232 results returned
Title: Africa nuova tavola
- Image data
- 1561
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
Summary: Detached from La geografia di Claudio Tolomeo, Alessandrino, and based on a 1548 edition by Giacomo Gastaldi. Map coverage: Central and Southern Africa. Relief shown pictorially.
Title: Calecut nuova tavola
- Image data
- 1564
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
Summary: Map of southern India and the Maldives. Relief shown pictorially. From: La geografia di Claudio Tolomeo Alessandrino / nuouamente tradotta di Greco in Italiano da Ieronimo Ruscelli ... In Venetia : Appresso Giordano Ziletti, 1564.
Title: India tercera nuova tavola
- Image data
- 1564
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
Summary: Map of Southeast Asia and Indonesia. Relief shown pictorially. From: La geografia di Claudio Tolomeo Alessandrino / nuouamente tradotta di Greco in Italiano da Ieronimo Ruscelli ... In Venetia : Appresso Giordano Ziletti, 1564.
Title: Natolia nuova tavola
- Image data
- 1562
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
Summary: Map of Turkey with relief shown pictorially. Latin text on verso: Nataliæ nova tabula, vigesimaquinta additarum, & 41. in ordine. From: Geographia Cl. Ptolemaei Alexandrini. Venetiis : apud Vincentium Valgrisium, 1562.
Title: Tabula Europae X
- Image data
- 1562
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
Summary: Map of Greece with relief shown pictorially. Text on verso: Decima et vltima Europae tabula. From: Geographia Cl. Ptolemaei Alexandrini. Venetiis : apud Vincentium Valgrisium, 1562.
Title: Carta marina nuova tavola
- Image data
- 1561
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
Summary: World map with relief shown pictorially. From: La geografia de Claudio Tolomeo ... Nuovamente tradotto di Greco in Italiano da Girolamo Ruscelli ... In Venetia ... Vincenzo Valgrisi MDLXI.
Title: Orbis descriptio
- Image data
- 1561
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Latin text on verso. From: La geografia de Claudio Tolomeo Alessandrino / nuovamente tradotto di Greco in Italiano ... In Venetia : Appresso Vincenzo Valgrisi, 1561.
Title: Nveva Hispania tabvla nova. Descrittione dell'America. Libro Quarto. (to accompany) Geographia di Clavdio Tolomeo alessandrino, tradotta di Greco nell'idioma volgare Italiano da Girolamo Ruscelli ... In Venetia, MDXCIX (1599) Appresso gli heredi di M. Sessa. (Raster Image)
- Raster data
- 2015
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This layer is a georeferenced image of an engraved map of New Spain from 1599. Showing the southern United States, including Texas and Florida and Mexico and Central America. California is a peninsula and in the vicinity of the Colorado River flows the R. Tontonteanc, with place names, showing Sier Anevada (Sierra Nevada). Relief shown pictorially. The original map appears in "Geographia di Clavdio Tolomeo alessandrino, tradotta di Greco nell'idioma volgare Italiano da Girolamo Ruscelli ; et hora nuouamente ampliata da Gioseffo Rosaccio, con varie annotationi, & espositioni, & tauole di rame ... ; et vna geografia vniuersale del medesimo, separata da quella di Tolomeo ... ; et vna breue descrittione di tutta la terra, distinta in quattro libri ... ; con due indici copiosissimi di tutto quello, che di notabile si contiene nell opera. Conlicentia, et privilegio. In Venetia, MDXCIX (1599) Appresso gli heredi di M. Sessa" The historic map layers in the Google Earth Rumsey Map Collection have been selected by David Rumsey from his large collection of historical maps, as well as some from other collections with which he collaborates. All the maps contain rich information about the past and represent a sampling of time periods, scales, and cartographic art, resulting in visual history stories that only old maps can tell. Each map has been georeferenced by Rumsey, thus creating unique digital map images that allow the old maps to appear in their correct places on the modern globe. Some of the maps fit perfectly in their modern spaces, while othersgenerally earlier period mapsreveal interesting geographical misconceptions of their time. Cultural features on the maps can be compared to the modern satellite views using the slider bars to adjust transparency. The result is an exploration of time as well as space, a marriage of historic cartographic masterpieces with innovative contemporary software tools.
Title: Apuliae quae olim Iapygia, nova corographia
- Image data
- 1573
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
Summary: North oriented toward left. Verso blank. From an unidentified edition of the Theatrum; Broecke does not identify any variant with a blank verso.
Title: Pedemontanae vicinorumque regionum
- Image data
- 1572
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
Summary: Relief shown pictorially. "Cum priuilegio." Historic Maps copy 1 in uncolored. German text on verso with caption title: Piemondt; p. 34. Probably issued in: Theatrum oder Schawplatz des Erdbodems ... [Antorff : Gielis von Diest, 1572] This map was used in German editions of the Theatrum in 1572 and 1573. cf. Broecke, M.P.R. van den. Ortelius atlas maps.
Title: Il disegno de geografia moderna del regno di Polonia, e parte del ducado di Moscouia, con parte della Scandia, e parte de Sueuia, con molte regioni, in quelli et la prouincia de Vstiuga e quella di Seuera in sino al mare maggiore
- Image data
- 1562
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
Summary: Relief shown pictorially. "Con gratia et priuilegio del sumo po[n]tifice papa pio iiij per anni x e del sere.mo senato di Vene[ti]a p[er] anni xv."
Title: Geographia particolare d'una gran parte dell'Europa nouame[n]te descritta co i confini suoi, e prima uerso leua[n]te e il meridiano di Consta[n]tinopoli, e da pone[n]te il meridiano della magca. cita di Venetia, et da tramo[n]tana il parallelo di Vienna in Austria, e uerso Ostro il parallelo che passa per il mezzo dell'isola di Candia, et in torno ui sono i gradi e minuti delle longhezze, et larghhezze, con lamisura de le miglia italiani
- Image data
- 1560
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
Summary: Map of central and southern Italy, Siciliy and part of the Balkans. Relief shown pictorially. South-west sheet of a larger map of south-east Europe which consists of 4 sheets; in most collections these sheets are separated, not only from one another, but distributed in different places in atlases. cf. Tooley, R.V. Maps in Italian atlases of the sixteenth century. Engraver taken from south-east sheet; imprint from north-east sheet. cf. Tooley. From: Geografia, Tavole moderne di geografia de la maggior parte del mondo di diversi autori raccolte et messe secondo l'ordine di Tolomeo con idisegni di molte citta et fortezze di diverse provintie stampate in rame con studio et diligenza in Roma.
Title: Eboracum, Lincolnia, Derbia, Staffordia, Notinghamia, Lecestria, Rutlandia, et Norfolcia
- Image data
- 1628
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Verso: French text, p. 137-140, 2M. Appears in the Mercator-Hondius Atlas. Amsterdam : H. Hondius, 1628 or 1633.
Title: Cornubia, Devonia, Somersetus, Dorcestria, Wiltonia, Glocestria, Monumetha, Glamorgan, Caermarden, Penbrok, Cardigan, Radnor, Breknoke, Herefordia & Wigornia
- Image data
- 1628
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
Summary: Relief shown pictorially. "Cum priuilegio." French text on verso with caption title: La cinquiesme table d'Angleterre; p. 133-136, signature Ll. Appears in the Mercator-Hondius Atlas. Amsterdam : H. Hondius, 1628 or 1633.
Title: Soria et Terra Santa nuova tavola
- Image data
- 1564
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
Summary: Relief shown pictorially. An enlargement of Gastaldi's map of 1548. Latin text on verso with caption title: Syriae, et Terrae Sanctae noua tabula; p. 46. Probably issued in: La geografia di Claudio Tolomeo Alessandrino ... In Venetia : Appresso Giordano Ziletti, 1564.
Title: Vicariati apostolici nella China e regni adiacenti.
- Thematic maps
- 1858
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Cartographic Details: Scale not given (E 73°--E 147°/N 55°--N 18°). Relief shown by hachures. Map showing the boundaries of Catholic dioceses in China in the 1850s. Probably Tav. CVII from: L'orbe cattolico ossia Atlante geografico storico ecclesiastico / [opera del commendatore Girolamo Petri]. Roma : Tipografia della reverenda Camera apostolica, 1858-1859 48 x 63 centimeters Scale not given. Ames Library of South Asia Maps
Title: Vicariati e prefetture apostoliche nelle Indie Orientali.
- Thematic maps
- 1858
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Cartographic Details: Scale not given (E 58°--E 110°/N 33°--N 1°). Relief shown by hachures. Map showing the boundaries of Catholic dioceses in South and Southeast Asia in the 1850s. Probably Tav. CIII from: L'orbe cattolico ossia Atlante geografico storico ecclesiastico / [opera del commendatore Girolamo Petri]. Roma : Tipografia della reverenda Camera apostolica, 1858-1859. 48 x 63 centimeters Scale not given. Ames Library of South Asia Maps
Title: Provincia ecclica di Goa e vicariati aplici nel Dekkan
- Not specified
- 1858
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Relief shown by hachures.; Map showing the boundaries of Catholic dioceses in Southern India in the 1850s.; Probably Tav. CV from: L'orbe cattolico ossia Atlante geografico storico ecclesiastico / [opera del commendatore Girolamo Petri]. Roma : Tipografia della reverenda Camera apostolica, 1858-1859. 48 x 63 centimeters Scale not given General Map Collection
Title: Russia Asiatica.
- Thematic maps
- 1858
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Cartographic Details: Scale not given (E 80°--E 120°/N 30°--N 1°).Relief shown by hachures.Map showing the boundaries of Catholic dioceses in Russia in the 1850s. Probably Tav. CI from: L'orbe cattolico ossia Atlante geografico storico ecclesiastico / [opera del commendatore Girolamo Petri]. Roma : Tipografia della reverenda Camera apostolica, 1858-1859. 48 x 63 centimeters Scale not given. Ames Library of South Asia Maps
Title: Vicariati apostolici nell' India-Transgangetica
- Thematic maps
- 1858
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Cartographic Details: Scale not given (E 80°--E 120°/N 30°--N 1°). Relief shown by hachures. Map showing the boundaries of Catholic dioceses in Southeast Asia in the 1850s. Probably Tav. CVI from: L'orbe cattolico ossia Atlante geografico storico ecclesiastico / [opera del commendatore Girolamo Petri]. Roma : Tipografia della reverenda Camera apostolica, 1858-1859. 48 x 63 centimeters Scale not given. Ames Library of South Asia Maps