1,785 results returned
Title: Map of the North Division of the Protestant Episcopal Church Property and the Adjoining Properties of Aaron Burr, Mary Barclay, Anthony Lispenard and Others, 1882
- Raster data
- 1882
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
- Holmes, J. B. (John Bute)
- Research Data Services (RDS), Columbia University Libraries
- Neumann, Louis E.
- New York (N.Y.). City Surveyor.
Summary: This is a scanned version of the 1882 paper map entitled: Map of the North Division of the Protestant Episcopal Church Property and the Adjoining Properties of Aaron Burr, Mary Barclay, Anthony Lispenard and Others. The map was scanned at 300 dots per inch and is in the TIFF format.
Title: Map of the Haring or Herring Farm, 1869
- Raster data
- 1784
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
- Holmes, J. B. (John Bute)
- Research Data Services (RDS), Columbia University Libraries
- Haring, David
- Smith, Wm. V. (William V.)
- New York (N.Y.). City Surveyor
Summary: This is a scanned version of the 1869 paper map entitled: Map of the Haring or Herring Farm. The map was scanned at 300 dots per inch and is in the TIFF format.
Title: Map of Sir Peter Warren Farm, 1864
- Raster data
- 1864
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
- Holmes, J. B. (John Bute)
- Research Data Services (RDS), Columbia University Libraries
- New York (N.Y.). City Surveyor
- F. Meyer & Co
Summary: This is a scanned version of the 1864 paper map entitled: Map of Sir Peter Warren Farm. The map was scanned at 300 dots per inch and is in the TIFF format.
Title: New York City Selected Facilities and Program Sites, 2012
- Point data
- 2012
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
Summary: New York City Selected Facilities and Program Sites 2012 is a point theme representing public and private educational, recreational, public safety, health, mental health, substance abuse, mental retardation, day care, foster care, senior citizen and homeless facilities and programs throughout New York City. These facilities or programs are, with few exceptions, either operated, funded, licensed, or certified by a government agency. Attribute information includes the location, type, and capacity of each facility.
Title: New York City Selected Facilities and Program Sites, 2011
- Point data
- 2011
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
Summary: New York City Selected Facilities and Program Sites 2011 is a point theme representing public and private educational, recreational, public safety, health, mental health, substance abuse, mental retardation, day care, foster care, senior citizen and homeless facilities and programs throughout New York City. These facilities or programs are, with few exceptions, either operated, funded, licensed, or certified by a government agency. Attribute information includes the location, type, and capacity of each facility.
Title: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, 2019
- Point data
- 2019
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
Summary: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, 2019 is a point theme representing each complaint call that NYPD has received in 2019. This dataset was derived from NYC OpenData (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Complaint-Data-Historic/qgea-i56i) in May 2020. Each record represents a criminal complaint in NYC and includes information about the type of crime, the location and time of enforcement. In addition, information related to victim and suspect demographics is also included. Columbia Libraries staff extracted each half year's records and converted them to shapefile format by state plane x/y coordinates. Some records lack geolocation information, and they have coordinates 0,0. Columbia Libraries staff has also manipulated the column names to fit them with shapefile format, and a codebook and a has been included in the download package. A penal law codebook provided by NYC OpenData is also included.
Title: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, January-June 2018
- Point data
- 2018
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
Summary: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, January-June 2018 is a point theme representing each complaint call that NYPD has received in the first half of the year 2018. This dataset was derived from NYC OpenData (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Complaint-Data-Historic/qgea-i56i) in July 2019. Each record represents a criminal complaint in NYC and includes information about the type of crime, the location and time of enforcement. In addition, information related to victim and suspect demographics is also included. Columbia Libraries staff extracted each half year's records and converted them to shapefile format by state plane x/y coordinates. Some records lack geolocation information, and they have coordinates 0,0. Columbia Libraries staff has also manipulated the column names to fit them with shapefile format, and a codebook and a has been included in the download package. A penal law codebook provided by NYC OpenData is also included.
Title: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, July-December 2018
- Point data
- 2018
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
Summary: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, July-December 2018 is a point theme representing each complaint call that NYPD has received in the second half of the year 2018. This dataset was derived from NYC OpenData (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Complaint-Data-Historic/qgea-i56i) in July 2019. Each record represents a criminal complaint in NYC and includes information about the type of crime, the location and time of enforcement. In addition, information related to victim and suspect demographics is also included. Columbia Libraries staff extracted each half year's records and converted them to shapefile format by state plane x/y coordinates. Some records lack geolocation information, and they have coordinates 0,0. Columbia Libraries staff has also manipulated the column names to fit them with shapefile format, and a codebook and a has been included in the download package. A penal law codebook provided by NYC OpenData is also included.
Title: New York City Motor Vehicle Collisions, 2018
- Point data
- 2018
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
Summary: New York City Motor Vehicle Collisions, 2018 is a point theme representing the location of motor vehicle collisions in the year 2018 as reported by the New York City Police Department. Attributes include the date and time of the accidents, the number of people killed or injured, the type of vehicle(s) involved in the collision, and other factors that were involved in the collision. This dataset was derived from NYC OpenData (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Motor-Vehicle-Collisions/h9gi-nx95) in July 2019. Columbia Libraries staff extracted each year's records and converted them to shapefile format by latitude and longitude in World Geodetic System (1984) coordinates. Some records lack geolocation information, and they have coordinates 0,0. Columbia Libraries staff has also manipulated the column names to fit them with shapefile format, and a codebook has been included in the download package.
Title: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, January-June 2017
- Point data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
Summary: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, January-June 2017 is a point theme representing each complaint call that NYPD has received in the first half of the year 2017. This dataset was derived from NYC OpenData (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Complaint-Data-Historic/qgea-i56i) in July 2019. Each record represents a criminal complaint in NYC and includes information about the type of crime, the location and time of enforcement. In addition, information related to victim and suspect demographics is also included. Columbia Libraries staff extracted each half year's records and converted them to shapefile format by state plane x/y coordinates. Some records lack geolocation information, and they have coordinates 0,0. Columbia Libraries staff has also manipulated the column names to fit them with shapefile format, and a codebook and a has been included in the download package. A penal law codebook provided by NYC OpenData is also included.
Title: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, July-December 2017
- Point data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
Summary: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, July-December 2017 is a point theme representing each complaint call that NYPD has received in the second half of the year 2017. This dataset was derived from NYC OpenData (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Complaint-Data-Historic/qgea-i56i) in July 2019. Each record represents a criminal complaint in NYC and includes information about the type of crime, the location and time of enforcement. In addition, information related to victim and suspect demographics is also included. Columbia Libraries staff extracted each half year's records and converted them to shapefile format by state plane x/y coordinates. Some records lack geolocation information, and they have coordinates 0,0. Columbia Libraries staff has also manipulated the column names to fit them with shapefile format, and a codebook and a has been included in the download package. A penal law codebook provided by NYC OpenData is also included.
Title: New York City Motor Vehicle Collisions, 2017
- Point data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
Summary: New York City Motor Vehicle Collisions, 2017 is a point theme representing the location of motor vehicle collisions in the year 2017 as reported by the New York City Police Department. Attributes include the date and time of the accidents, the number of people killed or injured, the type of vehicle(s) involved in the collision, and other factors that were involved in the collision. This dataset was derived from NYC OpenData (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Motor-Vehicle-Collisions/h9gi-nx95) in July 2019. Columbia Libraries staff extracted each year's records and converted them to shapefile format by latitude and longitude in World Geodetic System (1984) coordinates. Some records lack geolocation information, and they have coordinates 0,0. Columbia Libraries staff has also manipulated the column names to fit them with shapefile format, and a codebook has been included in the download package.
Title: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, July-December 2016
- Point data
- 2016
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
Summary: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, July-December 2016 is a point theme representing each complaint call that NYPD has received in the second half of the year 2016. This dataset was derived from NYC OpenData (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Complaint-Data-Historic/qgea-i56i) in July 2019. Each record represents a criminal complaint in NYC and includes information about the type of crime, the location and time of enforcement. In addition, information related to victim and suspect demographics is also included. Columbia Libraries staff extracted each half year's records and converted them to shapefile format by state plane x/y coordinates. Some records lack geolocation information, and they have coordinates 0,0. Columbia Libraries staff has also manipulated the column names to fit them with shapefile format, and a codebook and a has been included in the download package. A penal law codebook provided by NYC OpenData is also included.
Title: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, January-June 2016
- Point data
- 2016
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
Summary: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, January-June 2016 is a point theme representing each complaint call that NYPD has received in the first half of the year 2016. This dataset was derived from NYC OpenData (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Complaint-Data-Historic/qgea-i56i) in July 2019. Each record represents a criminal complaint in NYC and includes information about the type of crime, the location and time of enforcement. In addition, information related to victim and suspect demographics is also included. Columbia Libraries staff extracted each half year's records and converted them to shapefile format by state plane x/y coordinates. Some records lack geolocation information, and they have coordinates 0,0. Columbia Libraries staff has also manipulated the column names to fit them with shapefile format, and a codebook and a has been included in the download package. A penal law codebook provided by NYC OpenData is also included.
Title: New York City Motor Vehicle Collisions, 2016
- Point data
- 2016
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
Summary: New York City Motor Vehicle Collisions, 2016 is a point theme representing the location of motor vehicle collisions in the year 2016 as reported by the New York City Police Department. Attributes include the date and time of the accidents, the number of people killed or injured, the type of vehicle(s) involved in the collision, and other factors that were involved in the collision. This dataset was derived from NYC OpenData (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Motor-Vehicle-Collisions/h9gi-nx95) in July 2019. Columbia Libraries staff extracted each year's records and converted them to shapefile format by latitude and longitude in World Geodetic System (1984) coordinates. Some records lack geolocation information, and they have coordinates 0,0. Columbia Libraries staff has also manipulated the column names to fit them with shapefile format, and a codebook has been included in the download package.
Title: New York City Motor Vehicle Collisions, 2015
- Point data
- 2015
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
Summary: New York City Motor Vehicle Collisions, 2015 is a point theme representing the location of motor vehicle collisions in the year 2015 as reported by the New York City Police Department. Attributes include the date and time of the accidents, the number of people killed or injured, the type of vehicle(s) involved in the collision, and other factors that were involved in the collision. This dataset was derived from NYC OpenData (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Motor-Vehicle-Collisions/h9gi-nx95) in July 2019. Columbia Libraries staff extracted each year's records and converted them to shapefile format by latitude and longitude in World Geodetic System (1984) coordinates. Some records lack geolocation information, and they have coordinates 0,0. Columbia Libraries staff has also manipulated the column names to fit them with shapefile format, and a codebook has been included in the download package.
Title: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, January-June 2015
- Point data
- 2015
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
Summary: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, January-June 2015 is a point theme representing each complaint call that NYPD has received in the first half of the year 2015. This dataset was derived from NYC OpenData (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Complaint-Data-Historic/qgea-i56i) in July 2019. Each record represents a criminal complaint in NYC and includes information about the type of crime, the location and time of enforcement. In addition, information related to victim and suspect demographics is also included. Columbia Libraries staff extracted each half year's records and converted them to shapefile format by state plane x/y coordinates. Some records lack geolocation information, and they have coordinates 0,0. Columbia Libraries staff has also manipulated the column names to fit them with shapefile format, and a codebook and a has been included in the download package. A penal law codebook provided by NYC OpenData is also included.
Title: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, July-December 2015
- Point data
- 2015
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
Summary: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, July-December 2015 is a point theme representing each complaint call that NYPD has received in the second half of the year 2015. This dataset was derived from NYC OpenData (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Complaint-Data-Historic/qgea-i56i) in July 2019. Each record represents a criminal complaint in NYC and includes information about the type of crime, the location and time of enforcement. In addition, information related to victim and suspect demographics is also included. Columbia Libraries staff extracted each half year's records and converted them to shapefile format by state plane x/y coordinates. Some records lack geolocation information, and they have coordinates 0,0. Columbia Libraries staff has also manipulated the column names to fit them with shapefile format, and a codebook and a has been included in the download package. A penal law codebook provided by NYC OpenData is also included.
Title: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, January-June 2014
- Point data
- 2014
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
Summary: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, January-June 2014 is a point theme representing each complaint call that NYPD has received in the first half of the year 2014. This dataset was derived from NYC OpenData (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Complaint-Data-Historic/qgea-i56i) in July 2019. Each record represents a criminal complaint in NYC and includes information about the type of crime, the location and time of enforcement. In addition, information related to victim and suspect demographics is also included. Columbia Libraries staff extracted each half year's records and converted them to shapefile format by state plane x/y coordinates. Some records lack geolocation information, and they have coordinates 0,0. Columbia Libraries staff has also manipulated the column names to fit them with shapefile format, and a codebook and a has been included in the download package. A penal law codebook provided by NYC OpenData is also included.
Title: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, July-December 2014
- Point data
- 2014
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
Summary: New York City NYPD Complaint Data, July-December 2014 is a point theme representing each complaint call that NYPD has received in the second half of the year 2014. This dataset was derived from NYC OpenData (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Complaint-Data-Historic/qgea-i56i) in July 2019. Each record represents a criminal complaint in NYC and includes information about the type of crime, the location and time of enforcement. In addition, information related to victim and suspect demographics is also included. Columbia Libraries staff extracted each half year's records and converted them to shapefile format by state plane x/y coordinates. Some records lack geolocation information, and they have coordinates 0,0. Columbia Libraries staff has also manipulated the column names to fit them with shapefile format, and a codebook and a has been included in the download package. A penal law codebook provided by NYC OpenData is also included.