4 results returned
Title: International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean, 500-Meter Resolution GeoTIFF (Version 3.0)
- Raster data
- 2012
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
- Jakobsson, M
- Mayer, Larry A. (Larry Allan), 1952-
- Coakley, Bernard
- Dowdeswel, Julian A.
- Forbes, Steve
- Fridman, Boris, 1956-
- Hodnesdal, Hanne
- Noormets, Riko
- Pedersen, Richard J., 1952-
- Rebesco, M. (Michele)
- Schenke, Hans Werner
- Zarayskaya, Yulia
- Daniela Accettella
- Armstrong, Andrew
- Anderson, Robert M.
- Bienhoff, Paul
- Camerlenghi, A. (Angelo)
- Church, Ian
- Edwards, Margo
- Gardner, James V.
- Hall, John Kendrick, 1940-
- Hell, Benjamin
- Hestvik, Ole
- Kristoffersen, Y.
- Marcussen, Christian
- Mohammad, Rezwan
- Mosher, David Cole, 1960-
- Nghiem, Son V.
- Pedrosa, Maria Teresa
- Travaglini, Paola G.
- Weatherall, Pauline
- Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
Summary: This layer is a georeferenced image (GeoTIFF) of a digital bathymetric model (DBM) compiled with all multibeam, dense single beam and land data added at 500 x 500 meters resolution. The original (DBM) was compiled with all multibeam, dense single beam and land data added at 500 x 500 m resolution in a final step using the remove-restore method. Data were compiled from several multibeam cruises in the region dating from 1994 to 2011. The goal of this initiative is to develop a digital data base that contains all available bathymetric data north of 64° North, for use by mapmakers, researchers, institutions, and others whose work requires a detailed and accurate knowledge of the depth and the shape of the Arctic seabed. Jakobsson, M., L. A. Mayer, B. Coakley, J. A. Dowdeswell, S. Forbes, B. Fridman, H. Hodnesdal, R. Noormets, R. Pedersen, M. Rebesco, H.-W. Schenke, Y. Zarayskaya A, D. Accettella, A. Armstrong, R. M. Anderson, P. Bienhoff, A. Camerlenghi, I. Church, M. Edwards, J. V. Gardner, J. K. Hall, B. Hell, O. B. Hestvik, Y. Kristoffersen, C. Marcussen, R. Mohammad, D. Mosher, S. V. Nghiem, M. T. Pedrosa, P. G. Travaglini, and P. Weatherall, The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) Version 3.0, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2012GL052219. [Auxiliary Material] This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean, 30 Arc-Second Resolution GeoTIFF (Version 3.0)
- Raster data
- 2012
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
- Jakobsson, M
- Mayer, Larry A. (Larry Allan), 1952-
- Coakley, Bernard
- Dowdeswel, Julian A.
- Forbes, Steve
- Fridman, Boris, 1956-
- Hodnesdal, Hanne
- Noormets, Riko
- Pedersen, Richard J., 1952-
- Rebesco, M. (Michele)
- Schenke, Hans Werner
- Zarayskaya, Yulia
- Daniela Accettella
- Armstrong, Andrew
- Anderson, Robert M.
- Bienhoff, Paul
- Camerlenghi, A. (Angelo)
- Church, Ian
- Edwards, Margo
- Gardner, James V.
- Hall, John Kendrick, 1940-
- Hell, Benjamin
- Hestvik, Ole
- Kristoffersen, Y.
- Marcussen, Christian
- Mohammad, Rezwan
- Mosher, David Cole, 1960-
- Nghiem, Son V.
- Pedrosa, Maria Teresa
- Travaglini, Paola G.
- Weatherall, Pauline
- IOC (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission)
Summary: This layer is a georeferenced raster image (GeoTIFF) of a digital bathymetric model (DBM) of the Arctic Ocean compiled with all multibeam, dense single beam, and land data added at a resolution of 30 x 30 arc seconds. This is a reprojected version (WGS84) of the 500 meter resolution data layer. The original (DBM) was compiled with all multibeam, dense single beam and land data added at 500 x 500 m resolution in a final step using the remove-restore method. Data were compiled from several multibeam cruises in the region dating from 1994 to 2011. The goal of this initiative is to develop a digital data base that contains all available bathymetric data north of 64° North, for use by mapmakers, researchers, institutions, and others whose work requires a detailed and accurate knowledge of the depth and the shape of the Arctic seabed. Jakobsson, M., L. A. Mayer, B. Coakley, J. A. Dowdeswell, S. Forbes, B. Fridman, H. Hodnesdal, R. Noormets, R. Pedersen, M. Rebesco, H.-W. Schenke, Y. Zarayskaya A, D. Accettella, A. Armstrong, R. M. Anderson, P. Bienhoff, A. Camerlenghi, I. Church, M. Edwards, J. V. Gardner, J. K. Hall, B. Hell, O. B. Hestvik, Y. Kristoffersen, C. Marcussen, R. Mohammad, D. Mosher, S. V. Nghiem, M. T. Pedrosa, P. G. Travaglini, and P. Weatherall, The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) Version 3.0, Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1029/2012GL052219. [Auxiliary Material]
Title: Stanford Temperature Model 0km
- Point data
- 2024
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This is a temperature-at-depth model for the conterminous Untied States, at 0 kilometers. It involves multiple physical quantities, such as bottomhole temperature, depth and spatial coordinates, heat flow, thermal conductivity, elevation, sediment thickness, magnetic anomaly, gravity anomaly, and gamma-ray flux of radioactive elements. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Temperature-at-Depth Maps for the Conterminous United States
- Not specified
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This study presents a data-driven spatial interpolation algorithm based on graph neural networks to develop national temperature-at-depth maps for the conterminous US. In addition to bottomhole temperature measurements, we incorporated other physical quantities, such as depth, geographic coordinates, elevation, sediment thickness, magnetic anomaly, gravity anomaly, and gamma-ray flux produced by radioactive element. We constructed subsurface temperature predictions for depths of 0-7 km at an interval of 1 km with spatial resolution of 18 km2 per grid cell. This thorough modeling of subsurface temperature is crucial to understanding subsurface phenomena and exploiting natural underground resources.