149 results returned
Title: Digitization of Minnesota and Wisconsin bathymetric maps resulting in hypsographic data
- Table data ; Point data
- 2022
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: The data set includes hypsographic data (area-at-depth) for over 750 Minnesota and Wisconsin lakes throughout the states. The majority of these lakes (650+) did not have publicly available hypsography. The hypsography was derived by digitizing bathymetric DNR maps using ImageJ. One hundred Minnesota lakes were selected that had DNR hypsographic data (in the form of a DEM) available and a comparison between the hypsographic data derived from DEMs and ImageJ was completed. These results, as well as code and hypsographic data is all available. The purpose of this work was to release broad scale lake area-at-depth data for limnological and aquatic biology studies. Minnesota_Hypsography is a folder containing csv files of hypsographic data from Minnesota lakes. Validation_Hypsography is a folder containing csv files of hypsographic data used for validation. Wisconsin_Hypsography is a folder containing csv files of hypsographic data from Wisconsin lakes. MN_bathy.rds is an R file with interpolated depth for a subset of lakes in Minnesota. Hypso_QC.r is an R file used for quality control purposes with hypsographic data that has been digitzed. Validation_report is an R file that has the comparisons between DNR derived hypsography and ImageJ derived hypsography.
Title: Supplementary data for "Trajectories of long duration balloons launched from McMurdo Station in Antarctica"
- Table data
- 2021
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: These files contain trajectory information for long-duration balloons launched from McMurdo Station in Antarctica. These balloons carry payloads addressing a wide range of scientific questions. We have analyzed these trajectories in order to estimate the expected range of trajectories to aid in mission planning for future balloon experiments from McMurdo. The data.csv.zip folder consists of 40 trajectory files for long-duration balloon flights launched from McMurdo Station in Antarctica, each containing latitude, longitude, altitude and time since launch. The files in analysis.csv.zip contain data products derived from analysis of the raw data.
Title: Solar Insolation, Minnesota] (2006-2012)
- 2015
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
- Brink, Christopher
- Gosack, Benjamin
- Kne, Len
- Luo, Yuanyuan
- Martin, Christopher
- McDonald, Molly
- Moore, Michael
- Munsch, Andrew
- Palka, Stephen
- Piernot, Devon
- Thiede, Dan
- Xie, Yiquan
- Walz, Andrew
Summary: The Minnesota Solar Suitability Analysis attempts to provide solar insolation analysis for the entire State of Minnesota. As far as we are aware, it is the only project of its scale in existence; similar studies have been limited to metro areas or focus on rooftop insolation. The project's existence is feasible because of statewide, freely available aerial lidar coverage. And the commitment of the team to work long hours on this unfunded project. The project finds itself at the intersection of renewable energy, big data analysis, geospatial technology, and open data availability. This data provides a measure of incedent solar radiation as it is intercepted by the earth surface, or features (such as vegetation and buildings) standing above the earth surface. The data is intended to be used to assess the suitability of a site for solar panel (photovoltaic cell) installations. The analysis used to produce this dataset looks at geographic location, surface slope, surface aspect, and the effects of shading based on local topography and adjacent structures. A digital surface model was generated from raw LiDAR data. Then, using this DSM, an individual locations on a grid surface were assessed for the amount of direct and indirect radiation that reaches the surface. This analysis was conducted at a 1m resolution for the entire state of Minnesota.
Title: Digital Surface Model [Minnesota] (2006-2012)
- 2015
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
- Brink, Christopher
- Gosack, Benjamin
- Kne, Len
- Luo, Yuanyuan
- Martin, Christopher
- McDonald, Molly
- Moore, Michael
- Munsch, Andrew
- Palka, Stephen
- Piernot, Devon
- Thiede, Dan
- Xie, Yiquan
- Walz, Andrew
Summary: A 1m resolution digital surface model that was generated from raw lidar data. This dataset was an intermediate product of a process to model potential solar insolation for the state of Minnesota. The Digital Surface Model (DSM) was created to represent the terrain and all object present on that terrain. This included buildings, tree cover, roads, and other natural and human-altered landscapes. In effect, the DSM is a three dimensional representation of Minnesota. It was generated using a Streaming Delauney Triangulation process through rapidlasso's LAStools software package. In this process, triangles are iteratively generated using nearby lidar returns and values for each point are determined by extracting interpolated elevation from the surface of the triangle. The result is a 1 meter resolution raster covering the state. Lidar is a form of active remote sensing technology that uses light pulses, most commonly in the near-infrared wavelengths, to collected surface elevation data. A laser scanner, mounted in an aircraft and combined with high-accuracy GPS, collects light returns that are interpolated into a point cloud. Each point represents one return from a laser pulse. The laser pulse has the ability to penetrate vegetation, multiple laser returns can be gathered for each pulse including the returns from below the vegetation.The accuracy of lidar returns allow for a unique, multi-faceted analytical dataset. The first point returns can be used to interpolate a topology of Minnesota that models the objects (i.e. building, trees, etc) and geography resting upon the terrain. The lidar point files for the state of Minnesota used in the study were collected between 2006 and 2012 through an intergovernmental initiative with the primary object of providing improved elevation data for flood mapping. In some regions, existing lidar data was acquired and transformed to new state standards. Areas where data did not exist or could not be transformed, were collected by contracted vendors. The composite data forms a seamless coverage of the state with a resolutions of at least 1.5 meters. Refer to metadata.html for full details.
Title: Administrative Divisions (Polygons), Iran, 2013
- Polygon data
- 2016
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This polygon shapefile represents administrative divisions in Iran. The Global Map Iran version 2 was developed from Digital Map 1:250000(1996). Global Map data were developed under the cooperation of National Geospatial Information Authorities (NGIAs) of respective countries and regions. Global Map of Iran © ISCGM/National Cartographic Center, Iran Global Map data of National/Regional version were developed with consistent specifications by NGIAs of respective countries and regions for fundamental geospatial information of their respective coverage by using geospatial information owned by them, and they were provided. The data have been authorized by NGIAs of respective countries and regions. Therefore, the contents of respective data are based on the views of respective data developers. For some countries and regions, there may be parts where data have not been developed. National/Regional version of Global Map data was to be updated in about five-year cycle on the basis of resolutions of an ISCGM meeting. To know about the year data were updated and about data developers, please refer to metadata attached to each data. Depending on the period the data were prepared, they were developed in line with two different specifications, namely, version 1 in VPF and BIL formats, and version 2 in GML and BIL formats. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Railroads, Iran, 2013
- Line data
- 2016
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This line shapefile represents railroads in Iran. The Global Map Iran version 2 was developed from Digital Map 1:250000(1996). Global Map data were developed under the cooperation of National Geospatial Information Authorities (NGIAs) of respective countries and regions. Global Map of Iran © ISCGM/National Cartographic Center, Iran Global Map data of National/Regional version were developed with consistent specifications by NGIAs of respective countries and regions for fundamental geospatial information of their respective coverage by using geospatial information owned by them, and they were provided. The data have been authorized by NGIAs of respective countries and regions. Therefore, the contents of respective data are based on the views of respective data developers. For some countries and regions, there may be parts where data have not been developed. National/Regional version of Global Map data was to be updated in about five-year cycle on the basis of resolutions of an ISCGM meeting. To know about the year data were updated and about data developers, please refer to metadata attached to each data. Depending on the period the data were prepared, they were developed in line with two different specifications, namely, version 1 in VPF and BIL formats, and version 2 in GML and BIL formats. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Airports, Iran, 2013
- Point data
- 2016
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This point shapefile represents airports in Iran. The Global Map Iran version 2 was developed from Digital Map 1:250000(1996). Global Map data were developed under the cooperation of National Geospatial Information Authorities (NGIAs) of respective countries and regions. Global Map of Iran © ISCGM/National Cartographic Center, Iran Global Map data of National/Regional version were developed with consistent specifications by NGIAs of respective countries and regions for fundamental geospatial information of their respective coverage by using geospatial information owned by them, and they were provided. The data have been authorized by NGIAs of respective countries and regions. Therefore, the contents of respective data are based on the views of respective data developers. For some countries and regions, there may be parts where data have not been developed. National/Regional version of Global Map data was to be updated in about five-year cycle on the basis of resolutions of an ISCGM meeting. To know about the year data were updated and about data developers, please refer to metadata attached to each data. Depending on the period the data were prepared, they were developed in line with two different specifications, namely, version 1 in VPF and BIL formats, and version 2 in GML and BIL formats. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Rivers, Iran, 2013
- Line data
- 2016
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This line shapefile represents rivers in Iran. The Global Map Iran version 2 was developed from Digital Map 1:250000(1996). Global Map data were developed under the cooperation of National Geospatial Information Authorities (NGIAs) of respective countries and regions. Global Map of Iran © ISCGM/National Cartographic Center, Iran Global Map data of National/Regional version were developed with consistent specifications by NGIAs of respective countries and regions for fundamental geospatial information of their respective coverage by using geospatial information owned by them, and they were provided. The data have been authorized by NGIAs of respective countries and regions. Therefore, the contents of respective data are based on the views of respective data developers. For some countries and regions, there may be parts where data have not been developed. National/Regional version of Global Map data was to be updated in about five-year cycle on the basis of resolutions of an ISCGM meeting. To know about the year data were updated and about data developers, please refer to metadata attached to each data. Depending on the period the data were prepared, they were developed in line with two different specifications, namely, version 1 in VPF and BIL formats, and version 2 in GML and BIL formats. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Coastlines, Iran, 2013
- Line data
- 2016
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This line shapefile represents the coastline in Iran. The Global Map Iran version 2 was developed from Digital Map 1:250000(1996). Global Map data were developed under the cooperation of National Geospatial Information Authorities (NGIAs) of respective countries and regions. Global Map of Iran © ISCGM/National Cartographic Center, Iran Global Map data of National/Regional version were developed with consistent specifications by NGIAs of respective countries and regions for fundamental geospatial information of their respective coverage by using geospatial information owned by them, and they were provided. The data have been authorized by NGIAs of respective countries and regions. Therefore, the contents of respective data are based on the views of respective data developers. For some countries and regions, there may be parts where data have not been developed. National/Regional version of Global Map data was to be updated in about five-year cycle on the basis of resolutions of an ISCGM meeting. To know about the year data were updated and about data developers, please refer to metadata attached to each data. Depending on the period the data were prepared, they were developed in line with two different specifications, namely, version 1 in VPF and BIL formats, and version 2 in GML and BIL formats. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Built Up Areas (Polygons), Iran, 2013
- Polygon data
- 2016
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This polygon shapefile represents areas containing a concentration of buildings and other structures in Iran. The Global Map Iran version 2 was developed from Digital Map 1:250000(1996). Global Map data were developed under the cooperation of National Geospatial Information Authorities (NGIAs) of respective countries and regions. Global Map of Iran © ISCGM/National Cartographic Center, Iran Global Map data of National/Regional version were developed with consistent specifications by NGIAs of respective countries and regions for fundamental geospatial information of their respective coverage by using geospatial information owned by them, and they were provided. The data have been authorized by NGIAs of respective countries and regions. Therefore, the contents of respective data are based on the views of respective data developers. For some countries and regions, there may be parts where data have not been developed. National/Regional version of Global Map data was to be updated in about five-year cycle on the basis of resolutions of an ISCGM meeting. To know about the year data were updated and about data developers, please refer to metadata attached to each data. Depending on the period the data were prepared, they were developed in line with two different specifications, namely, version 1 in VPF and BIL formats, and version 2 in GML and BIL formats. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Roads, Iran, 2013
- Line data
- 2016
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This line shapefile represents roads in Iran. The Global Map Iran version 2 was developed from Digital Map 1:250000(1996). Global Map data were developed under the cooperation of National Geospatial Information Authorities (NGIAs) of respective countries and regions. Global Map of Iran © ISCGM/National Cartographic Center, Iran Global Map data of National/Regional version were developed with consistent specifications by NGIAs of respective countries and regions for fundamental geospatial information of their respective coverage by using geospatial information owned by them, and they were provided. The data have been authorized by NGIAs of respective countries and regions. Therefore, the contents of respective data are based on the views of respective data developers. For some countries and regions, there may be parts where data have not been developed. National/Regional version of Global Map data was to be updated in about five-year cycle on the basis of resolutions of an ISCGM meeting. To know about the year data were updated and about data developers, please refer to metadata attached to each data. Depending on the period the data were prepared, they were developed in line with two different specifications, namely, version 1 in VPF and BIL formats, and version 2 in GML and BIL formats. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Administrative Divisions (Lines), Iran, 2013
- Line data
- 2016
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This line shapefile represents administrative line boundaries in Iran. The Global Map Iran version 2 was developed from Digital Map 1:250000(1996). Global Map data were developed under the cooperation of National Geospatial Information Authorities (NGIAs) of respective countries and regions. Global Map of Iran © ISCGM/National Cartographic Center, Iran Global Map data of National/Regional version were developed with consistent specifications by NGIAs of respective countries and regions for fundamental geospatial information of their respective coverage by using geospatial information owned by them, and they were provided. The data have been authorized by NGIAs of respective countries and regions. Therefore, the contents of respective data are based on the views of respective data developers. For some countries and regions, there may be parts where data have not been developed. National/Regional version of Global Map data was to be updated in about five-year cycle on the basis of resolutions of an ISCGM meeting. To know about the year data were updated and about data developers, please refer to metadata attached to each data. Depending on the period the data were prepared, they were developed in line with two different specifications, namely, version 1 in VPF and BIL formats, and version 2 in GML and BIL formats. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Built Up Areas (Points), Iran, 2013
- Point data
- 2016
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This point shapefile represents locations of built up areas (areas containing a concentration of buildings and other structures) in Iran. The Global Map Iran version 2 was developed from Digital Map 1:250000(1996). Global Map data were developed under the cooperation of National Geospatial Information Authorities (NGIAs) of respective countries and regions. Global Map of Iran © ISCGM/National Cartographic Center, Iran Global Map data of National/Regional version were developed with consistent specifications by NGIAs of respective countries and regions for fundamental geospatial information of their respective coverage by using geospatial information owned by them, and they were provided. The data have been authorized by NGIAs of respective countries and regions. Therefore, the contents of respective data are based on the views of respective data developers. For some countries and regions, there may be parts where data have not been developed. National/Regional version of Global Map data was to be updated in about five-year cycle on the basis of resolutions of an ISCGM meeting. To know about the year data were updated and about data developers, please refer to metadata attached to each data. Depending on the period the data were prepared, they were developed in line with two different specifications, namely, version 1 in VPF and BIL formats, and version 2 in GML and BIL formats. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Dams and Weirs, Iran, 2013
- Point data
- 2016
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This point shapefile represents dams and weirs in Iran. The Global Map Iran version 2 was developed from Digital Map 1:250000(1996). Global Map data were developed under the cooperation of National Geospatial Information Authorities (NGIAs) of respective countries and regions. Global Map of Iran © ISCGM/National Cartographic Center, Iran Global Map data of National/Regional version were developed with consistent specifications by NGIAs of respective countries and regions for fundamental geospatial information of their respective coverage by using geospatial information owned by them, and they were provided. The data have been authorized by NGIAs of respective countries and regions. Therefore, the contents of respective data are based on the views of respective data developers. For some countries and regions, there may be parts where data have not been developed. National/Regional version of Global Map data was to be updated in about five-year cycle on the basis of resolutions of an ISCGM meeting. To know about the year data were updated and about data developers, please refer to metadata attached to each data. Depending on the period the data were prepared, they were developed in line with two different specifications, namely, version 1 in VPF and BIL formats, and version 2 in GML and BIL formats. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Inland Waters, Iran, 2013
- Polygon data
- 2016
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This polygon shapefile represents areas of inland water in Iran. The Global Map Iran version 2 was developed from Digital Map 1:250000(1996). Global Map data were developed under the cooperation of National Geospatial Information Authorities (NGIAs) of respective countries and regions. Global Map of Iran © ISCGM/National Cartographic Center, Iran Global Map data of National/Regional version were developed with consistent specifications by NGIAs of respective countries and regions for fundamental geospatial information of their respective coverage by using geospatial information owned by them, and they were provided. The data have been authorized by NGIAs of respective countries and regions. Therefore, the contents of respective data are based on the views of respective data developers. For some countries and regions, there may be parts where data have not been developed. National/Regional version of Global Map data was to be updated in about five-year cycle on the basis of resolutions of an ISCGM meeting. To know about the year data were updated and about data developers, please refer to metadata attached to each data. Depending on the period the data were prepared, they were developed in line with two different specifications, namely, version 1 in VPF and BIL formats, and version 2 in GML and BIL formats. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Governorate Line Boundaries, Jordan, 2012
- Line data
- 2012
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This line shapefile represents governorate line boundaries in Jordan. The Global Map Jordan version 1 was developed from Tourist Map of Jordan 2005 at 1:750,000 scale. The Global Map Jordan version 2 was developed to update Global Map Jordan version 1 based on Global Map Specifications version 2.1. Global Map data were developed under the cooperation of National Geospatial Information Authorities (NGIAs) of respective countries and regions. Global Map of Jordan ©ISCGM/RJGC Global Map data of National/Regional version were developed with consistent specifications by NGIAs of respective countries and regions for fundamental geospatial information of their respective coverage by using geospatial information owned by them, and they were provided. The data have been authorized by NGIAs of respective countries and regions. Therefore, the contents of respective data are based on the views of respective data developers. For some countries and regions, there may be parts where data have not been developed. National/Regional version of Global Map data was to be updated in about five-year cycle on the basis of resolutions of an ISCGM meeting. To know about the year data were updated and about data developers, please refer to metadata attached to each data. Depending on the period the data were prepared, they were developed in line with two different specifications, namely, version 1 in VPF and BIL formats, and version 2 in GML and BIL formats. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Built Up Areas (Polygons), Jordan, 2012
- Polygon data
- 2012
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This polygon shapefile represents areas containing a concentration of buildings and other structures in Jordan. The Global Map Jordan version 1 was developed from Tourist Map of Jordan 2005 at 1:750,000 scale. The Global Map Jordan version 2 was developed to update Global Map Jordan version 1 based on Global Map Specifications version 2.1. Global Map data were developed under the cooperation of National Geospatial Information Authorities (NGIAs) of respective countries and regions. Global Map of Jordan ©ISCGM/RJGC Global Map data of National/Regional version were developed with consistent specifications by NGIAs of respective countries and regions for fundamental geospatial information of their respective coverage by using geospatial information owned by them, and they were provided. The data have been authorized by NGIAs of respective countries and regions. Therefore, the contents of respective data are based on the views of respective data developers. For some countries and regions, there may be parts where data have not been developed. National/Regional version of Global Map data was to be updated in about five-year cycle on the basis of resolutions of an ISCGM meeting. To know about the year data were updated and about data developers, please refer to metadata attached to each data. Depending on the period the data were prepared, they were developed in line with two different specifications, namely, version 1 in VPF and BIL formats, and version 2 in GML and BIL formats. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Rivers, Jordan, 2012
- Line data
- 2012
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This line shapefile represents rivers in Jordan. The Global Map Jordan version 1 was developed from Tourist Map of Jordan 2005 at 1:750,000 scale. The Global Map Jordan version 2 was developed to update Global Map Jordan version 1 based on Global Map Specifications version 2.1. Global Map data were developed under the cooperation of National Geospatial Information Authorities (NGIAs) of respective countries and regions. Global Map of Jordan ©ISCGM/RJGC Global Map data of National/Regional version were developed with consistent specifications by NGIAs of respective countries and regions for fundamental geospatial information of their respective coverage by using geospatial information owned by them, and they were provided. The data have been authorized by NGIAs of respective countries and regions. Therefore, the contents of respective data are based on the views of respective data developers. For some countries and regions, there may be parts where data have not been developed. National/Regional version of Global Map data was to be updated in about five-year cycle on the basis of resolutions of an ISCGM meeting. To know about the year data were updated and about data developers, please refer to metadata attached to each data. Depending on the period the data were prepared, they were developed in line with two different specifications, namely, version 1 in VPF and BIL formats, and version 2 in GML and BIL formats. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Governorates, Jordan, 2012
- Polygon data
- 2012
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This polygon shapefile represents governorates in Jordan. The Global Map Jordan version 1 was developed from Tourist Map of Jordan 2005 at 1:750,000 scale. The Global Map Jordan version 2 was developed to update Global Map Jordan version 1 based on Global Map Specifications version 2.1. Global Map data were developed under the cooperation of National Geospatial Information Authorities (NGIAs) of respective countries and regions. Global Map of Jordan ©ISCGM/RJGC Global Map data of National/Regional version were developed with consistent specifications by NGIAs of respective countries and regions for fundamental geospatial information of their respective coverage by using geospatial information owned by them, and they were provided. The data have been authorized by NGIAs of respective countries and regions. Therefore, the contents of respective data are based on the views of respective data developers. For some countries and regions, there may be parts where data have not been developed. National/Regional version of Global Map data was to be updated in about five-year cycle on the basis of resolutions of an ISCGM meeting. To know about the year data were updated and about data developers, please refer to metadata attached to each data. Depending on the period the data were prepared, they were developed in line with two different specifications, namely, version 1 in VPF and BIL formats, and version 2 in GML and BIL formats. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Built Up Areas (Points), Jordan, 2012
- Point data
- 2012
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This point shapefile represents locations of built up areas (areas containing a concentration of buildings and other structures) in Jordan. The Global Map Jordan version 1 was developed from Tourist Map of Jordan 2005 at 1:750,000 scale. The Global Map Jordan version 2 was developed to update Global Map Jordan version 1 based on Global Map Specifications version 2.1. Global Map data were developed under the cooperation of National Geospatial Information Authorities (NGIAs) of respective countries and regions. Global Map of Jordan ©ISCGM/RJGC Global Map data of National/Regional version were developed with consistent specifications by NGIAs of respective countries and regions for fundamental geospatial information of their respective coverage by using geospatial information owned by them, and they were provided. The data have been authorized by NGIAs of respective countries and regions. Therefore, the contents of respective data are based on the views of respective data developers. For some countries and regions, there may be parts where data have not been developed. National/Regional version of Global Map data was to be updated in about five-year cycle on the basis of resolutions of an ISCGM meeting. To know about the year data were updated and about data developers, please refer to metadata attached to each data. Depending on the period the data were prepared, they were developed in line with two different specifications, namely, version 1 in VPF and BIL formats, and version 2 in GML and BIL formats. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.