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661 results returned

  1. Title: Map of the country embracing the route of the expedition of 1823 commanded by Major S.H. Long


    Summary: Extent: 1 map Abstract: Map of the Great Lakes and Rainy River regions and the valleys of the Minnesota River and Red River of the North, showing the route of the 1823 expedition of Stephen Harriman Long. Includes descriptive notes, and indicates the dates and locations where the expedition stopped. Indicates settlements, forts, and Native American tribal regions. The route of the expedition is shown in red. Notes: Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridians: Washington and Greenwich. From: Narrative of an expedition to the source of St. Peter's River : Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, &c., performed in the year 1823, by order of the Hon. J.C. Calhoun, Secretary of War, under the command of Stephen H. Long, U.S.T.E. : compiled from the notes of Major Long, Messrs. Say, Keating, & Colhoun by William H. Keating. London : G.B. Whittaker, 1825. Scale approximately 1:3,000,000

  2. Title: Solar Insolation, Minnesota] (2006-2012)


    Summary: The Minnesota Solar Suitability Analysis attempts to provide solar insolation analysis for the entire State of Minnesota. As far as we are aware, it is the only project of its scale in existence; similar studies have been limited to metro areas or focus on rooftop insolation. The project's existence is feasible because of statewide, freely available aerial lidar coverage. And the commitment of the team to work long hours on this unfunded project. The project finds itself at the intersection of renewable energy, big data analysis, geospatial technology, and open data availability. This data provides a measure of incedent solar radiation as it is intercepted by the earth surface, or features (such as vegetation and buildings) standing above the earth surface. The data is intended to be used to assess the suitability of a site for solar panel (photovoltaic cell) installations. The analysis used to produce this dataset looks at geographic location, surface slope, surface aspect, and the effects of shading based on local topography and adjacent structures. A digital surface model was generated from raw LiDAR data. Then, using this DSM, an individual locations on a grid surface were assessed for the amount of direct and indirect radiation that reaches the surface. This analysis was conducted at a 1m resolution for the entire state of Minnesota.

  3. Title: Digital Surface Model [Minnesota] (2006-2012)


    Summary: A 1m resolution digital surface model that was generated from raw lidar data. This dataset was an intermediate product of a process to model potential solar insolation for the state of Minnesota. The Digital Surface Model (DSM) was created to represent the terrain and all object present on that terrain. This included buildings, tree cover, roads, and other natural and human-altered landscapes. In effect, the DSM is a three dimensional representation of Minnesota. It was generated using a Streaming Delauney Triangulation process through rapidlasso's LAStools software package. In this process, triangles are iteratively generated using nearby lidar returns and values for each point are determined by extracting interpolated elevation from the surface of the triangle. The result is a 1 meter resolution raster covering the state. Lidar is a form of active remote sensing technology that uses light pulses, most commonly in the near-infrared wavelengths, to collected surface elevation data. A laser scanner, mounted in an aircraft and combined with high-accuracy GPS, collects light returns that are interpolated into a point cloud. Each point represents one return from a laser pulse. The laser pulse has the ability to penetrate vegetation, multiple laser returns can be gathered for each pulse including the returns from below the vegetation.The accuracy of lidar returns allow for a unique, multi-faceted analytical dataset. The first point returns can be used to interpolate a topology of Minnesota that models the objects (i.e. building, trees, etc) and geography resting upon the terrain. The lidar point files for the state of Minnesota used in the study were collected between 2006 and 2012 through an intergovernmental initiative with the primary object of providing improved elevation data for flood mapping. In some regions, existing lidar data was acquired and transformed to new state standards. Areas where data did not exist or could not be transformed, were collected by contracted vendors. The composite data forms a seamless coverage of the state with a resolutions of at least 1.5 meters. Refer to metadata.html for full details.

  4. Title: Folds: Offshore of Tomales Point, California, 2010


    Summary: This line shapefile depicts geologic folds within the offshore area of Tomales Point, California. The Point Reyes Peninsula is bounded to the south and west in the offshore by the north- and east-dipping Point Reyes Thrust Fault (McCulloch, 1987; Heck and others, 1990), which lies about 20 km west of Tomales Point. Granitic basement rocks are offset about 1.4 km on this thrust fault offshore of Point Reyes (McCulloch, 1987), and this uplift combined with west-side-up offset on the San Andreas Fault (Grove and Niemi, 2005) resulted in uplift of the Point Reyes Peninsula, including Tomales Point and the adjacent continental shelf. Grove and others (2010) reported uplift rates of as much as 1 mm/yr for the south flank of the Point Reyes Peninsula based on marine terraces, but reported no datable terrace surfaces that could constrain uplift for the flight of 4-5 terraces exposed farther north along Tomales Point. Folds were primarily mapped by interpretation of seismic reflection profile data (see field activity S-15-10-NC). The seismic reflection profiles were collected between 2007 and 2010. A map that shows these data is published in Open-File Report 2015-1088, "California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Tomales Point, California." This layer is part of USGS Data Series 781. In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats and geology within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters. CSMP has divided coastal California into 110 map blocks, each to be published individually as United States Geological Survey Open-File Reports (OFRs) or Scientific Investigations Maps (SIMs) at a scale of 1:24,000. Maps display seafloor morphology and character, identify potential marine benthic habitats and illustrate both the seafloor geology and shallow (to about 100 m) subsurface geology. Data layers for bathymetry, bathymetric contours, acoustic backscatter, seafloor character, potential benthic habitat and offshore geology were created for each map block, as well as regional-scale data layers for sediment thickness, depth to transition, transgressive contours, isopachs, predicted distributions of benthic macro-invertebrates and visual observations of benthic habitat from video cruises over the entire state. This coverage can be used to to aid in assessments and mitigation of geologic hazards in the coastal region and to provide sufficient geologic information for land-use and land-management decisions both onshore and offshore. These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. This information is not intended for navigational purposes.The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information. Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., and Manson, M.W. (2014). Folds: Offshore of Tomales Point, California, 2010. California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 781. Available at: Map political location: San Mateo County, California Compilation scale: 1:24,000 Base maps used are hillshades generated from IfSAR, LiDAR, and multibeam mapping both onshore and offshore (see Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Tomales Point, California, DS 781, for more information). . References Cited Grove, K., and Niemi, T.M., 2005, Late Quaternary deformation and slip rates in the northern San Andreas fault zone at Olema Valley, Marin County, California: Tectonophysics, v. 401, p. 231-250. Grove, K, Sklar, L.S., Scherer, A.M., Lee, G., and Davis, J., 2010, Accelerating and spatially-varying crustal uplift and its geomorphic expression, San Andreas fault zone north of San Francisco, California: Tectonophysics, v. 495, p. 256-268. Heck, R.G., Edwards, E.B., Kronen, J.D., Jr., and Willingham, C.R., 1990, Petroleum potential of the offshore outer Santa Cruz and Bodega basins, California, in Garrison, R.E., Greene, H.G., Hicks, K.R., Weber, G.E., and Wright, T.L., eds. Geology and tectonics of the central California coastal region, San Francisco to Monterey: Pacific Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin GB67, p. 143-164. McCulloch, D.S., 1987, Regional geology and hydrocarbon potential of offshore central California, in Scholl, D.W., Grantz, A., and Vedder, J.G., eds., Geology and Resource Potential of the Continental Margin of Western North America and Adjacent Oceans Beaufort Sea to Baja California: Houston, Texas, Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 6., p. 353-401. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  5. Title: Geology: Offshore of Tomales Point, California, 2010


    Summary: This polygon shapefile depicts geologic features within the offshore area of Tomales Point, California. The morphology and the geology of the offshore part of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area result from the interplay between tectonics, sea-level rise, local sedimentary processes, and oceanography. The map area is cut by the northwest-trending San Andreas Fault, the right-lateral transform boundary between the North American and Pacific tectonic plates. The San Andreas strikes through Tomales Bay, the northern part of a linear valley that extends from Bolinas through Olema Valley to Bodega Bay, separating mainland California from the Point Reyes Peninsula. Onshore investigations indicate that this section of the San Andreas Fault has an estimated slip rate of about 17 to 25 mm/yr (Bryant and Lundberg, 2002; Grove and Niemi, 2005). The devastating Great 1906 California earthquake (M 7.8) is thought to have nucleated on the San Andreas Fault about 50 kilometers south of this map area offshore of San Francisco (e.g., Bolt, 1968; Lomax, 2005), with the rupture extending northward through the Offshore of Tomales Point map area to the south flank of Cape Mendocino (Lawson, 1908; Brown and Wolfe, 1972). The Point Reyes Peninsula is bounded to the south and west in the offshore by the north- and east-dipping Point Reyes Thrust Fault (McCulloch, 1987; Heck and others, 1990), which lies about 20 km west of Tomales Point. Granitic basement rocks are offset about 1.4 km on this thrust fault offshore of Point Reyes (McCulloch, 1987), and this uplift combined with west-side-up offset on the San Andreas Fault (Grove and Niemi, 2005) resulted in uplift of the Point Reyes Peninsula, including Tomales Point and the adjacent continental shelf. Grove and others (2010) reported uplift rates of as much as 1 mm/yr for the south flank of the Point Reyes Peninsula based on marine terraces, but reported no datable terrace surfaces that could constrain uplift for the flight of 4-5 terraces exposed farther north along Tomales Point. Because of this Quaternary uplift and relative lack of sediment supply from coastal watersheds, there is extensive rugged, rocky seafloor beneath the continental shelf in the Offshore of Tomales Point map area. Granitic rocks (unit Kg) on the seafloor are mapped on the basis of massive character, roughness, extensive fractures, and high backscatter (see Backscattter A to D--Offshore of Tomales Point, California, DS 781, for more information). Neogene sedimentary rocks (units Tl and Tu) commonly form distinctive "ribs," created by differential seafloor erosion of dipping beds of variable resistance. The more massive offshore outcrops of unit Tu in the southern part of the map area are inferred to represent more uniform lithologies. Slopes on the granitic seafloor (generally 1 to 1.3 degrees) are greater than those over sedimentary rock (generally about 0.5 to 0.6 degrees). Sediment-covered areas occur in gently sloping (less than about 0.6 degrees) mid-shelf environments west and north of Tomales Point, and at the mouth of Tomales Bay. Sediment supply is local, limited to erosion from local coastal bluffs and dunes, small coastal watersheds, and sediment flux out of the mouth of Tomales Bay. Shelf morphology and evolution largely reflects eustacy; sea level has risen about 125 to 130 m over about the last 21,000 years (for example, Lambeck and Chappell, 2001; Peltier and Fairbanks, 2005), leading to broadening of the continental shelf, progressive eastward migration of the shoreline and wave-cut platform, and associated transgressive erosion and deposition. Given present exposure to high wave energy, modern nearshore to mid-shelf sediments are mostly sand (unit Qms) and a mix of sand, gravel, and cobbles (units Qmsc and Qmsd). These sediments are distributed between rocky outcrops at water depths of as much as 65 m (see below). The more coarse-grained sands and gravels (units Qmsc and Qmsd) are primarily recognized on the basis of bathymetry and high backscatter. Unit Qmsd forms erosional lags in scoured depressions that are bounded by relatively sharp contacts with bedrock or sharp to diffuse contacts with units Qms and Qmsc. These scoured depressions are typically a few tens of centimeters deep and range in size from a few 10's of sq m to more than one sq km. Similar unit Qmsd scour depressions are common along this stretch of the California coast (see, for example, Cacchione and others, 1984; Hallenbeck and others, 2012) where surficial offshore sandy sediment is relatively thin (thus unable to fill the depressions) due to both lack of sediment supply and to erosion and transport of sediment during large northwest winter swells. Such features have been referred to as rippled-scour depressions (see, for example, Cacchione and others, 1984) or sorted bedforms (see, for example, Goff and others, 2005; Trembanis and Hume, 2011). Although the general areas in which both unit Qmsd scour depressions and surrounding mobile sand sheets occur are not likely to change substantially, the boundaries of the individual Qmsd depressions are likely ephemeral, changing seasonally and during significant storm events. Unit Qmsf consists primarily of mud and muddy sand and is commonly extensively bioturbated. The location of the inboard contact at water depths of about 65 m is based on meager sediment sampling and photographic data and the inference that if must lie offshore of the outer boundary of coarse-grained units Qmsd and Qmsc. This is notably deeper than the inner contact of unit Qmsf offshore of the nearby Russian River (about 50 m; Klise, 1983) which could may reflect both increased wave energy and significantly decreased supply of muddy sediment. There are two areas of high-backscatter, rough seafloor at water depths of 65 to 70 m west of northern Tomales Point. These areas are notable in that each includes several small (less than about 20,000 sq m), randomly distributed to northwest-trending, irregular "mounds," with as much as 1 m of positive relief above the seafloor (unit Qsr). Seismic-reflection data (see field activity S-15-10-NC) reveal this lumpy material rests on several meters of latest Pleistoce to Holocene sediment and is thus not bedrock outcrop. Rather, it seems likely that this material is marine debris, possibly derived from one (or more) of the more than 60 shipwrecks that have occurred offshore of the Point Reyes Peninsula between 1849 and 1940 (National Park Service, 2012). It is also conceivable that this lumpy terrane consists of biological "hardgrounds" Units Qsw, Qstb, Qdtb, and Qsdtb comprise sediments in Tomales Bay. Anima and others (2008) conducted a high-resolution bathymetric survey of Tomales Bay and noted that strong tidal currents at the mouth of the bay had created a large field of sandwaves, dunes, and flats (unit Qsw). Unit Qkdtb is a small subaqueous sandy delta deposited at the mouth of Keys Creek, the largest coastal watershed draining into this northern part of Tomales Bay. Unit Qstb occurs south of units Qsw and Qdtb, and comprises largely flat seafloor underlain by mixed sand and silt. Unit Qdtb consists of depressions within the sedimentary fill of Tomales Bay. These depressions commonly occur directly offshore of coastal promontories, cover as much as 74,000 sq m, and are as deep as 9 m. Map unit polygons were digitized over underlying 2-meter base layers developed from multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data (see Bathymetry--Offshore of Tomales Point, California and Backscattter A to D--Offshore of Tomales Point, California, DS 781). The bathymetry and backscatter data were collected between 2006 and 2010. A map that shows these data is published in Open-File Report 2015-1088, "California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Tomales Point, California." This layer is part of USGS Data Series 781. In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats and geology within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters. CSMP has divided coastal California into 110 map blocks, each to be published individually as United States Geological Survey Open-File Reports (OFRs) or Scientific Investigations Maps (SIMs) at a scale of 1:24,000. Maps display seafloor morphology and character, identify potential marine benthic habitats and illustrate both the seafloor geology and shallow (to about 100 m) subsurface geology. Data layers for bathymetry, bathymetric contours, acoustic backscatter, seafloor character, potential benthic habitat and offshore geology were created for each map block, as well as regional-scale data layers for sediment thickness, depth to transition, transgressive contours, isopachs, predicted distributions of benthic macro-invertebrates and visual observations of benthic habitat from video cruises over the entire state. This coverage can be used to to aid in assessments and mitigation of geologic hazards in the coastal region and to provide sufficient geologic information for land-use and land-management decisions both onshore and offshore. These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. This information is not intended for navigational purposes.The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information. Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., and Manson, M.W. (2014). Geology: Offshore of Tomales Point, California, 2010. California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 781. Available at: Map political location: San Mateo County, California Compilation scale: 1:24,000 Base maps used are hillshades generated from IfSAR, LiDAR, and multibeam mapping both onshore and offshore (see Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Tomales Point, California, DS 781, for more information). References Cited Anima, R. A., Chin, J.L., Finlayson, D.P., McGann, M.L., and Wong, F.L., 2008, Interferometric sidescan bathymetry, sediment and foraminiferal analyses; a new look at Tomales Bay, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008 - 1237, 33 p. Brown, R.D., Jr., and Wolfe, E.W., 1972, Map showing recently active breaks along the San Andreas Fault between Point Delgada and Bolinas Bay, California: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Map I-692, scale 1:24,000. Bryant, W.A., and Lundberg, M.M., compilers, 2002, Fault number 1b, San Andreas fault zone, North Coast section, in Quaternary fault and fold database of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey website, accessed April 4, 2013 at Cacchione, D.A., Drake, D.E., Grant, W.D., and Tate, G.B., 1984, Rippled scour depressions of the inner continental shelf off central California: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 54, p. 1,280-1,291. Grove, K., and Niemi, T.M., 2005, Late Quaternary deformation and slip rates in the northern San Andreas fault zone at Olema Valley, Marin County, California: Tectonophysics, v. 401, p. 231-250. Grove, K, Sklar, L.S., Scherer, A.M., Lee, G., and Davis, J., 2010, Accelerating and spatially-varying crustal uplift and its geomorphic expression, San Andreas fault zone north of San Francisco, California: Tectonophysics, v. 495, p. 256-268. Klise, D.H., 1984, Modern sedimentation on the California continental margin adjacent to the Russian River: M.S. thesis, San Jose State University, 120 p. Hallenbeck, T.R., Kvitek, R.G., and Lindholm, J., 2012, Rippled scour depressions add ecologically significant heterogeneity to soft-bottom habitats on the continental shelf: Marine Ecology Progress Series, v. 468, p. 119-133. Lambeck, K., and Chappell, J., 2001, Sea level change through the last glacial cycle: Science, v. 292, p. 679-686, doi: 10.1126/science.1059549. Lawson, A.C., ed., 1908, The California earthquake of April 18, 1906, Report of the State Earthquake Investigation Commission: Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 87, v. 1, 1451 p. and atlas. Lomax, A., 2005, A reanalysis of the hypocentral location and related observations for the Great 1906 California earthquake: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 95, p. 861-877. McCulloch, D.S., 1987, Regional geology and hydrocarbon potential of offshore central California, in Scholl, D.W., Grantz, A., and Vedder, J.G., eds., Geology and Resource Potential of the Continental Margin of Western North America and Adjacent Oceans -- Beaufort Sea to Baja California: Houston, Texas, Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 6., p. 353-401. National Park Service, 2012, Shipwrecks at Point Reyes, accessed May 1, 2013 at: This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  6. Title: Sediment Thickness: Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California, 2009


    Summary: This layer is a georeferenced raster image containing sediment-thickness data for the areas within the 3-nautical mile limit between Salt Point and Drakes Bay, in California. As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 50 meter grid of sediment thickness for the seafloor within the 3-nautical mile limit was generated from seismic-reflection data collected in 2009. The resulting grid covers an area of approximately 717 sq km. The volume of sediment accumulated since the Last Glacial Maximum is approximately 6,800 million cubic meters. Contours at 2.5-meter intervals were derived from this grid. This layer is part of USGS Data Series 781. In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats and geology within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters. CSMP has divided coastal California into 110 map blocks, each to be published individually as United States Geological Survey Open-File Reports (OFRs) or Scientific Investigations Maps (SIMs) at a scale of 1:24,000. Maps display seafloor morphology and character, identify potential marine benthic habitats and illustrate both the seafloor geology and shallow (to about 100 m) subsurface geology. Data layers for bathymetry, bathymetric contours, acoustic backscatter, seafloor character, potential benthic habitat and offshore geology were created for each map block, as well as regional-scale data layers for sediment thickness, depth to transition, transgressive contours, isopachs, predicted distributions of benthic macro-invertebrates and visual observations of benthic habitat from video cruises over the entire state. These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. This information is not intended for navigational purposes.The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information. Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Watt, J.T., and Sliter, R.W. (2014). Sediment Thickness: Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California, 2009. California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 781. Available at: Sediment thickness and volume within each of the map areas > Salt Point 38.639622 38.479620 -123.482704 -123.278809 > Fort Ross 38.556494 38.396794 -123.305678 -123.102404 > Bodega Bay 38.411542 38.252067 -123.172536 -122.969899 > Tomales Point 38.255180 38.095716 -123.097226 -122.895023 > Point Reyes 38.098263 37.938810 -123.094511 -122.892742 > Drakes Bay 38.038192 37.878737 -122.966411 -122.764735 > > -----sediment thickness-------- > Area Volume > Map block (sq km) Mean (million cu m) > Salt Point 117 12.5 1464 > Fort Ross 100 21.5 2157 > Bodega Bay 128 8.5 1084 > Tomales Point 108 2.1 230 > Point Reyes 175 7.9 1387 > Drakes Bay 89 5.3 476 Additional information about the field activities from which this data set was derived are available online at > Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although this Federal Geographic Data Committee-compliant metadata file is intended to document the data set in nonproprietary form, as well as in ArcInfo format, this metadata file may include some ArcInfo-specific terminology. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  7. Title: Faults: Offshore of Fort Ross, California, 2009


    Summary: This line shapefile contains fault lines for the offshore area of Fort Ross, California. The map was generated from data collected by California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB), and by Fugro Pelagos. The map area is cut by the northwest-trending San Andreas Fault, the right-lateral transform boundary between the North American and Pacific tectonic plates. The San Andreas extends across the inner shelf in the southern part of the map, then crosses the shoreline at Fort Ross and continues onland for about 75 km to the east flank of Point Arena (fig. 8-1). Seismic-reflection data are used to map the offshore fault trace, and reveal a relatively simple, 200- to 500-m wide zone typically characterized by one or two primary strands. About 1500 m west of the San Andreas Fault, the mid shelf (between water depths of 40 m and 70 m) in the southernmost part of the map area includes an about 5-km-wide field of elongate, shore-normal sediment lobes (unit Qmsl). Individual lobes within the field are as much as 650-m long and 200-m wide, have as much as 1.5 m (check with Steve) of relief above the surrounding smooth seafloor, and are commonly connected with upslope chutes. Given their morphology and proxmity to the San Andreas fault, we infer that these lobes result from slope failures associated with strong ground motions triggered by large San Andreas earthquakes. Movement on the San Andreas has juxtaposed different coastal bedrock blocks (Blake and others, 2002). Rocks east of the fault that occur along the coast and in the nearshore belong to the late Tertiary, Cretaceous, and Jurassic Franciscan Complex, either sandstone of the Coastal Belt or Central Belt (unit TKfs) or melange of the central terrane (unit fsr). Bedrock west of the fault are considered part of the Gualala Block (Elder, 1998) and include the Eocene and Paleocene German Rancho Formation (unit Tgr) and the Miocene sandstone and mudstone of the Fort Ross area (unit Tsm). This section of the San Andreas Fault onland has an estimated slip rate of about 17 to 25 mm/yr (Bryant and Lundberg, 2002). The devastating Great 1906 California earthquake (M 7.8) is thought to have nucleated on the San Andreas Fault about 100 kilometers south of this map area offshore of San Francisco (e.g., Bolt, 1968; Lomax, 2005), with the rupture extending northward through the Offshore of Fort Ross map area to the south flank of Cape Mendocino. Emergent marine terraces along the coast in the Offshore of Fort Ross map area record recent contractional deformation associated with the San Andreas Fault system. Prentice and Kelson (2006) report uplift rates of 0.3 to 0.6 mm/yr for a late Pleistocene terrace exposed at Fort Ross, and this recent uplift must also have affect the nearshore and inner shelf. Previously, McCulloch (1987) mapped a nearshore (within 3 to 5 km of the coast) fault zone from Point Arena to Fort Ross (Fig. 8-1) using primarily deeper industry seismic-reflection data. Subsequently, Dickinson and others (2005) named this structure the "Gualala Fault." Our mapping, also based on seismic-reflection data, reveals this structure as a steep, northeast trending fault and similarly shows the fault ending to the south in the northern part of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area. We have designated the zone of faulting and folding above this structure the "Gualala Fault deformation zone." Faults were primarily mapped by interpretation of seismic reflection profile data (see field activity S-8-09-NC). The seismic reflection profiles were collected between 2007 and 2010. This layer is part of USGS Data Series 781. In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats and geology within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters. CSMP has divided coastal California into 110 map blocks, each to be published individually as United States Geological Survey Open-File Reports (OFRs) or Scientific Investigations Maps (SIMs) at a scale of 1:24,000. Maps display seafloor morphology and character, identify potential marine benthic habitats and illustrate both the seafloor geology and shallow (to about 100 m) subsurface geology. Data layers for bathymetry, bathymetric contours, acoustic backscatter, seafloor character, potential benthic habitat and offshore geology were created for each map block, as well as regional-scale data layers for sediment thickness, depth to transition, transgressive contours, isopachs, predicted distributions of benthic macro-invertebrates and visual observations of benthic habitat from video cruises over the entire state. These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. This information is not intended for navigational purposes.The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information. Additionally, this coverage can provide a geologic map for the public and geoscience community to aid in assessments and mitigation of geologic hazards in the coastal region and sufficient geologic information for land-use and land-management decisions both onshore and offshore. Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., and Manson, M.W. (2014). Faults: Offshore of Fort Ross, California, 2009. California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 781. Available at: Map political location: San Mateo County, California Compilation scale: 1:24,000 Base maps used are hillshades generated from IfSAR, LiDAR, and multibeam mapping both onshore and offshore (see Bathymetry--Offshore of Fort Ross Map Area, California). References Cited Blake, M.C., Jr., Graymer, R.W., and Stamski, R.E., 2002, Geologic map and map database of western Sonoma, northernmost Marin, and southernmost Mendocino counties, California: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 2402, scale 1:100,000. Bolt, B.A., 1968, The focus of the 1906 California earthquake: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 58, p. 457-471. Bryant, W.A., and Lundberg, M.M., compilers, 2002, Fault number 1b, San Andreas fault zone, North Coast section, in Quaternary fault and fold database of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey website, accessed April 4, 2013, at Dickinson, W.R., Ducea, M., Rosenberg, L.I., Greene, H.G., Graham, S.A., Clark, J.C., Weber, G.E., Kidder, S., Ernst, W.G., and Brabb, E.E., 2005, Net dextral slip, Neogene San Gregorio-Hosgri Fault Zone, coastal California: Geologic evidence and tectonic implications: Geological Society of America Special Paper 391, 43 p. Elder, W.P., ed., 1998, Geology and tectonics of the Gualala Block, northern California: Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Book 84, 222 p. Lomax, A., 2005, A reanalysis of the hypocentral location and related observations for the Great 1906 California earthquake: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 95, p. 861-877. McCulloch, D.S., 1987, Regional geology and hydrocarbon potential of offshore central California, in Scholl, D.W., Grantz, A., and Vedder, J.G., eds., Geology and Resource Potential of the Continental Margin of Western North America and Adjacent Oceans -- Beaufort Sea to Baja California: Houston, Texas, Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 6., p. 353-401. Prentice, C.S., and Kelson, K.I., 2006, The San Andreas fault in Sonoma and Mendocino counties, in Prentice, C.S., Scotchmoor, J.G., Moores, E.M., and Kiland, J.P., eds., 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Centennial Field Guides: Field trips associated with the 100th Anniversary Conference, 18-23 April 2006, San Francisco, California: Geological Society of America Field Guide 7, p. 127-156. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  8. Title: Folds: Offshore of Salt Point, California, 2010


    Summary: This shapefile contains geologic folds within the offshore area of Salt Point, California. The onshore part of the Offshore of Salt Point map area is cut by the northwest-trending San Andreas Fault, the right-lateral transform boundary between the North American and Pacific tectonic plates. The San Andreas extends extends into the offshore about 5 km south of the map area near Fort Ross, and about 50 km north of the map area on the east flank of Point Arena. The coast between Fort Ross and Point Arena, the northwesternmost exposed section west of the San Andreas Fault, is known as the "Gualala Block" (fig. 1) on the basis of its distinctive geology, which has been widely used to develop paleogeographic reconstructions of coastal California that restore as much as 150 to 180 km of right-lateral slip on the combined San Andreas and San Gregorio Fault systems (see, for example, Wentworth, (1968); Wentworth and others (1998); Jachens and others (1998); Dickinson and others (2005); Burnham (2009). The Gualala Block is underlain by a thick (as much as 9 to 11 km, in aggregate), discontinuous Upper Cretaceous to Miocene stratigraphic section (summarized in Wentworth and others, 1998), however only the Eocene and Paleocene German Rancho Formation (unit Tgr) is exposed onshore and is inferred to form seafloor bedrock outcrops in the Offshore of Salt Point map area. The German Rancho Formation consists of sandstone, mudstone, and conglomerate interpreted as deep-water, submarine-fan deposits. The western boundary of the Gualala Block lies offshore. Using seismic-reflection data, McCulloch (1987; his fig. 14) mapped a shore-parallel fault about 3 to 5 km offshore, which Dickinson and others (2005) subsequently named the Gualala Fault. Jachens and others (1998) evaluated aeromagnetic and gravity data across this zone and modeled this structure as a steep fault within the Salinian basement block, characterized by 3 to 5 km of right-lateral offset. In contrast, Dickinson and others (2005) consider the Gualala fault a Late Miocene strand of the San Andreas fault, separating Salinian and Franciscan basement rocks, with minimum right-lateral slip of 70 km. Our analysis of deeper industry seismic-reflection data within California State Waters shows the Gualala fault as a steep, northeast-dipping structure. Shallower seismic-reflection crossing the Gualala fault reveal a thick late(?) Pleistocene section characterized by recent faulting and gentle asymmetric folding. Hence, the Gualala fault appears to be a recently active "blind" structure that has deformed young sediments. Our mapping also documents a more nearshore zone of deformation that we refer to as the "east Gualala deformation zone." This zone extends through the central and southern parts of the Offshore of Salt Point map area and is similarly charcterized by steep faults and gentle folds that deform inferred late Pleistocene strata. This section of the San Andreas Fault onland has an estimated slip rate of about 17 to 25 mm/yr (Bryant and Lundberg, 2002). The devastating Great 1906 California earthquake (M 7.8) is thought to have nucleated on the San Andreas Fault about 100 kilometers south of this map area offshore of San Francisco (e.g., Bolt, 1968; Lomax, 2005), with the rupture extending northward through the onshore part of the Offshore of Salt Point map area to the south flank of Cape Mendocino (Lawson, 1908; Brown and Wolfe, 1972). Emergent marine terraces along the coast in the Offshore of Salt Point map area record recent contractional deformation associated with the San Andreas Fault system. Prentice and Kelson (2006) reported uplift rates of 0.3 to 0.6 mm/yr for a nearby late Pleistocene terrace (exposed at Fort Ross, about 5 km south of the map area) and this recent uplift must also have affected the nearshore and inner shelf, at least as far west as the Gualala fault. Folds were primarily mapped by interpretation of seismic reflection profile data (see field activity S-8-09-NC). The seismic reflection profiles were collected between 2007 and 2010. A map that shows these data is published in Open-File Report 2015–1098, "California State Waters Map Series- Offshore of Salt Point, California." This layer is a part of USGS DS 781. In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats and geology within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters. CSMP has divided coastal California into 110 map blocks, each to be published individually as United States Geological Survey Open-File Reports (OFRs) or Scientific Investigations Maps (SIMs) at a scale of 1:24,000. Maps display seafloor morphology and character, identify potential marine benthic habitats and illustrate both the seafloor geology and shallow (to about 100 m) subsurface geology. Data layers for bathymetry, bathymetric contours, acoustic backscatter, seafloor character, potential benthic habitat and offshore geology were created for each map block, as well as regional-scale data layers for sediment thickness, depth to transition, transgressive contours, isopachs, predicted distributions of benthic macro-invertebrates and visual observations of benthic habitat from video cruises over the entire state. This coverage can be used to to aid in assessments and mitigation of geologic hazards in the coastal region and to provide sufficient geologic information for land-use and land-management decisions both onshore and offshore. These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. This information is not intended for navigational purposes.The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information. Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., and Manson, M.W. (2014). Folds: Offshore of Salt Point, California, 2010. California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 781. Available at: Map political location: Sonoma County, California Compilation scale: 1:24,000 Base maps used are hillshades generated from IfSAR, LiDAR, and multibeam mapping both onshore and offshore (see Bathymetry--Offshore of Salt Point Map Area, California). . References Cited Bolt, B.A., 1968, The focus of the 1906 California earthquake: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 58, p. 457-471. Brown, R.D., Jr., and Wolfe, E.W., 1972, Map showing recently active breaks along the San Andreas Fault between Point Delgada and Bolinas Bay, California: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Map I-692, scale 1:24,000. Bryant, W.A., and Lundberg, M.M., compilers, 2002, Fault number 1b, San Andreas fault zone, North Coast section, in Quaternary fault and fold database of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey website, accessed April 4, 2013 at Burnham, K., 2009, Predictive model of San Andreas Fault system paleogeography, Late Cretaceous to early Miocene, derived from detailed multidisciplinary conglomerate correlations: Tectonophysics 464, p. 195-208. Dickinson, W.R., Ducea, M., Rosenberg, L.I., Greene, H.G., Graham, S.A., Clark, J.C., Weber, G.E., Kidder, S., Ernst, W.G., and Brabb, E.E., 2005, Net dextral slip, Neogene San Gregorio-Hosgri Fault Zone, coastal California: Geologic evidence and tectonic implications: Geological Society of America Special Paper 391, 43 p. Jachens, R.C., Wentworth, C.M., and McLaughlin, R.J., 1998, Pre-San Andreas location of the Gualala Block inferred from magnetic and gravity anomalies, in Elder, W.P., ed., Geology and tectonics of the Gualala block, northern California: Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Book 84, p. 27-53. Lawson, A.C., ed., 1908, The California earthquake of April 18, 1906, Report of the State Earthquake Investigation Commission: Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 87, v. 1, 1451 p. and atlas. Lomax, A., 2005, A reanalysis of the hypocentral location and related observations for the Great 1906 California earthquake: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 95, p. 861-877. McCulloch, D.S., 1987, Regional geology and hydrocarbon potential of offshore central California, in Scholl, D.W., Grantz, A., and Vedder, J.G., eds., Geology and Resource Potential of the Continental Margin of Western North America and Adjacent Oceans Beaufort Sea to Baja California: Houston, Texas, Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 6., p. 353-401. Prentice, C.S., and Kelson, K.I., 2006, The San Andreas fault in Sonoma and Mendocino counties, in Prentice, C.S., Scotchmoor, J.G., Moores, E.M., and Kiland, J.P., eds., 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Centennial Field Guides: Field trips associated with the 100th Anniversary Conference, 18-23 April 2006, San Francisco, California: Geological Society of America Field Guide 7, p. 127-156, Wentworth, C.M., 1968, Upper Cretaceous and lower Tertiary strata near Gualala, California, and inferred large right slip on the San Andreas fault, in Dickinson, W.R., and Grantz, A., eds. Proceedings of conference on geologic problems of San Andreas fault system: Stanford University Publications, Geological Sciences, v. 11, p. 130-143. Wentworth, C.M., Jones, D.L., and Brabb, E.E., 1998, Geology and regional correlation of the Cretaceous and Paleogene rocks of the Gualala block, California, in Elder, W.P., ed., Geology and tectonics of the Gualala block, northern California: Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Book 84, p. 3-26. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  9. Title: Isopachs: Bolinas to Pescadero, California, 2010


    Summary: This line shapefile contains isopachs (contour lines of equal thickness) at 2.5 and 10 meter intervals for the area within the 3-nautical mile limit between Bolinas and Pescadero, in California. As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 50-m grid of depth to the transgressive surface of the last glacial maximum (LGM) was generated for the 3-mile offshore region. The resulting grid covers an area of approximately 550 sq km. The depth to the transgressive surface of the LGM ranges between 4 and 78 meters. This layer is part of USGS Data Series 781. In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats and geology within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters. CSMP has divided coastal California into 110 map blocks, each to be published individually as United States Geological Survey Open-File Reports (OFRs) or Scientific Investigations Maps (SIMs) at a scale of 1:24,000. Maps display seafloor morphology and character, identify potential marine benthic habitats and illustrate both the seafloor geology and shallow (to about 100 m) subsurface geology. Data layers for bathymetry, bathymetric contours, acoustic backscatter, seafloor character, potential benthic habitat and offshore geology were created for each map block, as well as regional-scale data layers for sediment thickness, depth to transition, transgressive contours, isopachs, predicted distributions of benthic macro-invertebrates and visual observations of benthic habitat from video cruises over the entire state. These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. This information is not intended for navigational purposes.The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information. Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Sliter, R.W., Watt, J.T., Phillips, E.L., Ross, S.L., Ross, S. L., and Chin, J.L.(2014). Isopachs: Bolinas to Pescadero, California, 2010. California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 781. Available at: This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  10. Title: Faults: Offshore of Salt Point, California, 2010


    Summary: This shapefile contains fault lines for the offshore area of Salt Point, California. The onshore part of the Offshore of Salt Point map area is cut by the northwest-trending San Andreas Fault, the right-lateral transform boundary between the North American and Pacific tectonic plates. The San Andreas extends extends into the offshore about 5 km south of the map area near Fort Ross, and about 50 km north of the map area on the east flank of Point Arena. The coast between Fort Ross and Point Arena, the northwesternmost exposed section west of the San Andreas Fault, is known as the "Gualala Block" (fig. 1) on the basis of its distinctive geology, which has been widely used to develop paleogeographic reconstructions of coastal California that restore as much as 150 to 180 km of right-lateral slip on the combined San Andreas and San Gregorio Fault systems (see, for example, Wentworth, (1968); Wentworth and others (1998); Jachens and others (1998); Dickinson and others (2005); Burnham (2009). The Gualala Block is underlain by a thick (as much as 9 to 11 km, in aggregate), discontinuous Upper Cretaceous to Miocene stratigraphic section (summarized in Wentworth and others, 1998), however only the Eocene and Paleocene German Rancho Formation (unit Tgr) is exposed onshore and is inferred to form seafloor bedrock outcrops in the Offshore of Salt Point map area. The German Rancho Formation consists of sandstone, mudstone, and conglomerate interpreted as deep-water, submarine-fan deposits. The western boundary of the Gualala Block lies offshore. Using seismic-reflection data, McCulloch (1987; his fig. 14) mapped a shore-parallel fault about 3 to 5 km offshore, which Dickinson and others (2005) subsequently named the Gualala Fault. Jachens and others (1998) evaluated aeromagnetic and gravity data across this zone and modeled this structure as a steep fault within the Salinian basement block, characterized by 3 to 5 km of right-lateral offset. In contrast, Dickinson and others (2005) consider the Gualala fault a Late Miocene strand of the San Andreas fault, separating Salinian and Franciscan basement rocks, with minimum right-lateral slip of 70 km. Our analysis of deeper industry seismic-reflection data within California State Waters shows the Gualala fault as a steep, northeast-dipping structure. Shallower seismic-reflection crossing the Gualala fault reveal a thick late(?) Pleistocene section characterized by recent faulting and gentle asymmetric folding. Hence, the Gualala fault appears to be a recently active "blind" structure that has deformed young sediments. Our mapping also documents a more nearshore zone of deformation that we refer to as the "east Gualala deformation zone." This zone extends through the central and southern parts of the Offshore of Salt Point map area and is similarly charcterized by steep faults and gentle folds that deform inferred late Pleistocene strata. This section of the San Andreas Fault onland has an estimated slip rate of about 17 to 25 mm/yr (Bryant and Lundberg, 2002). The devastating Great 1906 California earthquake (M 7.8) is thought to have nucleated on the San Andreas Fault about 100 kilometers south of this map area offshore of San Francisco (e.g., Bolt, 1968; Lomax, 2005), with the rupture extending northward through the onshore part of the Offshore of Salt Point map area to the south flank of Cape Mendocino (Lawson, 1908; Brown and Wolfe, 1972). Emergent marine terraces along the coast in the Offshore of Salt Point map area record recent contractional deformation associated with the San Andreas Fault system. Prentice and Kelson (2006) reported uplift rates of 0.3 to 0.6 mm/yr for a nearby late Pleistocene terrace (exposed at Fort Ross, about 5 km south of the map area) and this recent uplift must also have affected the nearshore and inner shelf, at least as far west as the Gualala fault. Faults were primarily mapped by interpretation of seismic reflection profile data (see field activity S-8-09-NC). The seismic reflection profiles were collected between 2007 and 2010. A map that shows these data is published in Open-File Report 2015–1098, "California State Waters Map Series- Offshore of Salt Point, California." This layer is a part of USGS DS 781. In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats and geology within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters. CSMP has divided coastal California into 110 map blocks, each to be published individually as United States Geological Survey Open-File Reports (OFRs) or Scientific Investigations Maps (SIMs) at a scale of 1:24,000. Maps display seafloor morphology and character, identify potential marine benthic habitats and illustrate both the seafloor geology and shallow (to about 100 m) subsurface geology. Data layers for bathymetry, bathymetric contours, acoustic backscatter, seafloor character, potential benthic habitat and offshore geology were created for each map block, as well as regional-scale data layers for sediment thickness, depth to transition, transgressive contours, isopachs, predicted distributions of benthic macro-invertebrates and visual observations of benthic habitat from video cruises over the entire state. This coverage can be used to to aid in assessments and mitigation of geologic hazards in the coastal region and to provide sufficient geologic information for land-use and land-management decisions both onshore and offshore. These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. This information is not intended for navigational purposes.The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information. Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., and Manson, M.W. (2014). Faults: Offshore of Salt Point, California, 2010. California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 781. Available at: Map political location: Sonoma County, California Compilation scale: 1:24,000 Base maps used are hillshades generated from IfSAR, LiDAR, and multibeam mapping both onshore and offshore (see Bathymetry--Offshore of Salt Point Map Area, California). References Cited Bolt, B.A., 1968, The focus of the 1906 California earthquake: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 58, p. 457-471. Brown, R.D., Jr., and Wolfe, E.W., 1972, Map showing recently active breaks along the San Andreas Fault between Point Delgada and Bolinas Bay, California: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Map I-692, scale 1:24,000. Bryant, W.A., and Lundberg, M.M., compilers, 2002, Fault number 1b, San Andreas fault zone, North Coast section, in Quaternary fault and fold database of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey website, accessed April 4, 2013 at Burnham, K., 2009, Predictive model of San Andreas Fault system paleogeography, Late Cretaceous to early Miocene, derived from detailed multidisciplinary conglomerate correlations: Tectonophysics 464, p. 195-208. Dickinson, W.R., Ducea, M., Rosenberg, L.I., Greene, H.G., Graham, S.A., Clark, J.C., Weber, G.E., Kidder, S., Ernst, W.G., and Brabb, E.E., 2005, Net dextral slip, Neogene San Gregorio-Hosgri Fault Zone, coastal California: Geologic evidence and tectonic implications: Geological Society of America Special Paper 391, 43 p. Jachens, R.C., Wentworth, C.M., and McLaughlin, R.J., 1998, Pre-San Andreas location of the Gualala Block inferred from magnetic and gravity anomalies, in Elder, W.P., ed., Geology and tectonics of the Gualala block, northern California: Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Book 84, p. 27-53. Lawson, A.C., ed., 1908, The California earthquake of April 18, 1906, Report of the State Earthquake Investigation Commission: Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 87, v. 1, 1451 p. and atlas. Lomax, A., 2005, A reanalysis of the hypocentral location and related observations for the Great 1906 California earthquake: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 95, p. 861-877. McCulloch, D.S., 1987, Regional geology and hydrocarbon potential of offshore central California, in Scholl, D.W., Grantz, A., and Vedder, J.G., eds., Geology and Resource Potential of the Continental Margin of Western North America and Adjacent OceansâBeaufort Sea to Baja California: Houston, Texas, Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 6., p. 353-401. Prentice, C.S., and Kelson, K.I., 2006, The San Andreas fault in Sonoma and Mendocino counties, in Prentice, C.S., Scotchmoor, J.G., Moores, E.M., and Kiland, J.P., eds., 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Centennial Field Guides: Field trips associated with the 100th Anniversary Conference, 18-23 April 2006, San Francisco, California: Geological Society of America Field Guide 7, p. 127-156, Wentworth, C.M., 1968, Upper Cretaceous and lower Tertiary strata near Gualala, California, and inferred large right slip on the San Andreas fault, in Dickinson, W.R., and Grantz, A., eds. Proceedings of conference on geologic problems of San Andreas fault system: Stanford University Publications, Geological Sciences, v. 11, p. 130-143. Wentworth, C.M., Jones, D.L., and Brabb, E.E., 1998, Geology and regional correlation of the Cretaceous and Paleogene rocks of the Gualala block, California, in Elder, W.P., ed., Geology and tectonics of the Gualala block, northern California: Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Book 84, p. 3-26. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  11. Title: Transgressive Contours: Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California, 2009


    Summary: This line shapefile contains transgressive contours at 5 and 10 meter intervals for the area within the 3-nautical mile limit between Salt Point and Drakes Bay in California. As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 20-m grid of depth to the transgressive surface of the last glacial maximum was generated for the 3-mile offshore region. The resulting grid covers an area of approximately 550 sq km. The depth to the transgressive surface of the Last Glacial Maximum ranges between 0 and 102 meters. This layer is part of USGS Data Series 781. In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats and geology within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters. CSMP has divided coastal California into 110 map blocks, each to be published individually as United States Geological Survey Open-File Reports (OFRs) or Scientific Investigations Maps (SIMs) at a scale of 1:24,000. Maps display seafloor morphology and character, identify potential marine benthic habitats and illustrate both the seafloor geology and shallow (to about 100 m) subsurface geology. Data layers for bathymetry, bathymetric contours, acoustic backscatter, seafloor character, potential benthic habitat and offshore geology were created for each map block, as well as regional-scale data layers for sediment thickness, depth to transition, transgressive contours, isopachs, predicted distributions of benthic macro-invertebrates and visual observations of benthic habitat from video cruises over the entire state. These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. This information is not intended for navigational purposes.The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information. Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Watt, J.T., and Sliter, R.W. (2014). Transgressive Contours: Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California, 2009. California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 781. Available at: Sediment thickness and volume within each of the map areas > Salt Point 38.639622 38.479620 -123.482704 -123.278809 > Fort Ross 38.556494 38.396794 -123.305678 -123.102404 > Bodega Bay 38.411542 38.252067 -123.172536 -122.969899 > Tomales Point 38.255180 38.095716 -123.097226 -122.895023 > Point Reyes 38.098263 37.938810 -123.094511 -122.892742 > Drakes Bay 38.038192 37.878737 -122.966411 -122.764735 > depth to transgressive surface > Area > Map block (sq km) MIN MAX MEAN STD > Salt Point 117 -110.0 -0.2 -82.8 21.7 > Fort Ross 100 -102.1 0.0 -65.6 26.0 > Bodega Bay 128 -100.7 2.2 -52.2 28.3 > Tomales Point 108 -86.5 -4.4 -49.2 19.5 > Point Reyes 175 -89.5 -0.1 -52.1 22.7 > Drakes Bay 89 -75.8 -1.1 -38.0 12.2 Additional information about the field activities from which this data set was derived are available online at > Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although this Federal Geographic Data Committee-compliant metadata file is intended to document the data set in nonproprietary form, as well as in ArcInfo format, this metadata file may include some ArcInfo-specific terminology. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  12. Title: Geology: Offshore of Fort Ross, California, 2009


    Summary: This polygon shapefile represents geologic features in the offshore area of Fort Ross, California. The morphology and the geology of the offshore part of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area result from the interplay between local sedimentary processes, oceanography, sea-level rise, and tectonics. The nearshore seafloor in the northern half of the map area is characterized by rocky outcrops of Tertiary sedimentary rocks (units Tgr and Tsm). This rugged nearshore zone and the inner shelf (to water depths of about 50 m) typically dip seaward about 1.5 to 2.5 degrees, whereas the mid-shelf within State Waters (about 50 to 85 m) dips more gently, about 0.4 degrees. In contrast, the nearshore to mid shelf in the southern half of the map area lies directly offshore of the mouth of the Russian River and has a more gentle, uniform dip, about 0.45 to 0.55 degrees, out to water depths of about 70 m at the outer limit of State Waters. A significant amount of the Russian River sediment load, estimated at about 900,000 metric tons/yr by Farnsworth and Warrick (2007) is deposited offshore of the river mouth, contributing to the noted north-to-south contrast in bathymetric slope. On a larger geomorphic scale, sea level has risen about 125 to 130 m over about the last 21,000 years (for example, Lambeck and Chappell, 2001; Peltier and Fairbanks, 2005), leading to broadening of the continental shelf, progressive eastward migration of the shoreline and wave-cut platform, and associated transgressive erosion and deposition. Tectonic influences impacting shelf geomorphology and geology are primarily related to the active San Andreas Fault system (see below). Given exposure to high wave energy, modern nearshore to inner-shelf sediments north of the mouth of the Russian River are mostly sand (unit Qms) and a mix of sand, gravel, and cobbles (units Qmsc and Qmsd). The more coarse-grained sands and gravels (units Qmsc and Qmsd) are primarily recognized on the basis of bathymetry and high backscatter. Both Qmsc and Qmsd typically have abrupt landward contacts with bedrock (units Tgr, Tsm, Tkfs, fsr) and form irregular to lenticular exposures that are commonly elongate in the shore-normal direction. Contacts between units Qmsc and Qms are typically gradational. Unit Qmsd forms erosional lags in scoured depressions that are bounded by relatively sharp and less commonly diffuse contacts with unit Qms horizontal sand sheets. These depressions are typically a few tens of centimeters deep and range in size from a few 10's of sq m to more than one sq km. Similar Qmsd scour depressions are common along this stretch of the California coast (see, for example, Cacchione and others, 1984; Hallenbeck and others, 2012) where surficial offshore sandy sediment is relatively thin (thus unable to fill the depressions) due to both lack of sediment supply and to erosion and transport of sediment during large northwest winter swells. Such features have been referred to as "rippled-scour depressions" (see, for example, Cacchione and others, 1984) or "sorted bedforms" (see, for example, Goff and others, 2005; Trembanis and Hume, 2011). Although the general areas in which both Qmsd scour depressions and surrounding mobile sand sheets occur are not likely to change substantially, the boundaries of the individual Qmsd depressions are likely ephemeral, changing seasonally and during significant storm events. Unit Qmsf lies offshore of unit Qms, and consists primarily of mud and muddy sand and is commonly extensively bioturbated. The water depth of the transition from sand-dominated marine sediment (unit Qms) to mud-dominated marine sediment (Qmsf) increases from about 45 to 50 m directly offshore of the mouth of the Russian River to as much as about 60 m adjacent to the rocky outcrops along the northern map boundary. This change is clearly related to the large amount of fine sediment load carried by the Russian River, which feeds a widespread, mid-shelf, mud belt that extends along the mid-shelf from Point Arena to Point Reyes (Klise, 1983; Drake and Cacchione, 1985; Demirpolat, 1991). Map unit polygons were digitized over underlying 2-meter base layers developed from multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data (see Bathymetry--Offshore Fort Ross, California and Backscattter A to C--Offshore Fort Ross, California, DS 781, for more information). The bathymetry and backscatter data were collected between 2006 and 2009. This layer is part of USGS Data Series 781. In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats and geology within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters. CSMP has divided coastal California into 110 map blocks, each to be published individually as United States Geological Survey Open-File Reports (OFRs) or Scientific Investigations Maps (SIMs) at a scale of 1:24,000. Maps display seafloor morphology and character, identify potential marine benthic habitats and illustrate both the seafloor geology and shallow (to about 100 m) subsurface geology. Data layers for bathymetry, bathymetric contours, acoustic backscatter, seafloor character, potential benthic habitat and offshore geology were created for each map block, as well as regional-scale data layers for sediment thickness, depth to transition, transgressive contours, isopachs, predicted distributions of benthic macro-invertebrates and visual observations of benthic habitat from video cruises over the entire state. These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. This information is not intended for navigational purposes.The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information. Additionally, this coverage can provide a geologic map for the public and geoscience community to aid in assessments and mitigation of geologic hazards in the coastal region and sufficient geologic information for land-use and land-management decisions both onshore and offshore. This information is not intended for navigational purposes. Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., and Manson, M.W. (2014). Geology: Offshore of Fort Ross, California, 2009. California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 781. Available at: Map political location: San Mateo County, California Compilation scale: 1:24,000 Base maps used are hillshades generated from IfSAR, LiDAR, and multibeam mapping both onshore and offshore (see Bathymetry--Offshore of Fort Ross Map Area, California). . References Cited Cacchione, D.A., Drake, D.E., Grant, W.D., and Tate, G.B., 1984, Rippled scour depressions of the inner continental shelf off central California: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 54, p. 1,280-1,291. Demirpolat, S., 1991, Surface and near-surface sediments from the continental shelf off the Russian River, northern California: Marine Geology, v. 99, p. 163-173. Drake, D.E., and Cacchione, D.A., 1985, Seasonal variation in sediment transport on the Russian River shelf, California: Continental Shelf Research, v. 14, p. 495-514. Farnsworth, K.L., and Warrick, J.A., 2007, Sources, dispersal, and fate of fine sediment supplied to coastal California: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5254, 77 p. Goff, J.A., Mayer, L.A., Traykovski, P., Buynevich, I., Wilkens, R., Raymond, R., Glang, G., Evans, R.L., Olson, H., and Jenkins, C., 2005, Detailed investigations of sorted bedforms or "rippled scour depressions", within the Marthaâs Vineyard Coastal Observatory, Massachusetts: Continental Shelf Research, v. 25, p. 461-484. Hallenbeck, T.R., Kvitek, R.G., and Lindholm, J., 2012, Rippled scour depressions add ecologically significant heterogeneity to soft-bottom habitats on the continental shelf: Marine Ecology Progress Series, v. 468, p. 119-133. Klise, D.H., 1983, Modern sedimentation on the California continental margin adjacent to the Russian River: M.S. thesis, San Jose State University, 120 p. Lambeck, K., and Chappell, J., 2001, Sea level change through the last glacial cycle: Science, v. 292, p. 679-686, doi: 10.1126/science.1059549. Peltier, W.R., and Fairbanks, R.G., 2005, Global glacial ice volume and Last Glacial Maximum duration from an extended Barbados sea level record: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 25, p. 3,322-3,337. Trembanis, A.C., and Hume, T.M., 2011, Sorted bedforms on the inner shelf off northeastern New Zealand-Spatiotemporal relationships and potential paleo-environmental implications: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 31, p. 203-214. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  13. Title: Faults: Offshore of Tomales Point, California, 2010


    Summary: This line shapefile depicts faults within the offshore area of Tomales Point, California. The Point Reyes Peninsula is bounded to the south and west in the offshore by the north- and east-dipping Point Reyes Thrust Fault (McCulloch, 1987; Heck and others, 1990), which lies about 20 km west of Tomales Point. Granitic basement rocks are offset about 1.4 km on this thrust fault offshore of Point Reyes (McCulloch, 1987), and this uplift combined with west-side-up offset on the San Andreas Fault (Grove and Niemi, 2005) resulted in uplift of the Point Reyes Peninsula, including Tomales Point and the adjacent continental shelf. Grove and others (2010) reported uplift rates of as much as 1 mm/yr for the south flank of the Point Reyes Peninsula based on marine terraces, but reported no datable terrace surfaces that could constrain uplift for the flight of 4-5 terraces exposed farther north along Tomales Point. Faults were primarily mapped by interpretation of seismic reflection profile data (see field activity S-15-10-NC). The seismic reflection profiles were collected between 2007 and 2010. A map that shows these data is published in Open-File Report 2015-1088, "California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Tomales Point, California." This layer is part of USGS Data Series 781. In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats and geology within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters. CSMP has divided coastal California into 110 map blocks, each to be published individually as United States Geological Survey Open-File Reports (OFRs) or Scientific Investigations Maps (SIMs) at a scale of 1:24,000. Maps display seafloor morphology and character, identify potential marine benthic habitats and illustrate both the seafloor geology and shallow (to about 100 m) subsurface geology. Data layers for bathymetry, bathymetric contours, acoustic backscatter, seafloor character, potential benthic habitat and offshore geology were created for each map block, as well as regional-scale data layers for sediment thickness, depth to transition, transgressive contours, isopachs, predicted distributions of benthic macro-invertebrates and visual observations of benthic habitat from video cruises over the entire state. This coverage can be used to to aid in assessments and mitigation of geologic hazards in the coastal region and to provide sufficient geologic information for land-use and land-management decisions both onshore and offshore. These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. This information is not intended for navigational purposes.The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information. Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., and Manson, M.W. (2014). Faults: Offshore of Tomales Point, California, 2010. California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 781. Available at: Map political location: San Mateo County, California Compilation scale: 1:24,000 Base maps used are hillshades generated from IfSAR, LiDAR, and multibeam mapping both onshore and offshore (see Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Tomales Point, California, DS 781, for more information). References Cited Grove, K., and Niemi, T.M., 2005, Late Quaternary deformation and slip rates in the northern San Andreas fault zone at Olema Valley, Marin County, California: Tectonophysics, v. 401, p. 231-250. Grove, K, Sklar, L.S., Scherer, A.M., Lee, G., and Davis, J., 2010, Accelerating and spatially-varying crustal uplift and its geomorphic expression, San Andreas fault zone north of San Francisco, California: Tectonophysics, v. 495, p. 256-268. Heck, R.G., Edwards, E.B., Kronen, J.D., Jr., and Willingham, C.R., 1990, Petroleum potential of the offshore outer Santa Cruz and Bodega basins, California, in Garrison, R.E., Greene, H.G., Hicks, K.R., Weber, G.E., and Wright, T.L., eds. Geology and tectonics of the central California coastal region, San Francisco to Monterey: Pacific Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin GB67, p. 143-164. McCulloch, D.S., 1987, Regional geology and hydrocarbon potential of offshore central California, in Scholl, D.W., Grantz, A., and Vedder, J.G., eds., Geology and Resource Potential of the Continental Margin of Western North America and Adjacent Oceans Beaufort Sea to Baja California: Houston, Texas, Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 6., p. 353-401. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  14. Title: Geology: Offshore of Salt Point, California, 2010


    Summary: This shapefile contains geologic features within the offshore area of Salt Point, California. The morphology and the geology of the Offshore of Salt Point map area result from the interplay between local sea-level rise, sedimentary processes, oceanography, and tectonics. The offshore part of the map area extends from the shoreline to water depths of about 90 to 100 m on the mid-continental shelf; the shelfbreak occurs about 20 km farther offshore at water depths of about 200 m. The nearshore and inner shelf (to water depths of about 50 to 60 m) typically dips seaward about 1.0 to 1.5 degrees; the mid to outer shelf dips more gently, generally less than 0.5 degrees. Sea level has risen about 125 to 130 m over about the last 21,000 years (for example, Lambeck and Chappell, 2001; Peltier and Fairbanks, 2005), leading to broadening of the continental shelf, progressive eastward migration of the shoreline and wave-cut platform, and associated transgressive erosion and deposition. Land-derived sediment was carried into this dynamic setting, then subjected to full Pacific Ocean wave energy and strong currents before deposition or offshore transport. Tectonic influences impacting shelf morphology and geology are related to local faulting, folding, uplift, and subsidence (see below). Bedrock of the Eocene and Paleocene German Rancho Formation (unit Tgr) underlies much of the inner shelf, extending to water depths of as much as 60 m. Although onshore coastal outcrops of this unit are well bedded, seafloor outcrops imaged on high-resolution bathymetry have a hackly surface texture and abundant fractures. Embayments in the outer margin of the seafloor bedrock outcrops are commonly paired with the mouths of coastal watersheds and are inferred to have formed by fluvial erosion during the last sealevel lowstand. One of the more prominent embayments occurs about one kilometer north of Salt Point at the mouth of Miller Creek (fig. 1-2). These coastal watersheds are relatively small and steep, extending to a drainage divide just 2 to 3 km east of the shoreline, and are inferred sources of coarse-grained sediments. Immediately east of this onshore topographic divide, drainage along this part of the coast is captured by the northwest-flowing South Fork of the Gualala River (fig. 1-2), which runs parallel to the coast along the trace of the San Andreas fault. Given relatively shallow water depths (0 to about 50 m) and exposure to high wave energy, modern nearshore to mid-shelf sediments are mostly sand (unit Qms) and a mix of sand, gravel, and cobbles (units Qmsc and Qmsd). The more coarse-grained sands and gravels (units Qmsc and Qmsd) are primarily recognized on the basis of bathymetry and high backscatter. Both Qmsc and Qmsd typically have abrupt landward contacts with bedrock (unit Tgr) and form irregular to lenticular exposures that are commonly elongate in the shore-normal direction. Contacts between units Qmsc and Qms are typically gradational. Unit Qmsd forms erosional lags in scoured depressions that are bounded by relatively sharp and less commonly diffuse contacts with unit Qms horizontal sand sheets. These depressions are typically a few tens of centimeters deep and range in size from a few 10's of sq m to more than one sq km. Similar unit Qmsd scour depressions are common along this stretch of the California coast (see, for example, Cacchione and others, 1984; Hallenbeck and others, 2012) where surficial offshore sandy sediment is relatively thin (thus unable to fill the depressions) due to both lack of sediment supply and to erosion and transport of sediment during large northwest winter swells. Such features have been referred to as "rippled-scour depressions" (see, for example, Cacchione and others, 1984) or "sorted bedforms" (see, for example, Goff and others, 2005; Trembanis and Hume, 2011). Although the general areas in which both unit Qmsd scour depressions and surrounding mobile sand sheets occur are not likely to change substantially, the boundaries of the individual Qmsd depressions are likely ephemeral, changing seasonally and during significant storm events. The offshore decrease in slope at mid-shelf water depths (about 60 m) approximately coincides with a transition to more fine-grained marine sediments (unit Qmsf), which extends to the outer (3-nautical-mile) limit of California's State Waters. Unit Qmsf consists primarily of mud and muddy sand and is commonly extensively bioturbated. These fine-grained sediments are inferred to have been derived from from the Russian River, which has its mouth about 15 km south of the map area. Both Drake and Cacchione (1985) and Sherwood and others (1994) have documented seasonal, mid-shelf, northwest-directed, bottom currens capable of transporting fine-grained, suspended sediment from the Russian River to the Offshore of Salt Point map area. Map unit polygons were digitized over underlying 2-meter base layers developed from multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data (see Bathymetry--Offshore Salt Point, California and Backscattter--Offshore Salt Point, California, DS 781, for more information). The bathymetry and backscatter data were collected between 2006 and 2010. A map that shows these data is published in Open-File Report 2015–1098, "California State Waters Map Series- Offshore of Salt Point, California." This layer is a part of USGS DS 781. In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats and geology within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters. CSMP has divided coastal California into 110 map blocks, each to be published individually as United States Geological Survey Open-File Reports (OFRs) or Scientific Investigations Maps (SIMs) at a scale of 1:24,000. Maps display seafloor morphology and character, identify potential marine benthic habitats and illustrate both the seafloor geology and shallow (to about 100 m) subsurface geology. Data layers for bathymetry, bathymetric contours, acoustic backscatter, seafloor character, potential benthic habitat and offshore geology were created for each map block, as well as regional-scale data layers for sediment thickness, depth to transition, transgressive contours, isopachs, predicted distributions of benthic macro-invertebrates and visual observations of benthic habitat from video cruises over the entire state. This coverage can be used to to aid in assessments and mitigation of geologic hazards in the coastal region and to provide sufficient geologic information for land-use and land-management decisions both onshore and offshore. These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. This information is not intended for navigational purposes.The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information. Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., and Manson, M.W. (2014). Geology: Offshore of Salt Point, California, 2010. California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 781. Available at: Map political location: San Mateo County, California Compilation scale: 1:24,000 Base maps used are hillshades generated from IfSAR, LiDAR, and multibeam mapping both onshore and offshore (see Bathymetry--Offshore of Salt Point Map Area, California). References Cited Cacchione, D.A., Drake, D.E., Grant, W.D., and Tate, G.B., 1984, Rippled scour depressions of the inner continental shelf off central California: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 54, p. 1,280-1,291. Drake, D.E., and Cacchione, D.A., 1985, Seasonal variation in sediment transport on the Russian River shelf, California: Continental Shelf Research, v. 14, p. 495-514. Goff, J.A., Mayer, L.A., Traykovski, P., Buynevich, I., Wilkens, R., Raymond, R., Glang, G., Evans, R.L., Olson, H., and Jenkins, C., 2005, Detailed investigations of sorted bedforms or "rippled scour depressions", within the Marthaâs Vineyard Coastal Observatory, Massachusetts: Continental Shelf Research, v. 25, p. 461-484. Hallenbeck, T.R., Kvitek, R.G., and Lindholm, J., 2012, Rippled scour depressions add ecologically significant heterogeneity to soft-bottom habitats on the continental shelf: Marine Ecology Progress Series, v. 468, p. 119-133. Lambeck, K., and Chappell, J., 2001, Sea level change through the last glacial cycle: Science, v. 292, p. 679-686, doi: 10.1126/science.1059549. Manson, M.W., Huyette, C.M., Wills, C.J., Huffman, M.E., Smelser, G.G., Fuller, M.E., Domrose, C., and Gutierrez, C., 2006, Landslides in the Highway 1 corridor between Bodega Bay and Fort Ross, Sonoma County, California: California Geological Survey Special Report 196, 26 p., 2 plates, 38 maps, scale 1:12,000. Peltier, W.R., and Fairbanks, R.G., 2005, Global glacial ice volume and Last Glacial Maximum duration from an extended Barbados sea level record: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 25, p. 3,322-3,337. Sherwood, C.R., Butman, B., Cacchione, D.A., Drake, D.E., Gross, T.F., Sternberg, R.W., Wiberg, P.L., and Williams, A.J., III, 1994, Sediment transport events on the northern California continental shelf during the 1990-1991 STRESS experiment: Continental Shelf Research, v. 14, p. 1063-1099. Trembanis, A.C., and Hume, T.M., 2011, Sorted bedforms on the inner shelf off northeastern New Zealand-Spatiotemporal relationships and potential paleo-environmental implications: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 31, p. 203-214. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  15. Title: Isopachs: Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California, 2009


    Summary: This line shapefile contains isopachs (contour lines of equal thickness) for the areas within the 3-nautical mile limit between Salt Point and Drakes Bay in California. As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 20-m grid of depth to the transgressive surface of the last glacial maximum was generated for the 3-mile offshore region. The resulting grid covers an area of approximately 600 sq km. The volume of sediment accumulated since the Last Glacial Maximum is approximately 9,000 million cubic meters. Contours at 2.5-meter intervals were derived from this grid. This layer is part of USGS Data Series 781. In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats and geology within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters. CSMP has divided coastal California into 110 map blocks, each to be published individually as United States Geological Survey Open-File Reports (OFRs) or Scientific Investigations Maps (SIMs) at a scale of 1:24,000. Maps display seafloor morphology and character, identify potential marine benthic habitats and illustrate both the seafloor geology and shallow (to about 100 m) subsurface geology. Data layers for bathymetry, bathymetric contours, acoustic backscatter, seafloor character, potential benthic habitat and offshore geology were created for each map block, as well as regional-scale data layers for sediment thickness, depth to transition, transgressive contours, isopachs, predicted distributions of benthic macro-invertebrates and visual observations of benthic habitat from video cruises over the entire state. These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. This information is not intended for navigational purposes.The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information. Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Watt, J.T., and Sliter, R.W. (2014). Isopachs: Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California, 2009. California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 781. Available at: Sediment thickness and volume within each of the map areas > Salt Point 38.639622 38.479620 -123.482704 -123.278809 > Fort Ross 38.556494 38.396794 -123.305678 -123.102404 > Bodega Bay 38.411542 38.252067 -123.172536 -122.969899 > Tomales Point 38.255180 38.095716 -123.097226 -122.895023 > Point Reyes 38.098263 37.938810 -123.094511 -122.892742 > Drakes Bay 38.038192 37.878737 -122.966411 -122.764735 > > -----sediment thickness-------- > Area Volume > Map block (sq km) Mean (million cu m) > Salt Point 117 12.5 1464 > Fort Ross 100 21.5 2157 > Bodega Bay 128 8.5 1084 > Tomales Point 108 2.1 230 > Point Reyes 175 7.9 1387 > Drakes Bay 89 5.3 476 Additional information about the field activities from which this data set was derived are available online at > Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although this Federal Geographic Data Committee-compliant metadata file is intended to document the data set in nonproprietary form, as well as in ArcInfo format, this metadata file may include some ArcInfo-specific terminology. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  16. Title: Folds: Offshore of Bodega Head, California, 2010


    Summary: This line shapefile contains geologic folds of the offshore area of Bodega Head in California. Onshore investigations indicate that this section of the San Andreas Fault onland has an estimated slip rate of about 17 to 25 mm/yr (Bryant and Lundberg, 2002). Emergent marine terraces at Bodega Bay record uplift rates associated with the fault system of about 0.1 mm/yr (Landis and others, 2004). The devastating Great 1906 California earthquake (M 7.8) is thought to have nucleated on the San Andreas Fault about 70 kilometers south of this map area offshore of San Francisco (e.g., Bolt, 1968; Lomax, 2005), with the rupture extending northward through the Offshore of Bodega Head map area to the south flank of Cape Mendocino. Folds were primarily mapped by interpretation of seismic reflection profile data (see field activity S-15-10-NC). The seismic reflection profiles were collected in 2010. This layer is part of USGS Data Series 781. In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats and geology within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters. CSMP has divided coastal California into 110 map blocks, each to be published individually as United States Geological Survey Open-File Reports (OFRs) or Scientific Investigations Maps (SIMs) at a scale of 1:24,000. Maps display seafloor morphology and character, identify potential marine benthic habitats and illustrate both the seafloor geology and shallow (to about 100 m) subsurface geology. Data layers for bathymetry, bathymetric contours, acoustic backscatter, seafloor character, potential benthic habitat and offshore geology were created for each map block, as well as regional-scale data layers for sediment thickness, depth to transition, transgressive contours, isopachs, predicted distributions of benthic macro-invertebrates and visual observations of benthic habitat from video cruises over the entire state. This coverage can be used to aid in assessments and mitigation of geologic hazards in the coastal region and to provide sufficient geologic information for land-use and land-management decisions both onshore and offshore. These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. This information is not intended for navigational purposes.The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information. Additionally, this coverage can provide a geologic map for the public and geoscience community to aid in assessments and mitigation of geologic hazards in the coastal region and sufficient geologic information for land-use and land-management decisions both onshore and offshore. This information is not intended for navigational purposes. Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., and Manson, M.W. (2014). Folds: Offshore of Bodega Head, California, 2010. California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 781. Available at: Map political location: San Mateo County, California Compilation scale: 1:24,000 Base maps used are hillshades generated from IfSAR, LiDAR, and multibeam mapping both onshore and offshore (see Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore Bodega Head, California, California, DS 781, for more information). References Cited Bolt, B.A., 1968, The focus of the 1906 California earthquake: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 58, p. 457-471. Bryant, W.A., and Lundberg, M.M., compilers, 2002, Fault number 1b, San Andreas fault zone, North Coast section, in Quaternary fault and fold database of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey website, accessed April 4, 2013, at Landis, P.S., Gardner, T.W., and Merritts, D.J., 2004, Deformation of marine terraces along the western edge of the North American Plate, Bodega Bay to the Russian River, CA: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, South-Central Section, Paper 6-3. Lomax, A., 2005, A reanalysis of the hypocentral location and related observations for the Great 1906 California earthquake: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 95, p. 861-877. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  17. Title: Faults: Offshore of Bodega Head, California, 2010


    Summary: This line shapefile represents fault lines within the offshore area of Bodega Head in California. Onshore investigations indicate that this section of the San Andreas Fault onland has an estimated slip rate of about 17 to 25 mm/yr (Bryant and Lundberg, 2002). Emergent marine terraces at Bodega Bay record uplift rates associated with the fault system of about 0.1 mm/yr (Landis and others, 2004). The devastating Great 1906 California earthquake (M 7.8) is thought to have nucleated on the San Andreas Fault about 70 kilometers south of this map area offshore of San Francisco (e.g., Bolt, 1968; Lomax, 2005), with the rupture extending northward through the Offshore of Bodega Head map area to the south flank of Cape Mendocino. Faults were primarily mapped by interpretation of seismic reflection profile data (see field activity S-15-10-NC). The seismic reflection profiles were collected in 2010. This layer is part of USGS Data Series 781. In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats and geology within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters. CSMP has divided coastal California into 110 map blocks, each to be published individually as United States Geological Survey Open-File Reports (OFRs) or Scientific Investigations Maps (SIMs) at a scale of 1:24,000. Maps display seafloor morphology and character, identify potential marine benthic habitats and illustrate both the seafloor geology and shallow (to about 100 m) subsurface geology. Data layers for bathymetry, bathymetric contours, acoustic backscatter, seafloor character, potential benthic habitat and offshore geology were created for each map block, as well as regional-scale data layers for sediment thickness, depth to transition, transgressive contours, isopachs, predicted distributions of benthic macro-invertebrates and visual observations of benthic habitat from video cruises over the entire state. This coverage can be used to aid in assessments and mitigation of geologic hazards in the coastal region and to provide sufficient geologic information for land-use and land-management decisions both onshore and offshore. These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. This information is not intended for navigational purposes.The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information. Additionally, this coverage can provide a geologic map for the public and geoscience community to aid in assessments and mitigation of geologic hazards in the coastal region and sufficient geologic information for land-use and land-management decisions both onshore and offshore. This information is not intended for navigational purposes. Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., and Manson, M.W. (2014). Faults: Offshore of Bodega Head, California, 2010. California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 781. Available at: Map political location: San Mateo County, California Compilation scale: 1:24,000 Base maps used are hillshades generated from IfSAR, LiDAR, and multibeam mapping both onshore and offshore (see Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Bodega Head, California, DS 781, for more information). References Cited Bolt, B.A., 1968, The focus of the 1906 California earthquake: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 58, p. 457-471. Bryant, W.A., and Lundberg, M.M., compilers, 2002, Fault number 1b, San Andreas fault zone, North Coast section, in Quaternary fault and fold database of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey website, accessed April 4, 2013, at Landis, P.S., Gardner, T.W., and Merritts, D.J., 2004, Deformation of marine terraces along the western edge of the North American Plate, Bodega Bay to the Russian River, CA: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, South-Central Section, Paper 6-3. Lomax, A., 2005, A reanalysis of the hypocentral location and related observations for the Great 1906 California earthquake: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 95, p. 861-877. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  18. Title: Geology: Offshore of Bodega Head, California, 2010


    Summary: This polygon shapefile represents geologic features of the offshore area of Bodega Head in California. The morphology and the geology of the map area result from the interplay between tectonics, sea-level rise, local sedimentary processes, and oceanography. The Offshore of Bodega Head map area is cut by the northwest-trending San Andreas Fault, the right-lateral transform boundary between the North American and Pacific tectonic plates. From southeast to northwest, this fault extends through Bodega Bay and Bodega Harbor, crosses the Bodega Head isthmus at the mouth of Salmon Creek, and extends in the offshore for about 20 km before passing onland at Fort Ross, about 12 km north of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area. The San Andreas Fault juxtaposes Cretaceous granitic rock on the southwest with the Jurassic, Cretaceous, and early Tertiary Franciscan Complex on the northeast. Uplift of the granitic rock (unit Kg) on the west side of the San Andreas Fault has created extensive, rugged, rocky seafloor, centered offshore Bodega Head and extending northwest for about 15 km, from the western flank of Bodega Bay to the shelf offshore of the mouth of Salmon Creek. At its south and north ends this rocky seafloor extends to water depths of about 40 m and 50 m, respectively where it is onlapped by young sediment (see below); offshore of Bodega Head, the rocky seafloor extends to water depths of 80 m. Northeast of the San Andreas Fault, offshore rocky outcrops of the Franciscan complex (units Kfs, Kjfss, fsr) occur only in the nearshore (water depths less than 15 m). Sediment-covered areas of the offshore part of the map occur in gently sloping (less than about 1 degree) nearshore, inner-, and mid-shelf environments. Sediment supply to the shelf north and west of Bodega Head is predominantly from coastal watersheds including the Russian River (4.5 km north of the map area) and Salmon Creek. Sediment supply to Bodega Bay and the shelf in the southern part of the map area is from small coastal watersheds and estuaries such as Estero Americano and Estero de San Antonio, and most likely from sediment flux out of the mouth of Tomales Bay, located two kilometers south of the map area. Shelf morphology and evolution largely reflects eustacy; sea level has risen about 125 to 130 m over about the last 21,000 years (for example, Lambeck and Chappell, 2001; Peltier and Fairbanks, 2005), leading to broadening of the continental shelf, progressive eastward migration of the shoreline and wave-cut platform, and associated transgressive erosion and deposition. Given present exposure to high wave energy, modern nearshore to inner-shelf sediments are mostly sand (unit Qms) and a mix of sand, gravel, and cobbles (units Qmsc and Qmsd). The more coarse-grained sands and gravels (units Qmsc and Qmsd) are primarily recognized on the basis of bathymetry and high backscatter. Unit Qmsc occurs in two areas: (1) as a linear nearshore bar (water depth less than 10 m) offshore of Salmon Creek - the eastern contact of this unit is queried because of the lack of data in the surf zone; and (2) as a west-trending bar at the north end of Bodega Bay. Unit Qmsd forms erosional lags in scoured depressions that are bounded by relatively sharp contacts with bedrock or sharp to diffuse contacts with unit Qms. These scoured depressions are typically a few tens of centimeters deep and range in size from a few 10's of sq m to more than one sq km. Similar unit Qmsd scour depressions are common along this stretch of the California coast (see, for example, Cacchione and others, 1984; Hallenbeck and others, 2012) where surficial offshore sandy sediment is relatively thin (thus unable to fill the depressions) due to both lack of sediment supply and to erosion and transport of sediment during large northwest winter swells. Such features have been referred to as "rippled-scour depressions" (see, for example, Cacchione and others, 1984) or "sorted bedforms" (see, for example, Goff and others, 2005; Trembanis and Hume, 2011). Although the general areas in which both unit Qmsd scour depressions and surrounding mobile sand sheets occur are not likely to change substantially, the boundaries of the individual Qmsd depressions are likely ephemeral, changing seasonally and during significant storm events. Unit Qmsf lies offshore of unit Qms, consists primarily of mud and muddy sand and is commonly extensively bioturbated. The water depth of the transition from sand-dominated marine sediment (unit Qms) to mud-dominated marine sediment (Qmsf) occurs at depths of about 45 to 50 m except offshore of Bodega Head where seafloor bedrock outcrops extend to depths of 80 m at the outer limit of California's State Waters. The smooth seafloor in the northern part of the map area between water depths of 40 m and 70 m notably includes an about 3-km-wide field of elongate, shore-normal, paired sediment lobes and chutes (unit Qmsl). Individual lobes within the field are as much as 1,000-m long and 150-m wide, and have as much as 2 m of relief above the surrounding smooth seafloor. This sediment-lobe field lies just one kilometer west of the San Andreas Fault and we infer that large earthquakes on this structure generated strong ground motions and slope failures, mobilizing small sediment flows that moved down the gentle slope and were deposited as lobes. Unit Qmsl also occurs as a 250-m-wide field of four discrete lobes and paired arcuate, low-relief scours on the south flank of a west-trending bar in northern Bodega Bay. Map unit polygons were digitized over underlying 2-meter base layers developed from multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data (see Bathymetry--Offshore Bodega Head, California and Backscattter A to C--Offshore Bodega Head, California, DS 781, for more information). The bathymetry and backscatter data were collected between 2007 and 2010. This layer is part of USGS Data Series 781. In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats and geology within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters. CSMP has divided coastal California into 110 map blocks, each to be published individually as United States Geological Survey Open-File Reports (OFRs) or Scientific Investigations Maps (SIMs) at a scale of 1:24,000. Maps display seafloor morphology and character, identify potential marine benthic habitats and illustrate both the seafloor geology and shallow (to about 100 m) subsurface geology. Data layers for bathymetry, bathymetric contours, acoustic backscatter, seafloor character, potential benthic habitat and offshore geology were created for each map block, as well as regional-scale data layers for sediment thickness, depth to transition, transgressive contours, isopachs, predicted distributions of benthic macro-invertebrates and visual observations of benthic habitat from video cruises over the entire state. This coverage can be used to aid in assessments and mitigation of geologic hazards in the coastal region and to provide sufficient geologic information for land-use and land-management decisions both onshore and offshore. These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information. Additionally, this coverage can provide a geologic map for the public and geoscience community to aid in assessments and mitigation of geologic hazards in the coastal region and sufficient geologic information for land-use and land-management decisions both onshore and offshore. This information is not intended for navigational purposes. Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., and Manson, M.W. (2014). Geology: Offshore of Bodega Head, California, 2010. California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 781. Available at: Map political location: San Mateo County, California Compilation scale: 1:24,000 Base maps used are hillshades generated from IfSAR, LiDAR, and multibeam mapping both onshore and offshore (see Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore Bodega Head, California, California, DS 781, for more information). References Cited Cacchione, D.A., Drake, D.E., Grant, W.D., and Tate, G.B., 1984, Rippled scour depressions of the inner continental shelf off central California: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 54, p. 1,280-1,291. Goff, J.A., Mayer, L.A., Traykovski, P., Buynevich, I., Wilkens, R., Raymond, R., Glang, G., Evans, R.L., Olson, H., and Jenkins, C., 2005, Detailed investigations of sorted bedforms or "rippled scour depressions", within the Marthaâs Vineyard Coastal Observatory, Massachusetts: Continental Shelf Research, v. 25, p. 461-484. Hallenbeck, T.R., Kvitek, R.G., and Lindholm, J., 2012, Rippled scour depressions add ecologically significant heterogeneity to soft-bottom habitats on the continental shelf: Marine Ecology Progress Series, v. 468, p. 119-133. Lambeck, K., and Chappell, J., 2001, Sea level change through the last glacial cycle: Science, v. 292, p. 679-686, doi: 10.1126/science.1059549. Peltier, W.R., and Fairbanks, R.G., 2006, Global glacial ice volume and Last Glacial Maximum duration from an extended Barbados sea level record: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 25, p. 3,322-3,337. Trembanis, A.C., and Hume, T.M., 2011, Sorted bedforms on the inner shelf off northeastern New Zealand-Spatiotemporal relationships and potential paleo-environmental implications: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 31, p. 203-214. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  19. Title: Folds: Offshore of Fort Ross, California, 2009


    Summary: This line shapefile represents geologic folds in the offshore area of Fort Ross, California. The map area is cut by the northwest-trending San Andreas Fault, the right-lateral transform boundary between the North American and Pacific tectonic plates. The San Andreas extends across the inner shelf in the southern part of the map, then crosses the shoreline at Fort Ross and continues onland for about 75 km to the east flank of Point Arena (fig. 8-1). Seismic-reflection data are used to map the offshore fault trace, and reveal a relatively simple, 200- to 500-m wide zone typically characterized by one or two primary strands. About 1500 m west of the San Andreas Fault, the mid shelf (between water depths of 40 m and 70 m) in the southernmost part of the map area includes an about 5-km-wide field of elongate, shore-normal sediment lobes (unit Qmsl). Individual lobes within the field are as much as 650-m long and 200-m wide, have as much as 1.5 m (check with Steve) of relief above the surrounding smooth seafloor, and are commonly connected with upslope chutes. Given their morphology and proxmity to the San Andreas fault, we infer that these lobes result from slope failures associated with strong ground motions triggered by large San Andreas earthquakes. Movement on the San Andreas has juxtaposed different coastal bedrock blocks (Blake and others, 2002). Rocks east of the fault that occur along the coast and in the nearshore belong to the late Tertiary, Cretaceous, and Jurassic Franciscan Complex, either sandstone of the Coastal Belt or Central Belt (unit TKfs) or melange of the central terrane (unit fsr). Bedrock west of the fault are considered part of the Gualala Block (Elder, 1998) and include the Eocene and Paleocene German Rancho Formation (unit Tgr) and the Miocene sandstone and mudstone of the Fort Ross area (unit Tsm). This section of the San Andreas Fault onland has an estimated slip rate of about 17 to 25 mm/yr (Bryant and Lundberg, 2002). The devastating Great 1906 California earthquake (M 7.8) is thought to have nucleated on the San Andreas Fault about 100 kilometers south of this map area offshore of San Francisco (e.g., Bolt, 1968; Lomax, 2005), with the rupture extending northward through the Offshore of Fort Ross map area to the south flank of Cape Mendocino. Emergent marine terraces along the coast in the Offshore of Fort Ross map area record recent contractional deformation associated with the San Andreas Fault system. Prentice and Kelson (2006) report uplift rates of 0.3 to 0.6 mm/yr for a late Pleistocene terrace exposed at Fort Ross, and this recent uplift must also have affect the nearshore and inner shelf. Previously, McCulloch (1987) mapped a nearshore (within 3 to 5 km of the coast) fault zone from Point Arena to Fort Ross (Fig. 8-1) using primarily deeper industry seismic-reflection data. Subsequently, Dickinson and others (2005) named this structure the "Gualala Fault." Our mapping, also based on seismic-reflection data, reveals this structure as a steep, northeast trending fault and similarly shows the fault ending to the south in the northern part of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area. We have designated the zone of faulting and folding above this structure the "Gualala Fault deformation zone." Folds were primarily mapped by interpretation of seismic reflection profile data (see field activity S-8-09-NC). The seismic reflection profiles were collected between 2007 and 2010. This layer is part of USGS Data Series 781. In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats and geology within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters. CSMP has divided coastal California into 110 map blocks, each to be published individually as United States Geological Survey Open-File Reports (OFRs) or Scientific Investigations Maps (SIMs) at a scale of 1:24,000. Maps display seafloor morphology and character, identify potential marine benthic habitats and illustrate both the seafloor geology and shallow (to about 100 m) subsurface geology. Data layers for bathymetry, bathymetric contours, acoustic backscatter, seafloor character, potential benthic habitat and offshore geology were created for each map block, as well as regional-scale data layers for sediment thickness, depth to transition, transgressive contours, isopachs, predicted distributions of benthic macro-invertebrates and visual observations of benthic habitat from video cruises over the entire state. These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. This information is not intended for navigational purposes.The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information. Additionally, this coverage can provide a geologic map for the public and geoscience community to aid in assessments and mitigation of geologic hazards in the coastal region and sufficient geologic information for land-use and land-management decisions both onshore and offshore. This information is not intended for navigational purposes. Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., and Manson, M.W. (2014). Folds: Offshore of Fort Ross, California, 2009. California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 781. Available at: Map political location: San Mateo County, California Compilation scale: 1:24,000 Base maps used are hillshades generated from IfSAR, LiDAR, and multibeam mapping both onshore and offshore (see Bathymetry--Offshore of Fort Ross Map Area, California). . References Cited Blake, M.C., Jr., Graymer, R.W., and Stamski, R.E., 2002, Geologic map and map database of western Sonoma, northernmost Marin, and southernmost Mendocino counties, California: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 2402, scale 1:100,000. Bolt, B.A., 1968, The focus of the 1906 California earthquake: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 58, p. 457-471. Bryant, W.A., and Lundberg, M.M., compilers, 2002, Fault number 1b, San Andreas fault zone, North Coast section, in Quaternary fault and fold database of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey website, accessed April 4, 2013, at Dickinson, W.R., Ducea, M., Rosenberg, L.I., Greene, H.G., Graham, S.A., Clark, J.C., Weber, G.E., Kidder, S., Ernst, W.G., and Brabb, E.E., 2005, Net dextral slip, Neogene San Gregorio-Hosgri Fault Zone, coastal California: Geologic evidence and tectonic implications: Geological Society of America Special Paper 391, 43 p. Elder, W.P., ed., 1998, Geology and tectonics of the Gualala Block, northern California: Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Book 84, 222 p. Lomax, A., 2005, A reanalysis of the hypocentral location and related observations for the Great 1906 California earthquake: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 95, p. 861-877. McCulloch, D.S., 1987, Regional geology and hydrocarbon potential of offshore central California, in Scholl, D.W., Grantz, A., and Vedder, J.G., eds., Geology and Resource Potential of the Continental Margin of Western North America and Adjacent Oceans -- Beaufort Sea to Baja California: Houston, Texas, Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 6., p. 353-401. Prentice, C.S., and Kelson, K.I., 2006, The San Andreas fault in Sonoma and Mendocino counties, in Prentice, C.S., Scotchmoor, J.G., Moores, E.M., and Kiland, J.P., eds., 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Centennial Field Guides: Field trips associated with the 100th Anniversary Conference, 18-23 April 2006, San Francisco, California: Geological Society of America Field Guide 7, p. 127-156. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  20. Title: Sediment Thickness: Bolinas to Pescadero, California, 2010


    Summary: This layer is a georeferenced raster image containing sediment-thickness data for the areas within the 3-nautical mile limit between Bolinas and Pescadero, in California. As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 50 meter grid of sediment thickness for the seafloor within the 3-nautical mile limit was generated from seismic-reflection data collected in 2009. The resulting grid covers an area of approximately 717 sq km. The volume of sediment accumulated since the Last Glacial Maximum is approximately 6,800 million cubic meters. Isopachs for the Bolinas to Pescadero region are published in Scientific Investigations Map 3306, "California State Waters Map Series--Offshore San Gregorio, California" (see sheet 9). This layer is part of USGS Data Series 781. In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP) to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats and geology within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters. CSMP has divided coastal California into 110 map blocks, each to be published individually as United States Geological Survey Open-File Reports (OFRs) or Scientific Investigations Maps (SIMs) at a scale of 1:24,000. Maps display seafloor morphology and character, identify potential marine benthic habitats and illustrate both the seafloor geology and shallow (to about 100 m) subsurface geology. Data layers for bathymetry, bathymetric contours, acoustic backscatter, seafloor character, potential benthic habitat and offshore geology were created for each map block, as well as regional-scale data layers for sediment thickness, depth to transition, transgressive contours, isopachs, predicted distributions of benthic macro-invertebrates and visual observations of benthic habitat from video cruises over the entire state. These data are intended for science researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public. This information is not intended for navigational purposes.The data can be used with geographic information systems (GIS) software to display geologic and oceanographic information. Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Sliter, R.W., Watt, J.T., Phillips, E.L., Ross, S.L., Ross, S. L., and Chin, J.L.. (2014). Sediment Thickness: Bolinas to Pescadero, California, 2010. California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 781. Available at: -----sediment thickness-------- Area Volume Map block (sq km) Mean (million cu m) Bolinas 121 8.1 975 San Francisco 102 16.5 1693 Pacifica 106 4.4 468 Half Moon Bay 123 2.5 309 San Gregorio 102 3.1 320 Additional information about the field activities from which this data set was derived are available online at > Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although this Federal Geographic Data Committee-compliant metadata file is intended to document the data set in nonproprietary form, as well as in ArcInfo format, this metadata file may include some ArcInfo-specific terminology. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

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