varying scale and date. This coverage provides a representation of the geometry and topology of tax parcels within the County, and is suitable as a reference layer within the County's GIS.ROW: Road right of ways reflecting varying degree of accuracy/understanding. Some right of ways depicted are based on plats or plan-sets, and some are based on standard widths (and the presumption of 'grandfathered' right of way).]
Title: Zoning Green County, WI 2023
- Polygon data
- 2023
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents general zoning for Green County. [General: County jurisdiction zoning combined with municipal zoning; boundaries.]
Title: Trails Green County, WI 2023
- Line data
- 2023
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents trails for Green County, Wisconsin in 2023.
Title: Parks Green County, WI 2023
- Polygon data
- 2023
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data layer represents parks for Green County, Wisconsin in 2023.
Title: PLSS Green County, WI 2023
- Point data
- 2023
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents public land survey system (PLSS) corners for Green County, Wisconsin in 2023.
Title: Hydro (Polygon) Green County, WI 2023
- Polygon data
- 2023
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents hydrography for Green County, Wisconsin in 2023. [Includes small ponds, which in some cases may be intermittent. Also includes oxbows. Some feature digitization is from unknown source. Many features were digitized by the County on 2017 WROC photo background or 2011 Ayres LiDAR background. All features have been inspected by the County at a scale of 1:5000 or better. Only the largest lakes are populated for name field (although most features would not have a geographic name).]
Title: Addresses Green County, WI 2023
- Point data
- 2023
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents addresses for Green County, Wisconsin in 2023. [Address points. Per Sentryx, since replaced by Flex. Maintained for web mapping. To be used by Green County Sheriff's Dispatcher's through their third party E911 dispatching and reporting system created by Spillman Technologies. Data created in conjunction with State E911 update grant. Features were derived from a variety of sources including deeds, descriptions, subdivision maps, certified survey maps, easements, and right of way maps. These source materials were of varying scale and date. This coverage provides a representation of the geometry and topology of tax parcels within the County, and is suitable as a reference layer within the County's GIS.]