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  1. Title: Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea Region, ca. 1715 (Raster Image)


    Summary: This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: A map of the West-Indies or the islands of America in the North Sea : with ye adjacent countries, explaning [sic] what belongs to Spain, England, France, Holland &c. also ye trade winds, and ye several tracts made by ye galeons and flota from place to place : according to ye newest and most exact observations, by Herman Moll, geographer. It was printed for Tho. Bowles in St. Pauls Church Yard and John Bowles at the Black Horse in Cornhill ca. 1715. Scale [ca. 1:4,300,000]. Covers the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea Region including parts of southern United States, Mexico, Central America, West Indies, and northern South America.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the North American Lambert Conformal Conic coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown pictorially. Includes also historical notes and insets.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.

  2. Title: Gibraltar, 1739 (Raster Image)


    Summary: This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: A new and exact plan of Gibraltar : with all its fortifications as they are at present. Showing the great strength and use of it &c., humbly inscribed to ye. Rt. Honble. the Earl of Portmore by H. Moll G. It was published by Thomas Salmon in 1739. Scale [ca. 1:7,700]. Covers Gibraltar. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the European Datum 1950, UTM Zone 30N coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, drainage, built-up areas and selected buildings, fortification, ground cover, and more. Relief is shown by hachures and pictorially. Includes explanation, notes, and index. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.

  3. Title: A chart of the South Sea coast from the Steights [sic] of Magellan to Arica


    Summary: Scale of 200 leagues. Relief shown pictorially. In upper left-hand corner: page 449. V. 2. Probably issued in: Atlas minor ... / Herman Moll. London : Printed by T. Bowles & J. Bowles, [1745?]

  4. Title: A chart of the Streights of Magellan


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially and by soundings. A scale of 20 leagues. In upper right-hand margin: page 447, V. 2. Probably issued in: Atlas minor ... / Herman Moll. London : Printed by T. Bowles & J. Bowles, [1745?]

  5. Title: A new and exact map of the dominions of the King of Great Britain on ye continent of North America : containing Newfoundland, New Scotland, New England, New York, New Jersey, Pensilvania, Maryland, Virginia and Carolina


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Dedication: To the Honourable Walter Dowglass Esqr. constituted Captain General and Chief Governor of all ye Leeward Islands in America by her late Majesty Queen Anne in ye year 1711. This map is most humbly dedicated by your most humble servant Herman Moll, Geogr., 1715. Prime meridian: London. Includes descriptive text. Insets: A view of ye industry of ye beavers of Canada ... the cataract of Niagara ... --- A draught of ye town and harbour of Charles-town. -- A map of the principal part of North America. -- A map of the improved part of Carolina with the settlements &c. -- South part of Carolina and the east part of Florida ... Imprint date from Cumming, W.P. Southeast in early maps.

  6. Title: Carolina


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Prime meridian: London. Originally published in 1729; this state was printed in 1736; later states in 1739, 1745 & 1763. This map, which extends from the south bounds of Carolina to C. Charles in Virginia, shows the location of Indian tribes in the Carolinas. It gives the chief roads or trading routes westward from Charleston, and many islands along the coast are identified by name for the first time on a printed map. In later states of map, "Azilia" was changed to "Georgia."

  7. Title: The west part of Barbary containing Fez, Marocco, Algiers and Tunis The east part of Barbary containing Tripoli, Barca and the north part of Egypt


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Includes inset map of the Oran region. From: Atlas minor ... / Herman Moll. London : Tho. Bowles and John Bowles, 1732.

  8. Title: Asia


    Summary: Imprint derived from the atlas in which the map was issued. Numbered 30. Relief shown pictorially. London meridian. From: Atlas minor ... / Herman Moll. London : Tho. Bowles and John Bowles, 1732.

  9. Title: Florida : called by ye French Louisiana &c.


    Summary: Numbered 54. Shows rivers, boundaries, settlements, roads and woods. Relief shown pictorially. London meridian. Probably issued in: From: Atlas minor ... / Herman Moll. London : Tho. Bowles and John Bowles, 1732.

  10. Title: Persia, the Caspian Sea : done by ye Czar, and part of Independent Tartary by ... with his tract from Astracan to Gilan in Persia above 2700 Eng[lish] miles


    Summary: Imprint derived from the atlas in which the map was issued. Numbered 35. Notes about the caravan from Astracan. London meridian.

  11. Title: A new and exact map of the dominions of the King of Great Britain on ye continent of North America, containing Newfoundland, New Scotland, New England, New York, New Jersey, Pensilvania, Maryland, Virginia and Carolina


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Prime meridian: London. Imprint date from Henry Stevens and Roland Tree's Comparative cartography, item 55c. Includes descriptive text. Insets: A view of ye industry of ye beavers of Canada ... the cataract of Niagara ...---A draught of ye town and harbour of Charles-town.--A map of the principal part of North America.--A map of the improved part of Carolina with the settlements &c.--South part of Carolina and the east part of Florida ...

  12. Title: The south part of Great Britain, called, England and Wales : containing all ye cities, market towns, boroughs: and whatever places have ye election of members of parliament with ye names of ye rivers, seaports, sands, hills, moors, forests &c. All ye great or post roads, and principal cross roads &c. with ye computed miles from town to town and all ye post towns as they are at present regulated by the Postmasters Genl. of the General Post House according to ye most approved surveys and accurate observations


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Advertisement. Having perused Mr. Ogilby's most useful survey of ye roads of south Britain, with his description of its rivers ... Explanation: great or direct roads, principal cross roads, roads not to be found in Mr. Ogilby's book, computed miles ..., cities, Archbishopricks, Bishoprikcs, parliament towns.., port towns or stages on the post roads (Note. This map may be useful without scale or compasses: for ye towns that are not touched by the roads lying near them, their distances may easily be computed by inspection.). Map image flanked on both sides by tables of towns and distances. Dedication: To the right honourable Francis Lord Viscount Rialton, son and heir apparent of the Right Honble. Sidney Earl of Godolphin &c. Lord High Treasurer of Great Britain. This map of south Britain is most Humbly Dedicated by your Lordship's most Humble Servant Herman Moll geographer. Prime meridian: London. From: The world described, or, a new and correct sett of maps / Herman Moll. London : H. Moll, [ca. 1730]. "The imprints on the maps by Moll include the names of Thomas Bowles, his son John, Philip Overton, and John King. Their respective addresses suggest a date ... of c.1730."--Shirley, R. Maps in the atlases of the British Library.

  13. Title: A new & exact map of the electorate of Brunswick-Lunenburg and ye rest of ye Kings dominions in Germany


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Dedication: To his most sacred majesty George King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Elector of Brunswick-Lunenburg &c. This map is most Humbly Dedicated by your Majesty's most Humble most Obedient Subject & Servant Herman Moll Geographer. Insets (Separate scale): The Dutche of Saxon Lauwenburg -- A map of part of England, the United Provinces, Westphalia, and all the dominions of the King of Great Britain in Germany, shewing the rout of the Kings journey from Hannover to Greenwich &c. Title and dedication within an elaborate cartouche honoring King George I, with additional images of his coat of arms before his accession to the throne and his crown as Arch-Treasurer of the Empire. Note: His Majesty was so pleased with this map, that he presented the author with a gold medal &c. as a mark of his royal favour, and approbation of performance. Note: This map has the improvements of ye new survey of B. Ripking. Table: A catalogue of divers woods and forrests in this map distinguished by figures. Note: The mines of WIldeman, Clausthal, Cellerfelt, Lautenthal & C. in Hartz-Wald ... Previously issued ca. 1714, after the accession of George I, with Moll's imprint only. Historic Maps copy has pencil annotations.

  14. Title: A new and exact map of the dominions of the king of Great Britain on ye continent of North America : containing Newfoundland, New Scotland, New England, New York, New Jersey, Pensilvania, Maryland, Virginia and Carolina


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Prime meridian: London. Dedicated to: Walter Dowglass, Esqr. constituted Captain General and chief Governor of all ye Leeward Islands in America ... Imprint date from W.P. Cumming's Southeast in early maps, no. 158, C. Insets: A view of ye industry of ye beavers of Canada ... the cataract of Niagara ... --- A draught of ye town and harbour of Charles-town. -- A map of the principal part of North America. -- A map of the improved part of Carolina with the settlements &c. -- South part of Carolina and the east part of Florida ...

  15. Title: A new and exact map of the United Provinces, or Netherlands &c. : according to the newest and most exact observations


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Depths shown by soundings. Dedicated to the Right Honourable Charles, Lord Viscount Townshend. Inset: A chart of part of the coast, sands and banks of England and Holland &c. with the depths of water in fathoms, each fathom containing 6 foot (scale [ca. 1:1,250,000]). Includes 6 views: Amsterdam -- Rotterdam -- Middleburg -- Utrecht -- Gronningen -- A draught of Arx Britannica -- The late King William's Pallace called T'Loo.

  16. Title: A new and exact map of France : dividid into all its provinces and acquisitions, according to the newest observations, and that accurate survey made by the King's command by Mr. Picar and de la Hire, with the post roads and the computed leagues from town to town, the passes of the Pirenean Mountains, and many other remarcks &c.


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Map image flanked on both sides by tables of principal cities, towns, and distances. Table: A list of the ports or passes of the Pyrennean Mountains, markt 1.2.3. &c. Explanation: Post roads ..., smaller spots ... parliament towns, Archbishopricks, Bishopricks, universities, places where battles have been fought by the English ... Prime meridian: Ferro Island. John Bowles was located "Over against Stocks Market" from 1723 to 1726. cf. Worms, L. British map engravers.

  17. Title: The great province of Rio de la Plata


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Probably issued in: The compleat geographer, or, The chorography and topography of all the known parts of the earth. London : Printed for J. Knapton, 1723. Scale [ca. 1:20,000,000].

  18. Title: A map of the East-Indies and the adjacent countries : with the settlements, factories and territories, explaining what belongs to England, Spain, France, Holland, Denmark, Portugal & c. : with many remarks not extant in any other map


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. "To ye Directors of ye Honble. United East-India Company. This map is most humbly dedicated ..." Includes 5 insets: A plan of ye city of Bantam -- A prospect of the city of Goa -- A prospect of the city of Surat -- A plan of Fort St. George and the city of Madras -- A plan of the city of Batavia. Includes India, southeast Asia, and most of China. Includes historical notes. From: The world described, or, a new and correct sett of maps / Herman Moll. London : J. Bowles, [1709-1720].

  19. Title: To the right honourable John Lord Sommers, Baron of Evesham in ye county of Worcester, president of her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council &c : this map of North America according to ye newest and most exact observations is most humbly dedicated


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Cartouche designed by: B. Lens. Cartouche engraved by: G. Vertue. Insets include 10 maps of harbors and 1 scene of cod processing in Newfoundland. Plate no. 7 from: The world described, or, a new and correct sett of maps / Herman Moll. London : J. Bowles, [1709-1720].

  20. Title: A new map of the north parts of America claimed by France under ye names of Louisiana, Mississipi [i.e. Mississippi], Canada, and New France with ye adjoyning territories of England and Spain : to Thomas Bromsall, esq., this map of Louisiana, Mississipi [i.e. Mississippi] & c. is most humbly dedicated, H. Moll, geographer


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Includes notes and ill. of "The Indian Fort Sasquesahanok." Insets: The harbour of Annapolis Royal -- A map of ye mouth of Mississipi [i.e. Mississippi] and Mobile Rivers & c.

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