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548 results returned

  1. Title: Quercy: Cadurcium.; Quercy: Cadvrcivm


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. North is oriented to the left. Illustrations include a dog, compass, and coat of arms around the scale cartouche and fruit around the title cartouche. From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map; 36 x 48 cm.

  2. Title: La partie meridionale du Languedoc.


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. North oriented towards the upper left. Includes decorative cartouche, coat of arms, and compass rose. "Imprimé chez Henry Hondius, et se vend a Paris chez Melchior Tavernier, demeurant aupres du Palais." Printed at the publishing house of Henry Hondius and sold at the store of Melchoir Tavernier, residing close to the Palace. From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map; 36 x 47 cm.

  3. Title: Provincia: La provence; apud Iudocum et Henricum Janssonium.


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. Includes the Provence coat of arms and illustrations of ships on the Mediterranean. Scale cartouche also includes the date 1621. 1 map; 37 x 48 cm

  4. Title: Description du pais Normandie; par Damien de Templeux Escuyer Sr. du Frestoy.


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Includes ill. of ships and sea creatures, and uses a special engraving technique to create a wave appearance in the water. The scall cartouche includes the date "1620." From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map; 32 x 51 cm.

  5. Title: Carte du pais de Loudunois.; Carte dv pais de Lovdvnois


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Inscription reads "Picquet incidit 1620." Included in Leclerc's 1621 edition of "Théatre géographique du Royaume de France". From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map; 34 x 40 cm

  6. Title: Burgundiæ comitatus, Franche Comté.; Bvrgvndiae comitatvs


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. North oriented to the right of the map. From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map; 37 x 48 cm.

  7. Title: Touraine: Turonensis ducatus.


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Includes the Tours coat of arms and the Royal coats-of-arms of France and Navarre in upper right corner of map. Title cartouche includes grape vines and the date 1620. From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map 36 x 47 cm.

  8. Title: Poictou pectaviensis comitatus.; Poictov Pictaviensis Comitatvs


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. North oriented to the upper left corner of the map. Includes illustrations of ships and sea monsters on the ocean. The title cartouche is surrounded by vines of fruit while the scale cartouche depicts an angel with cartographic tools. From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map 37 x 50 cm.

  9. Title: Description du pais Blaisois; Joannes le Clerc ex.


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. North oriented to the left of the map. Includes two inscriptions which read "Le Blaisois contient en longitude d'Occident en Orient depuis St. Ouin insques a Brinon 2.5 lieus en latitude de l'Equateur vers le Nord depuis Chasteauroux insques a Rabestan 40 lieus" and "Le ceinture de la terre est divisee en 360 degrez. A chacun degre nous donons 25 lieues. toute la ceincture contient 9000 lieues." From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map; 43 x 30 cm.

  10. Title: La principaute de Dombes; J. van den Eynde sculpit.; La Principavte de Dombes


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. North oriented to the left. Includes French coat of arms and two figures on title cartouche, one holding a sword and the other a mirror, and a third face on the top of the title cartouche. From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map; 35 x 46 cm.

  11. Title: Biturigum: Le Duche de Berry


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Includes decorative title cartouche and scale cartouche with two towers. From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map; 35 x 47 cm.

  12. Title: Bourdelois, pays de Medoc, et la prevoste de Born.; Bovrdelois, pays de Medoc, et la prevoste de Born.


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. North oriented to the leftof the map. Includes a decorative cartouche with grapes and vines, compass rose, and illustrations of ships on the ocean. From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map; 38 x 49 cm.

  13. Title: Aniou; per Gerardum Mercatorem cum privilegio.; Anjou;Aniov


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map; 33 x 44 cm.

  14. Title: L'isle de France: Parisiẽsis agri descriptio.


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Possibly from Le Clerc's 1622 edition of "Theatre Géographique du Royaume de France" or Tavernier's 1632 edition of "Theatre geographique du royaume de France." From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map; 32 x 45 cm.

  15. Title: Gastinois et Senonois.


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. A coat of arms with three fleur de lis depicted above the scale. From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map; 35 x 47 cm.

  16. Title: Carte chorographique du comte d'Avignon et la prinicipaute d'Orenge.


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. North is oriented to the bottom of the map. From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map; 36 x 48 cm.

  17. Title: Messin Nova Territorii Metensis Descriptio; autore Abrahamo Fabert.


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. North is oriented to the right of the map. Includes two coat of arms in the upper right and left corners. Similar to the state listed in Van der Krogt's Atlantes Neerlandici but lacks Henricus Hondius' name from the title cartouche. From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map; 47 x 37 cm

  18. Title: Carte du pais de Retelois; faicte par Ichan Iubrien.


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. The French coat of arms is located in the top right corner and boughs of fruit around the title cartouche. The title cartouche includes the inscription "Chalonnois, 1624." Next to the title cartouche is an additional inscription "Et se vendent a Paris chez Melchoir Tavernier" (And sold in Paris at the house of Melchoir Tavernier). From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map; 37 x 48 cm.

  19. Title: Lorraine: vers le midy


    Summary: Relief shown pictorially. Title cartouche includes a face and vines of fruit. From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map; 36 x 49 cm.

  20. Title: Le Diocese de Sarlat: Diocoesis Sarlatensis.


    Summary: Relief show pictorially. The title cartouche includes a man and woman atop a monument bearing a crowned French coat of arms and supported by two manticores. The man and woman have been colored a vibrant yellow. Includes the inscription "a Amsterdam imprimé ches Henrii Hondius, et se vendent a Paris ches Melchoir Tavernier aupres du Palais." (Published at the publishing house of Henry Hondius in Amsterdam and sold in the shop of Melchoir Tavernier in Paris near the Palace.) From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. Appears to match the state mentioned in Van der Krogt but lacks the inscription "Delineabat Joannes Tardo, canonicus Ecclesiae Sarlati 1625." 1 map 35 x 46 cm.

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