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  1. Title: King County, Washington : historic sites


    Summary: King County, Washington historic sites - point file.

  2. Title: King County, Washington : Vashon salmon distribution


    Summary: King County, Washington distribution of 5 salmon species in Vashon Island and Maury Island streams.

  3. Title: King County, Washington : Vashon salmon point observations


    Summary: Point observations of 5 salmon species on Vashon Island and Maury Island, King County, Washington

  4. Title: King County, Washington : Water Resource Inventory Area 9 salmon point observations


    Summary: King County, Washington point observations of 7 salmon species in Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 9, 7 observation classes.

  5. Title: King County, Washington : Water Resource Inventory Area 9 salmon distribution


    Summary: King County, Washington distribution of 7 salmon species in Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 9 streams, 5 presence classes.

  6. Title: King County, Washington : Public Land Survey System (PLSS) reference grid (1/16 sections) (polygons)


    Summary: King County, Washington Public Land Survey System (PLSS) grid (1/16 sections) polygons.

  7. Title: King County, Washington : seismic hazards


    Summary: This datalayer contains polygon boundaries and minimal codes for significant seismic hazard areas of King County, Washington. It is derived from the coverage SEISM, a working (maintenance) copy of the Sensitive Areas Ordinance GIS data set SEISMSAO. As of October 1997, the content of the two coverages is the same. The King County Sensitive Areas Ordinance (SAO) defines significant seismic hazard areas as those areas of King County subject to severe risk of earthquake damage as a result of seismically induced settlement or soil liquefaction. These conditions occur in areas underlain by cohesionless soils of low density, usually in association with a shallow groundwater table.

  8. Title: King County, Washington : school districts


    Summary: King County, Washington school districts.

  9. Title: King County, Washington : areas susceptible to groundwater contamination, 1995


    Summary: King County, Washington areas susceptible to groundwater contamination (ASGWC) 1995 version.

  10. Title: King County, Washington : street network


    Summary: King County, Washington street network lines. This datalayer contains the features comprising the countywide road and street network, including such related transportation links as selected driveways, transit connections, alleys, etc. Attributes of the network arcs include address ranges, adjacent features, road classification, and other codes. Covers also portions of Snohomish and Pierce Counties.

  11. Title: King County, Washington : parks


    Summary: King County, Washington park locations.

  12. Title: King County, Washington : streets


    Summary: King County, Washington arc features from the King County street network coverage. Covers also portions of Snohomish and Pierce Counties. The source coverage was derived from the King County Street Network coverage (kcsn). All feature classes other than arcs have been dropped and items have been removed from the AAT. Scale: 1:24,000.

  13. Title: King County, Washington : mountain peaks


    Summary: King County, Washington mountain peaks with elevations.

  14. Title: King County, Washington : street network (Metro Transit emitter locations)


    Summary: King County, Washington Metro Transit Automated Vehicle Locator (AVL) emitter locations. Emitters are small, battery powered radio transmitters mounted on telephone or power poles that identifies a point used to inform a radio receiver of the location of a vehicle. Emitter locations are shown here as the nearest arc from the street networks datalayer. Covers also portions of Snohomish and Pierce Counties.

  15. Title: King County, Washington : Shoreline Management Program


    Summary: King County, Washington Shoreline Management Master Program.

  16. Title: King County, Washington : water sampling sites


    Summary: King County, Washington water sampling locations from Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) database. Covers also portions of surrounding counties.

  17. Title: King County, Washington : streets (geocoding)


    Summary: Line features derived from the King County, Washington street network coverage (kcsn) with a denormalized attribute table. Covers also portions of Snohomish and Pierce Counties.

  18. Title: King County, Washington : coal mine hazards


    Summary: King County, Washington coal mine hazards. The King County Sensitive Areas Ordinance (SAO) defines coal mine hazard areas as those areas directly underlain by or adjacent to or affected by abandoned coal mine workings such as adits (a nearly horizontal entrance to a mine), drifts (a secondary passageway between two main shafts) tunnels, or air shafts.

  19. Title: King County, Washington : Metro Transit miscellaneous facilities


    Summary: King County, Washington Metro Transit facilities other than park and ride locations, bus bases, and centers.

  20. Title: King County, Washington : Public Land Survey System (PLSS) reference grid (1/16 sections) (lines)


    Summary: King County, Washington Public Land Survey System (PLSS) grid (1/16 sections) lines.

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