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  1. Title: Massachusetts Tax Rates, 2000


    Summary: This datalayer is a polygon coverage for Massachusetts which will display town boundaries and tax rate statistics for Fiscal Year 2000. Tax rates for commercial, residential, industrial and other property types will be found in the attribute table. This layer was derived from the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas database published by the Harvard Map Collection in 2001. For more information on the definitions, data sources and process steps please read the 'Supplemental Information' and 'Data Quality' sections which follow. The Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library.

  2. Title: Massachusetts Tax Rates, 1988


    Summary: This datalayer is a polygon coverage for Massachusetts which will display town boundaries and tax rate statistics for Fiscal Year 2000. Tax rates for commercial, residential, industrial and other property types will be found in the attribute table. This layer was derived from the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas database published by the Harvard Map Collection in 2001. For more information on the definitions, data sources and process steps please read the 'Supplemental Information' and 'Data Quality' sections which follow. The Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library.

  3. Title: Massachusetts Airports, 1995


    Summary: This datalayer is a point coverage displaying location and additional information on airports throughout Massachusetts. This layer was derived from the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) which was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library. These data are an extract from the U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System December 1996 CD-ROM. The GNIS is a data system developed by the USGS in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names. The GNIS includes three databases: the National Geographic Names Data Base (NGNDB), the National Topographic Map Names Data Base (NTMNDB) and the Reference Data Base. The principal database in the GNIS is the National Geographic Names Data Base (NGMNDB) which includes known places, features, and areas of the United States that are identified by proper names. The primary source of these data are the USGS topographic map series. The GNIS feature class of AIRPORT is defined as any 'manmade facility maintained for the use of aircraft (airfield, airstrip, landing field, landing strip).'

  4. Title: Massachusetts Solid Waste Facilities, 1994


    Summary: This datalayer is a polygon coverage displaying Solid Waste Facilities throughout Massachusetts. The data here were originally produced by MassGIS. The Solid Waste Facility Datalayer was compiled by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Division of Solid Waste Management to track the locations of landfills, transfer stations, and combustion facilities. The datalayer contains the majority of the facilities currently regulated under DEP's solid waste regulations (310 CMR 16.00 & 19.00). The 554 polygons in the datalayer include thirteen specific types of solid waste facilities (see ATTRIBUTES below) Please Note: Although the majority of the polygons represent landfills, only a small fraction of those landfills are active. In addition, this datalayer does not contain all solid waste facilities known to DEP. The Mass GIS land-use datalayer has waste site and mining classifications which may represent landfills not in the solid waste datalayer. This layer was derived from the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) which was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library. For more information on the original MassGIS datalayer please consult their website at:

  5. Title: Massachusetts Day Care Slots, 1998-2001


    Summary: This datalayer is a polygon coverage representing available slots in licensed childcare facilties per town per year throughout Massachusetts. This layer was derived from the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas database published by the Harvard Map Collection in 2001. The Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library. Data here was orginally derived from the Massachusetts Office for Child Care Services

  6. Title: Massachusetts Railroad Stations, 1996


    Summary: This datalayer is a point coverage which displays Railroad Stations throughout the state of Massachusetts. This layer was derived from the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas database published by the Harvard Map Collection in 2001. The Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library. These data were originally compiled by the Center for Transportation and Public Safety (CTPS) from data provided by the Executive Office of Transportation (EOTC), the MBTA, and individual railroad operators; then supplied to MassGIS to create their 'TRAINS' datalayer. The ground condition reference date for this MassGIS layer is October, 1996. This file contains all the railroad stations for the entire state. Each station is given a CTPS id number. Unfortunately the name of the station is only provided for 95 of the 1307 stations. Additional names will be appended to this file as updates from CTPS are received.

  7. Title: Massachusetts Iowa basic Skills Test Scores


    Summary: This datalayer displays a polygon coverage for Massachusetts towns with associated attribute data on the average scores on the 'Iowa Test of Basic Skills' (ITBS) for children attending schools in towns includes inthe MAPC Region. The ITBS is a series of general achievement tests for grades three through eight. Along with others, such as the Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills and the Stanford Achievement Test Series, they are designed to measure how well a student has learned the basic knowledge and skills that are taught in elementary and middle schools, in such areas as reading and mathematics This dataset was originally prepared and distributed by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC). It was published as part of the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas database in 2001. The Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library. The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) is a regional planning agency representing 101 cities and towns in the metropolitan Boston area. Created by an act of the Legislature in 1963, it serves as a forum for state and local officials to address issues of regional importance. As one of 14 members of the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), MAPC has oversight responsibility for the region's federally funded transportation program Stretching west from Boston to include most of the communities inside the I-495 corridor, the MAPC planning area consists of 22 cities and 79 towns. Coastal communities, older industrial centers, rural towns, and modern cities are represented within the 1,422 square miles that comprise the MAPC region.

  8. Title: Massachusetts Aid to Families with Dependant Children


    Summary: This datalayer is a polygon coverage representing town boundaries with associated tabular data on Recipients of Temporary Aid to Families with Dependant Children, 1998 - 2000. This layer was derived from the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas database published by the Harvard Map Collection in 2001. The Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library. Data here was orginally derived from the Massachusetts Office for Child Care Services

  9. Title: Massachusetts School Enrollment by Race


    Summary: This datalayer displays a polygon coverage of Massachusetts towns with associated tabular data on the racial/ethnic characteristics of enrolled students per town. These data provide the public school 1990 and 1994 enrollment figures by race for the 351 towns in the state. The number of White non-Hispanic, Black (African American), Hispanic, Asian, and other minority students are given. The total number of minority students and the percent of minority students during the 1990 and 1994 school years have also been calculated. This dataset was originally prepared and distributed by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council. It was published as part of the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas database in 2001. The Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library. The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) is a regional planning agency representing 101 cities and towns in the metropolitan Boston area. Created by an act of the Legislature in 1963, it serves as a forum for state and local officials to address issues of regional importance. As one of 14 members of the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), MAPC has oversight responsibility for the region's federally funded transportation program Stretching west from Boston to include most of the communities inside the I-495 corridor, the MAPC planning area consists of 22 cities and 79 towns. Coastal communities, older industrial centers, rural towns, and modern cities are represented within the 1,422 square miles that comprise the MAPC region.

  10. Title: Massachusetts Major Watersheds


    Summary: This datalayer is a polygon coverage displaying Major Watersheds throughout Massachusetts. The data here were originally produced by MassGIS. MassGIS has produced a statewide digital datalayer of the 32 major watersheds covering Massachusetts. The datalayer is called WATRSHDS. Unlike the Major Drainage Basins layer, the watersheds in this layer extend beyond the state boundary to include the full extent of either the full watershed or a full USGS sub-basin. MassGIS defines Watersheds (as well as Drainage Basins), using the USGS Water Resources Division definition, as 'The land area drained by a river or stream.' Related terms are: Drainage area: 'The drainage area of a stream at a specified location is that area, measured in a horizontal plane, which is enclosed by a drainage divide.' and, Drainage divide: 'Boundary between adjoining drainage basins' This layer was derived from the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) which was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library. For more information on the original MassGIS datalayer please consult their website at:

  11. Title: Massachusetts Tax Rates, 1997


    Summary: This datalayer is a polygon coverage for Massachusetts which will display town boundaries and tax rate statistics for Fiscal Year 1997. Tax rates for commercial, residential, industrial and other property types will be found in the attribute table. This layer was derived from the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas database published by the Harvard Map Collection in 2001. For more information on the definitions, data sources and process steps please read the 'Supplemental Information' and 'Data Quality' sections which follow. The Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library.

  12. Title: Massachusetts Employment by Town, 1990


    Summary: This datalayer is a polygon coverage which will display town boundaries with associated data on household employment statistics, work location, drive-time to-from employment, etc.. The statistical data contained here was collected as part of the U.S. Census of Population and Housing and originally published as part of the 1990 Census. Therefore the currentness reference date for the tabular data here is April 1, 1990. This layer was derived from the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas database published by the Harvard Map Collection in 2001. The Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library.

  13. Title: Massachusetts Rents by Town, 1990


    Summary: This datalayer is a polygon coverage for Massachusetts towns which portrays median rent paid (in U.S. dollars) and rent paid calculated as a percentage of household income (for 1989). The statistical data contained here was collected as part of the U.S. Census of Population and Housing and originally published as part of the 1990 Census. The currentness reference date for the tabular data here is April 1, 1990, except in the case of rent as a percentage of income, which is 1989. For more information on the definitions and enumeration process please read the 'Supplemental Information' section which follows. This layer was derived from the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas database published by the Harvard Map Collection in 2001. The Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library.

  14. Title: Massachusetts Cemeteries


    Summary: This datalayer is a point coverage for Massachusetts cemeteries. These data are an extract from the U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System December 1996 CD-ROM. The GNIS is a data system developed by the USGS in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names. The GNIS includes three data bases: the National Geographic Names Data Base (NGNDB), the National Topographic Map Names Data Base (NTMNDB) and the Reference Data Base. The principal data base in the GNIS is the National Geographic Names Data Base (NGMNDB) which includes known places, features, and areas of the United States that are identified by proper names. The primary source of these data are the USGS topographic map series. The GNIS feature class of CEMETERY is defined as 'a place or area for burying the dead (burial, burying ground, grave, memorial garden).' This layer was derived from the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas database published by the Harvard Map Collection in 2001. The Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library.

  15. Title: Massachusetts Reported Cases of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 1990 - 2000


    Summary: This datalayer is a polygon coverage displaying Massachusetts towns and associated tabular data on rates of three sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis) among adolescents (ages 15-19) from 1990 through 2000. These statistics were originally compiled and published by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health: Division of Research and Epidemiology. This layer was derived from the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas database published by the Harvard Map Collection in 2001. The Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library.

  16. Title: Massachusetts Parks, 1995


    Summary: This datalayer is a polygon coverage displaying location and additional information on parks throughout Massachusetts. The GNIS feature class of PARK is defined as, 'place or area set aside for recreation or preservation of a cultural or natural resource and under some form of government administration; not including National or State forests or Reserves (national historical landmark, national park, State park, wilderness area).' This layer was derived from the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) which was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library. These data are an extract from the U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System December 1996 CD-ROM. The GNIS is a data system developed by the USGS in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names. The GNIS includes three databases: the National Geographic Names Data Base (NGNDB), the National Topographic Map Names Data Base (NTMNDB) and the Reference Data Base. The principal database in the GNIS is the National Geographic Names Data Base (NGMNDB) which includes known places, features, and areas of the United States that are identified by proper names. The primary source of these data are the USGS topographic map series. The GNIS feature class of DAM is defined as 'water barrier or embankment built across the course of a stream or into a body of water to impound water or control its flow'.

  17. Title: Massachusetts Average Single Family Tax


    Summary: This datalayer is a polygon coverage for Massachusetts which will display town boundaries and family tax rate statistics for each town for the Fiscal Years 1988 through 2002. Data available here includes parcels, assessed values, average values, town rankings and more. This layer was derived from the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas database published by the Harvard Map Collection in 2001. For more information on the definitions, data sources and process steps please read the 'Supplemental Information' and 'Data Quality' sections which follow. The Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library.

  18. Title: Massachusetts Elevated Child Lead Levels


    Summary: This datalayer is a polygon coverage representing the occurrence of elevated lead levels (greater than 15ug/dL or 15 micrograms per deciliter) in children for the years 1998, 1999 and 2000 throughout Massachusetts. This layer was derived from the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas database published by the Harvard Map Collection in 2001. The Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library. Data here was orginally derived from the Massachusetts Office for Child Care Services.

  19. Title: Massachusetts Commuter Rail Stations Status


    Summary: This datalayer is a point coverage which displays the status of Commuter Rail Stations throughout the Metropolitan Area Planning Council region of Massachusetts. This file describes the status of commuter rail stations (existing, proposed, or under construction) in the MAPC Plan for Massachusetts published in 1997. Included are new extensions under construction on the north shore, to Worcester and the recently opened and proposed lines of the Old Colony Line on the south shore. This layer was derived from the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas database published by the Harvard Map Collection in 2001. The Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library.

  20. Title: Massachusetts Municipal Expenditures, 1985-2001


    Summary: This datalayer is a polygon coverage for Massachusetts towns which displays town boundaries and municipal general fund expenitures organized by function (Police, Fire, Recreation, etc.) for the Fiscal Years 1987 through 2001. This layer was derived from the Massachusetts Electronic Atlas database published by the Harvard Map Collection in 2001. For more information on the definitions, data sources and process steps please read the 'Supplemental Information' and 'Data Quality' sections which follow. The Massachusetts Electronic Atlas (MEA) was a collaborative project to provides access, via the Internet, to data about the Commonwealth, its thirteen regional planning agency districts and 351 cities and towns. This dataset is now only available via The Harvard Geospatial Library.

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