372 results returned
Title: C-36 Geologic Atlas of Redwood County, Minnesota
- Not specified
- 2016
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Plate 1 - Data Base, Plate 2 - Bedrock Geology, Plate 3 - Surficial Geology, Plate 4 - Quaternary Stratigraphy, Plate 5 - Sand Distribution Model -Bedrock Topography and Depth-to-Bedrock, Scale 1:100,000; A County Geologic Atlas project is a study of a county's geology, and its mineral and ground-water resources. The information collected during the project is used to develop maps, data-base files, and reports. This same information is also produced as digital files for use with computers. The map information is formatted as geographic information system (GIS) files with associated data bases. The maps and reports are also reproduced as portable document files (PDFs) that can be opened on virtually any computer using the free Acrobat Reader from Adobe.com.; The Redwood County Board of Commissioners, The Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as Recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources, and the Minnesota Legacy Amendment's Clean Water Fund
Title: C-34 Geologic Atlas of Winona County, Minnesota
- Not specified
- 2014
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Plate 1, Data Base, Plate 2, Bedrock geology, Plate 3, Surficial geology, Plate 4 Bedrock topography and Depth-to-bedrock, Scale 1:100,000. Plates have individual authorship.; Surface and bedrock geology of Winona County, Mn., also includes data-base information, bedrock topography, depth-to-bedrock and structural tops of bedrock strata.; THE WINONA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, AND THE MINNESOTA LEGACY AMENDMENT'S CLEAN WATER FUND.
Title: C-33 Geologic Atlas of Houston County, Minnesota
- Not specified
- 2014
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Plate 1, Data Base, Plate 2, Bedrock geology, Plate 3, Surficial geology, Plate 4 Bedrock topography and Depth-to-bedrock, Scale 1:100,000. Plates have individual authorship.; Surface and bedrock geology of Houston County, Mn., also includes data-base information, bedrock topography, depth-to-bedrock and structural tops of bedrock strata.; THE HOUSTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, AND THE MINNESOTA LEGACY AMENDMENT'S CLEAN WATER FUND.
Title: C-28 Geologic Atlas of Renville County, Minnesota [Part A]
- Not specified
- 2013
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Plate 1, Data base, Plate 2, Bedrock geology, Plate 3, Surficial geology, Plate 4 Quaternary stratigraphy, Plate 5 Sand distribution models, Bedrock topography and depth-to-bedrock, Scale 1:100,000.; Surface and subsurface geology of Renville County, Mn. includes bedrock topography and depth-to-bedrock; THE RENVILLE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND THE MINNESOTA ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF WATERS
Title: C-27 Geologic Atlas of Anoka County, Minnesota [Part A]
- Not specified
- 2011
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Scale 1:100,000. Plates 2 and 3 were completed in 2011 as part of the USGS Statemap program. Additional plates, digital data and recomposed versions of Plates 2 and 3 were provided upon completion of the entire Atlas in 2013.; Surface and subsurface geology of Anoka County, Mn; The Anoka County Board of Commissioners; The U.S. Geological Survey Statemap program; The Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as Recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources
Title: C-22 Geologic Atlas of Chisago County, Minnesota [Part A]
- Not specified
- 2010
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: 6 pls. Scales 1:100,000 and 1:200,000. Pl. 1, data-base map; pl. 2, bedrock geology; pl. 3, surficial geology; pl. 4 Quaternary stratigraphy; pl. 5, sand distribution model and Precambrian bedrock geology; pl. 6, bedrock topography, and depth to bedrock. Supplementary files include ArcGis coverages, shapefiles and/or ESRI grids used to construct the plates, and metadata.; Surface and subsurface geology of Chisago County
Title: C-23 Geologic Atlas of Benton County, Minnesota [Part A]
- Not specified
- 2010
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: 5 pls. Scales 1:100,000 and 1:200,000. Pl. 1, data-base map; pl. 2, bedrock geology; pl. 3, surficial geology; pl. 4 Quaternary stratigraphy; pl. 5, bedrock topography, depth to bedrock and sand distribution model. Supplementary files include ArcGis coverages, shapefiles and/or ESRI grids used to construct the plates, and metadata.; Surface and subsurface geology of Benton County; The Benton County Board of Commissioners; The Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as Recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources
Title: Geologic atlas of Todd County, Minnesota, C-18, Part A, Plate 2, Bedrock Geology
- Not specified
- 2007
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Map showing interpretations of bedrock geology (distribution of rock at the land surface and beneath surface sediments) with cross section diagrams, scale 1:200,000, Todd County.
Title: Geologic atlas of Todd County, Minnesota, C-18, Part A, Plate 1, Data Base
- Not specified
- 2007
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Map showing locations of water wells, soil borings, outcrops and cuttings samples collected during water well drilling. Distribution and sources of primary information tthat guide the geologic interpretations used to make the geologic maps in the series, scale 1:100,000, Todd County.
Title: Geologic atlas of Scott County, Minnesota, C-17, Plate 5, Bedrock Topography, Depth to Bedrock, Bedrock models
- Not specified
- 2006
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Maps showing the elevation of the bedrock surface (bedrock topography) and thickness of unconsolidated glacial and stream sediments over the bedrock surface and digitally created 3-dimensional surfaces of bedrock geologic units, scale 1:200,000; mixed, Scott County.
Title: Geologic atlas of Scott County, Minnesota, C-17, Plate 4, Quaternary Stratigraphy
- Not specified
- 2006
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Map, cross sections, and 3-dimensional diagrams showing the subsurface stratigraphy and unit characteristics of unconsolidated (glacial and stream sediments) overlying the bedrock, scale mixed, Scott County.
Title: Geologic atlas of Scott County, Minnesota, C-17, Plate 3, Surficial Geology
- Not specified
- 2006
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Map showing interpretations of Quaternary (Pleistocene [glacial] and Holocene [post-glacial]) surficial geology (distribution and type of materials at the land surface), scale 1:100,000, Scott County.
Title: Geologic atlas of Scott County, Minnesota, C-17, Plate 2, Bedrock Geology
- Not specified
- 2006
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Map showing interpretations of bedrock geology (distribution of rock at the land surface and beneath surface sediments) with cross section diagrams, scale 1:100,000, Scott County.
Title: Geologic atlas of Scott County, Minnesota, C-17, Plate 1, Data Base
- Not specified
- 2006
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Map showing locations of water wells, soil borings, outcrops and cuttings samples collected during water well drilling. Distribution and sources of primary information tthat guide the geologic interpretations used to make the geologic maps in the series, scale 1:100,000, Scott County.
Title: Geologic atlas of Scott County, Minnesota, C-17, Plate 6, Subsurface Recharge and Surface Infiltration
- Not specified
- 2006
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Maps showing recharge rates (how quickly new water replaces water removed by pumping) and hydrologic models (how and when water enters and moves throught an aquifer) for water entering aquifers at the surface and aquifers in the subsurface, scale 1:200,000; mixed, Scott County.
Title: Geologic atlas of Crow Wing County, Minnesota, C-16, Part A, Plate 1, Data Base
- Not specified
- 2004
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Map showing locations of water wells, soil borings, outcrops and cuttings samples collected during water well drilling. Distribution and sources of primary information tthat guide the geologic interpretations used to make the geologic maps in the series, scale 1:100,000, Crow Wing County.
Title: Geologic atlas of Crow Wing County, Minnesota, C-16, Part A, Plate 6, Mineral Endowment
- Not specified
- 2004
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Maps showing locations and types of mineral resources, bedrock aggregate and sand and gravel resources, scale 1:100,000; 1:200,000, Crow Wing.
Title: Geologic atlas of Crow Wing County, Minnesota, C-16, Part A, Plate 5, Bedrock Topography, Depth to Bedrock and Quaternary Subsurface Geology
- Not specified
- 2004
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Map showing the thickness (depth to bedrock) of unconsolidated sediments (Quaternary glacial and stream materials) over the bedrock surface and elevation of the bedrock surface (bedrock topography), scale 1:200,000; Crow Wing County.
Title: Geologic atlas of Crow Wing County, Minnesota, C-16, Part A, Plate 2, Bedrock Geology
- Not specified
- 2004
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Map showing interpretations of bedrock geology (distribution of rock at the land surface and beneath surface sediments) with cross section diagrams, scale 1:100,000, Crow Wing County.
Title: Geologic atlas of Pope County, Minnesota, C-15, Part A, Plate 2, Bedrock Geology, Bedrock Topography, and Depth to Bedrock
- Not specified
- 2003
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
Summary: Maps showing interpretations of bedrock geology (distribution of rock at the land surface and beneath surface sediments), elevation of the bedrock surface (bedrock topography) and thickness of unconsolidated (glacial and stream sediments) material over the bedrock surface, scale 1:200,000, Pope County.