83 results returned
Title: High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes, California, 2015
- Line data
- 2015
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This line shapefile represents the existing, under construction, programmed, and proposed High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes on the California state Highway system as of 2015. Also known as carpool or diamond lanes, HOV lanes are a traffic management strategy to promote and encourage ridesharing; thereby alleviating congestion and maximizing the people-carrying capacity of California highways. HOV lanes are usually located on the inside (left) lane and are identified by signs along the freeway and white diamond symbols painted on the pavement. In Northern California, HOV lanes are only operational on Monday thru Friday during posted peak congestion hours, for example: between 6 a.m. - 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. All other vehicles may use the lanes during off-peak hours. This is referred to as "part-time" operation. In Southern California, HOV lanes are generally separated from other lanes by a buffer zone. The HOV lanes are in effect 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, referred to as "full-time" operation.The locations of the HOV system are based on postmiles derived from an excel spreadsheet maintained by Caltrans, Division of Traffic Operations, Office of System Management Operations. This layer is part of a collection of GIS data created by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). This dataset is intended for researchers, students, and policy makers for reference and mapping purposes, and may be used for basic applications such as viewing, querying, and map output production, or to provide a basemap to support graphical overlays and analysis with other spatial data. California Department of Transportation. (2015). High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes, California, 2015. California Department of Transportation. Available at http://purl.stanford.edu/rc513df2557. The data are made available to the public solely for informational purposes. Information provided in the Caltrans GIS Data Library is accurate to the best of our knowledge and is subject to change on a regular basis, without notice. While Office of Data Services and Technology, GIS Branch makes every effort to provide useful and accurate information, we do not warrant the information to be authoritative, complete, factual, or timely. Information is provided on an "as is" and an "as available" basis. The Department of Transportation is not liable to any party for any cost or damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, arising out of or in connection with the access or use of, or the inability to access or use, the Site or any of the Materials or Services described herein. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: Express Lanes, California, 2015
- Line data
- 2014
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
Summary: This line shapefile represents express lanes, also known as High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes, in the California State Highway System for 2015. HOT lanes are High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes that may be accessed by single occupant vehicles by paying a toll. This layer also shows existing, and programmed-proposed express lanes located on the state highway system. The California HOV/Express Lane Business Plan is a framework for Caltrans and its partners to focus statewide activity during 2009-2011 that will lead the state to easily implement more flexible and effective system management strategies for HOV and HOT lanes. The ultimate vision is a transportation system offering new commute choices and more reliable travel through congested corridors; where congestion is managed and the availability of an express service option is greatly improved, and where governments at all levels work together to manage demand with effective monitoring and adjustment of operations and design. In this Business Plan, Caltrans, regional transportation agencies, FHWA and the CHP, have developed a coordinated framework to guide the current and future development and operation of HOV and Express Lane throughout the state, capitalizing on strong partnerships and operating strategies already in place.The locations of the HOV/Express lanes are based on postmiles derived from an excel spreadsheet maintained by Caltrans, Division of Traffic Operations, Office of System Management Operations. This layer is part of a collection of GIS data created by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). This dataset is intended for researchers, students, and policy makers for reference and mapping purposes, and may be used for basic applications such as viewing, querying, and map output production, or to provide a basemap to support graphical overlays and analysis with other spatial data. California Department of Transportation. (2014). Express Lanes, California, 2015. California Department of Transportation. Available at http://purl.stanford.edu/sw139fm0830. For more information about Express lanes, contact to Caltrans, Division of Traffic Operations. The website of California Express Lane is at http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/trafmgmt/hov/ The data are made available to the public solely for informational purposes. Information provided in the Caltrans GIS Data Library is accurate to the best of our knowledge and is subject to change on a regular basis, without notice. While Office of Data Services and Technology, GIS Branch makes every effort to provide useful and accurate information, we do not warrant the information to be authoritative, complete, factual, or timely. Information is provided on an "as is" and an "as available" basis. The Department of Transportation is not liable to any party for any cost or damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, arising out of or in connection with the access or use of, or the inability to access or use, the Site or any of the Materials or Services described herein. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
Title: 2015 LiDAR Tile 317500_233500 for Dublin City
- Multi-spectral data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by NYU Libraries)
Summary: This record contains aerial laser scanning (ALS) and photogrammetry data that corresponds to Tile 317500_233500, which is one part of data that was collected over an area of more than 2km² in Dublin, Ireland in 2015 and includes 3D point-cloud (LAZ), 3D full waveform LiDAR (LAS and Pulsewave), and ortho-rectified 2D rasters. Over 1.4 billion laser points were acquired (inclusive of partially covered areas). ALS was carried out by contractors using a TopEye system S/N 443. Imagery data was captured using a Phase One camera system. The average flying altitude was 300m with the total of 41 flight paths. This dataset was collected with funding from European Research Council funded project RETURN - Rethinking Tunnelling in Urban Neighbourhoods [ERC-2012- StG-307836]. For more information on this data, consult the documentation. See the source dataset for a guide to the entire collection. A manifest of SHA-256 checksums is available in the nyu_2451_38623_manifest.json' file, within the preservation record. Users may also find a stable link to this collection at https://doi.org/10.17609/N8MQ0N/. This data is released with an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Title: 2015 LiDAR Tile 316500_233500 for Dublin City
- Multi-spectral data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by NYU Libraries)
Summary: This record contains aerial laser scanning (ALS) and photogrammetry data that corresponds to Tile 316500_233500, which is one part of data that was collected over an area of more than 2km² in Dublin, Ireland in 2015 and includes 3D point-cloud (LAZ), 3D full waveform LiDAR (LAS and Pulsewave), and ortho-rectified 2D rasters. Over 1.4 billion laser points were acquired (inclusive of partially covered areas). ALS was carried out by contractors using a TopEye system S/N 443. Imagery data was captured using a Phase One camera system. The average flying altitude was 300m with the total of 41 flight paths. This dataset was collected with funding from European Research Council funded project RETURN - Rethinking Tunnelling in Urban Neighbourhoods [ERC-2012- StG-307836]. For more information on this data, consult the documentation. See the source dataset for a guide to the entire collection. A manifest of SHA-256 checksums is available in the nyu_2451_38612_manifest.json' file, within the preservation record. Users may also find a stable link to this collection at https://doi.org/10.17609/N8MQ0N/. This data is released with an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Title: 2015 LiDAR Flight 150326_151542 for Dublin City
- Multi-spectral data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by NYU Libraries)
Summary: This record contains aerial laser scanning (ALS) and photogrammetry data that corresponds to Flight 150326_151542, which is one part of data that was collected over an area of more than 2km² in Dublin, Ireland in 2015 and includes 3D point-cloud (LAZ), 3D full waveform LiDAR (LAS and Pulsewave), and ortho-rectified 2D rasters. Over 1.4 billion laser points were acquired (inclusive of partially covered areas). ALS was carried out by contractors using a TopEye system S/N 443. Imagery data was captured using a Phase One camera system. The average flying altitude was 300m with the total of 41 flight paths. This dataset was collected with funding from European Research Council funded project RETURN - Rethinking Tunnelling in Urban Neighbourhoods [ERC-2012- StG-307836]. For more information on this data, consult the documentation. See the source dataset for a guide to the entire collection. A manifest of SHA-256 checksums is available in the nyu_2451_38674_manifest.json' file, within the preservation record. Users may also find a stable link to this collection at https://doi.org/10.17609/N8MQ0N/. This data is released with an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Title: 2015 LiDAR Tile 317000_233000 for Dublin City
- Multi-spectral data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by NYU Libraries)
Summary: This record contains aerial laser scanning (ALS) and photogrammetry data that corresponds to Tile 317000_233000, which is one part of data that was collected over an area of more than 2km² in Dublin, Ireland in 2015 and includes 3D point-cloud (LAZ), 3D full waveform LiDAR (LAS and Pulsewave), and ortho-rectified 2D rasters. Over 1.4 billion laser points were acquired (inclusive of partially covered areas). ALS was carried out by contractors using a TopEye system S/N 443. Imagery data was captured using a Phase One camera system. The average flying altitude was 300m with the total of 41 flight paths. This dataset was collected with funding from European Research Council funded project RETURN - Rethinking Tunnelling in Urban Neighbourhoods [ERC-2012- StG-307836]. For more information on this data, consult the documentation. See the source dataset for a guide to the entire collection. A manifest of SHA-256 checksums is available in the nyu_2451_38618_manifest.json' file, within the preservation record. Users may also find a stable link to this collection at https://doi.org/10.17609/N8MQ0N/. This data is released with an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Title: 2015 LiDAR Tile 316000_234500 for Dublin City
- Multi-spectral data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by NYU Libraries)
Summary: This record contains aerial laser scanning (ALS) and photogrammetry data that corresponds to Tile 316000_234500, which is one part of data that was collected over an area of more than 2km² in Dublin, Ireland in 2015 and includes 3D point-cloud (LAZ), 3D full waveform LiDAR (LAS and Pulsewave), and ortho-rectified 2D rasters. Over 1.4 billion laser points were acquired (inclusive of partially covered areas). ALS was carried out by contractors using a TopEye system S/N 443. Imagery data was captured using a Phase One camera system. The average flying altitude was 300m with the total of 41 flight paths. This dataset was collected with funding from European Research Council funded project RETURN - Rethinking Tunnelling in Urban Neighbourhoods [ERC-2012- StG-307836]. For more information on this data, consult the documentation. See the source dataset for a guide to the entire collection. A manifest of SHA-256 checksums is available in the nyu_2451_38607_manifest.json' file, within the preservation record. Users may also find a stable link to this collection at https://doi.org/10.17609/N8MQ0N/. This data is released with an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Title: 2015 LiDAR Flight 150326_132905 for Dublin City
- Multi-spectral data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by NYU Libraries)
Summary: This record contains aerial laser scanning (ALS) and photogrammetry data that corresponds to Flight 150326_132905, which is one part of data that was collected over an area of more than 2km² in Dublin, Ireland in 2015 and includes 3D point-cloud (LAZ), 3D full waveform LiDAR (LAS and Pulsewave), and ortho-rectified 2D rasters. Over 1.4 billion laser points were acquired (inclusive of partially covered areas). ALS was carried out by contractors using a TopEye system S/N 443. Imagery data was captured using a Phase One camera system. The average flying altitude was 300m with the total of 41 flight paths. This dataset was collected with funding from European Research Council funded project RETURN - Rethinking Tunnelling in Urban Neighbourhoods [ERC-2012- StG-307836]. For more information on this data, consult the documentation. See the source dataset for a guide to the entire collection. A manifest of SHA-256 checksums is available in the nyu_2451_38663_manifest.json' file, within the preservation record. Users may also find a stable link to this collection at https://doi.org/10.17609/N8MQ0N/. This data is released with an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Title: 2015 LiDAR Tile 316000_235000 for Dublin City
- Multi-spectral data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by NYU Libraries)
Summary: This record contains aerial laser scanning (ALS) and photogrammetry data that corresponds to Tile 316000_235000, which is one part of data that was collected over an area of more than 2km² in Dublin, Ireland in 2015 and includes 3D point-cloud (LAZ), 3D full waveform LiDAR (LAS and Pulsewave), and ortho-rectified 2D rasters. Over 1.4 billion laser points were acquired (inclusive of partially covered areas). ALS was carried out by contractors using a TopEye system S/N 443. Imagery data was captured using a Phase One camera system. The average flying altitude was 300m with the total of 41 flight paths. This dataset was collected with funding from European Research Council funded project RETURN - Rethinking Tunnelling in Urban Neighbourhoods [ERC-2012- StG-307836]. For more information on this data, consult the documentation. See the source dataset for a guide to the entire collection. A manifest of SHA-256 checksums is available in the nyu_2451_38608_manifest.json' file, within the preservation record. Users may also find a stable link to this collection at https://doi.org/10.17609/N8MQ0N/. This data is released with an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Title: 2015 LiDAR Tile 316000_233000 for Dublin City
- Multi-spectral data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by NYU Libraries)
Summary: This record contains aerial laser scanning (ALS) and photogrammetry data that corresponds to Tile 316000_233000, which is one part of data that was collected over an area of more than 2km² in Dublin, Ireland in 2015 and includes 3D point-cloud (LAZ), 3D full waveform LiDAR (LAS and Pulsewave), and ortho-rectified 2D rasters. Over 1.4 billion laser points were acquired (inclusive of partially covered areas). ALS was carried out by contractors using a TopEye system S/N 443. Imagery data was captured using a Phase One camera system. The average flying altitude was 300m with the total of 41 flight paths. This dataset was collected with funding from European Research Council funded project RETURN - Rethinking Tunnelling in Urban Neighbourhoods [ERC-2012- StG-307836]. For more information on this data, consult the documentation. See the source dataset for a guide to the entire collection. A manifest of SHA-256 checksums is available in the nyu_2451_38604_manifest.json' file, within the preservation record. Users may also find a stable link to this collection at https://doi.org/10.17609/N8MQ0N/. This data is released with an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Title: 2015 LiDAR Tile 314500_234000 for Dublin City
- Multi-spectral data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by NYU Libraries)
Summary: This record contains aerial laser scanning (ALS) and photogrammetry data that corresponds to Tile 314500_234000, which is one part of data that was collected over an area of more than 2km² in Dublin, Ireland in 2015 and includes 3D point-cloud (LAZ), 3D full waveform LiDAR (LAS and Pulsewave), and ortho-rectified 2D rasters. Over 1.4 billion laser points were acquired (inclusive of partially covered areas). ALS was carried out by contractors using a TopEye system S/N 443. Imagery data was captured using a Phase One camera system. The average flying altitude was 300m with the total of 41 flight paths. This dataset was collected with funding from European Research Council funded project RETURN - Rethinking Tunnelling in Urban Neighbourhoods [ERC-2012- StG-307836]. For more information on this data, consult the documentation. See the source dataset for a guide to the entire collection. A manifest of SHA-256 checksums is available in the nyu_2451_38591_manifest.json' file, within the preservation record. Users may also find a stable link to this collection at https://doi.org/10.17609/N8MQ0N/. This data is released with an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Title: 2015 LiDAR Flight 150326_121724 for Dublin City
- Multi-spectral data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by NYU Libraries)
Summary: This record contains aerial laser scanning (ALS) and photogrammetry data that corresponds to Flight 150326_121724, which is one part of data that was collected over an area of more than 2km² in Dublin, Ireland in 2015 and includes 3D point-cloud (LAZ), 3D full waveform LiDAR (LAS and Pulsewave), and ortho-rectified 2D rasters. Over 1.4 billion laser points were acquired (inclusive of partially covered areas). ALS was carried out by contractors using a TopEye system S/N 443. Imagery data was captured using a Phase One camera system. The average flying altitude was 300m with the total of 41 flight paths. This dataset was collected with funding from European Research Council funded project RETURN - Rethinking Tunnelling in Urban Neighbourhoods [ERC-2012- StG-307836]. For more information on this data, consult the documentation. See the source dataset for a guide to the entire collection. A manifest of SHA-256 checksums is available in the nyu_2451_38648_manifest.json' file, within the preservation record. Users may also find a stable link to this collection at https://doi.org/10.17609/N8MQ0N/. This data is released with an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Title: 2015 LiDAR Tile 314500_233000 for Dublin City
- Multi-spectral data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by NYU Libraries)
Summary: This record contains aerial laser scanning (ALS) and photogrammetry data that corresponds to Tile 314500_233000, which is one part of data that was collected over an area of more than 2km² in Dublin, Ireland in 2015 and includes 3D point-cloud (LAZ), 3D full waveform LiDAR (LAS and Pulsewave), and ortho-rectified 2D rasters. Over 1.4 billion laser points were acquired (inclusive of partially covered areas). ALS was carried out by contractors using a TopEye system S/N 443. Imagery data was captured using a Phase One camera system. The average flying altitude was 300m with the total of 41 flight paths. This dataset was collected with funding from European Research Council funded project RETURN - Rethinking Tunnelling in Urban Neighbourhoods [ERC-2012- StG-307836]. For more information on this data, consult the documentation. See the source dataset for a guide to the entire collection. A manifest of SHA-256 checksums is available in the nyu_2451_38589_manifest.json' file, within the preservation record. Users may also find a stable link to this collection at https://doi.org/10.17609/N8MQ0N/. This data is released with an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Title: 2015 LiDAR Tile 314500_233500 for Dublin City
- Multi-spectral data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by NYU Libraries)
Summary: This record contains aerial laser scanning (ALS) and photogrammetry data that corresponds to Tile 314500_233500, which is one part of data that was collected over an area of more than 2km² in Dublin, Ireland in 2015 and includes 3D point-cloud (LAZ), 3D full waveform LiDAR (LAS and Pulsewave), and ortho-rectified 2D rasters. Over 1.4 billion laser points were acquired (inclusive of partially covered areas). ALS was carried out by contractors using a TopEye system S/N 443. Imagery data was captured using a Phase One camera system. The average flying altitude was 300m with the total of 41 flight paths. This dataset was collected with funding from European Research Council funded project RETURN - Rethinking Tunnelling in Urban Neighbourhoods [ERC-2012- StG-307836]. For more information on this data, consult the documentation. See the source dataset for a guide to the entire collection. A manifest of SHA-256 checksums is available in the nyu_2451_38590_manifest.json' file, within the preservation record. Users may also find a stable link to this collection at https://doi.org/10.17609/N8MQ0N/. This data is released with an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Title: 2015 LiDAR Tile 314000_234000 for Dublin City
- Multi-spectral data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by NYU Libraries)
Summary: This record contains aerial laser scanning (ALS) and photogrammetry data that corresponds to Tile 314000_234000, which is one part of data that was collected over an area of more than 2km² in Dublin, Ireland in 2015 and includes 3D point-cloud (LAZ), 3D full waveform LiDAR (LAS and Pulsewave), and ortho-rectified 2D rasters. Over 1.4 billion laser points were acquired (inclusive of partially covered areas). ALS was carried out by contractors using a TopEye system S/N 443. Imagery data was captured using a Phase One camera system. The average flying altitude was 300m with the total of 41 flight paths. This dataset was collected with funding from European Research Council funded project RETURN - Rethinking Tunnelling in Urban Neighbourhoods [ERC-2012- StG-307836]. For more information on this data, consult the documentation. See the source dataset for a guide to the entire collection. A manifest of SHA-256 checksums is available in the nyu_2451_38588_manifest.json' file, within the preservation record. Users may also find a stable link to this collection at https://doi.org/10.17609/N8MQ0N/. This data is released with an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Title: 2015 LiDAR Tile 315000_235000 for Dublin City
- Multi-spectral data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by NYU Libraries)
Summary: This record contains aerial laser scanning (ALS) and photogrammetry data that corresponds to Tile 315000_235000, which is one part of data that was collected over an area of more than 2km² in Dublin, Ireland in 2015 and includes 3D point-cloud (LAZ), 3D full waveform LiDAR (LAS and Pulsewave), and ortho-rectified 2D rasters. Over 1.4 billion laser points were acquired (inclusive of partially covered areas). ALS was carried out by contractors using a TopEye system S/N 443. Imagery data was captured using a Phase One camera system. The average flying altitude was 300m with the total of 41 flight paths. This dataset was collected with funding from European Research Council funded project RETURN - Rethinking Tunnelling in Urban Neighbourhoods [ERC-2012- StG-307836]. For more information on this data, consult the documentation. See the source dataset for a guide to the entire collection. A manifest of SHA-256 checksums is available in the nyu_2451_38597_manifest.json' file, within the preservation record. Users may also find a stable link to this collection at https://doi.org/10.17609/N8MQ0N/. This data is released with an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Title: 2015 LiDAR Flight 150326_122222 for Dublin City
- Multi-spectral data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by NYU Libraries)
Summary: This record contains aerial laser scanning (ALS) and photogrammetry data that corresponds to Flight 150326_122222, which is one part of data that was collected over an area of more than 2km² in Dublin, Ireland in 2015 and includes 3D point-cloud (LAZ), 3D full waveform LiDAR (LAS and Pulsewave), and ortho-rectified 2D rasters. Over 1.4 billion laser points were acquired (inclusive of partially covered areas). ALS was carried out by contractors using a TopEye system S/N 443. Imagery data was captured using a Phase One camera system. The average flying altitude was 300m with the total of 41 flight paths. This dataset was collected with funding from European Research Council funded project RETURN - Rethinking Tunnelling in Urban Neighbourhoods [ERC-2012- StG-307836]. For more information on this data, consult the documentation. See the source dataset for a guide to the entire collection. A manifest of SHA-256 checksums is available in the nyu_2451_38649_manifest.json' file, within the preservation record. Users may also find a stable link to this collection at https://doi.org/10.17609/N8MQ0N/. This data is released with an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Title: 2015 LiDAR Flight 150326_154909 for Dublin City
- Multi-spectral data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by NYU Libraries)
Summary: This record contains aerial laser scanning (ALS) and photogrammetry data that corresponds to Flight 150326_154909, which is one part of data that was collected over an area of more than 2km² in Dublin, Ireland in 2015 and includes 3D point-cloud (LAZ), 3D full waveform LiDAR (LAS and Pulsewave), and ortho-rectified 2D rasters. Over 1.4 billion laser points were acquired (inclusive of partially covered areas). ALS was carried out by contractors using a TopEye system S/N 443. Imagery data was captured using a Phase One camera system. The average flying altitude was 300m with the total of 41 flight paths. This dataset was collected with funding from European Research Council funded project RETURN - Rethinking Tunnelling in Urban Neighbourhoods [ERC-2012- StG-307836]. For more information on this data, consult the documentation. See the source dataset for a guide to the entire collection. A manifest of SHA-256 checksums is available in the nyu_2451_38675_manifest.json' file, within the preservation record. Users may also find a stable link to this collection at https://doi.org/10.17609/N8MQ0N/. This data is released with an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Title: 2015 LiDAR Flight 150326_155833 for Dublin City
- Multi-spectral data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by NYU Libraries)
Summary: This record contains aerial laser scanning (ALS) and photogrammetry data that corresponds to Flight 150326_155833, which is one part of data that was collected over an area of more than 2km² in Dublin, Ireland in 2015 and includes 3D point-cloud (LAZ), 3D full waveform LiDAR (LAS and Pulsewave), and ortho-rectified 2D rasters. Over 1.4 billion laser points were acquired (inclusive of partially covered areas). ALS was carried out by contractors using a TopEye system S/N 443. Imagery data was captured using a Phase One camera system. The average flying altitude was 300m with the total of 41 flight paths. This dataset was collected with funding from European Research Council funded project RETURN - Rethinking Tunnelling in Urban Neighbourhoods [ERC-2012- StG-307836]. For more information on this data, consult the documentation. See the source dataset for a guide to the entire collection. A manifest of SHA-256 checksums is available in the nyu_2451_38678_manifest.json' file, within the preservation record. Users may also find a stable link to this collection at https://doi.org/10.17609/N8MQ0N/. This data is released with an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Title: 2015 LiDAR Flight 150326_120854 for Dublin City
- Multi-spectral data
- 2017
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by NYU Libraries)
Summary: This record contains aerial laser scanning (ALS) and photogrammetry data that corresponds to Flight 150326_120854, which is one part of data that was collected over an area of more than 2km² in Dublin, Ireland in 2015 and includes 3D point-cloud (LAZ), 3D full waveform LiDAR (LAS and Pulsewave), and ortho-rectified 2D rasters. Over 1.4 billion laser points were acquired (inclusive of partially covered areas). ALS was carried out by contractors using a TopEye system S/N 443. Imagery data was captured using a Phase One camera system. The average flying altitude was 300m with the total of 41 flight paths. This dataset was collected with funding from European Research Council funded project RETURN - Rethinking Tunnelling in Urban Neighbourhoods [ERC-2012- StG-307836]. For more information on this data, consult the documentation. See the source dataset for a guide to the entire collection. A manifest of SHA-256 checksums is available in the nyu_2451_38646_manifest.json' file, within the preservation record. Users may also find a stable link to this collection at https://doi.org/10.17609/N8MQ0N/. This data is released with an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.