10,000+ results returned
Title: King County, Washington : 100 foot contour lines
- Line data
- 2003
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: Index contours at 100 foot intervals derived from USGS 10 meter Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
Title: King County, Washington : wellhead protection areas (one year time of travel)
- Polygon data
- 2003
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: King County, Washington wellhead protection areas where contamination can flow into the well over a 1 year travel time.
Title: King County, Washington : wellhead protection areas
- Polygon data
- 2003
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: King County, Washington wellhead protection areas.
Title: King County, Washington : wellhead protection areas (six month time of travel)
- Polygon data
- 2003
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: King County, Washington wellhead protection areas where contamination can flow into the well over a 6 month travel time.
Title: King County, Washington : wellhead protection area (ten year time of travel)
- Polygon data
- 2003
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: King County, Washington wellhead protection areas where contamination can flow into the well over a 10 year travel time.
Title: King County, Washington : water supply wells, group B (2 to 14 connections)
- Point data
- 2003
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: Public Water System wells (group B) with 2 to 14 connections, as recorded by the Washington Department of Health. See also the related datasets: water supply wells, group A, and water supply wells, all datalayers.
Title: King County, Washington : wellhead protection areas (five year time of travel)
- Polygon data
- 2003
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: King County, Washington wellhead protection areas where contamination can flow into the well over a 5 year travel time.
Title: King County, Washington : water supply wells, group A (15 or more connections)
- Point data
- 2003
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: Public Water System wells (group A) with 15 or more connections, as recorded by the Washington Department of Health. See also the related datasets: water supply wells, group B, and water supply wells, all datalayers.
Title: King County, Washington : historic sites
- Point data
- 2003
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
Summary: King County, Washington historic sites - point file.
Title: High-Quality Lakes and Large Rivers, Wisconsin 2023
- Polygon data
- 2023
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents high quality lakes and large rivers in Wisconsin in 2023. [High-Quality Lakes and Large Rivers displayed in the DNR Watershed Restoration and Protection Viewer. These are lakes and large rivers with at least two of the following attributes: unique or rare resource, attaining state water quality standards, or good to excellent biotic integrity. To see the official color ramping of these instances please reference the Healthy Waters, High-Quality Waters web page and the viewer.]
Title: DNR Managed Land Parcels, Wisconsin 2023
- Polygon data
- 2023
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents DNR managed land parcels in Wisconsin in 2023. [This dataset contains DNR Managed Lands as parcels with local property name, and GIS and deed acreages. Parcels are symbolized as fee simple (DNR Owned), DNR easement on private land (open/restricted public access) and DNR lease on federal- and county-owned land. This dataset does not contain closed fee or easement. See metadata/data dictionary for interest (transaction type) classification. The parcels are digitized from deed legal description and based on the DNR Landnet System (Public Land Survey System), Wisconsin Transverse Mercator. This data is updated on a weekly basis. This layer represents the geometry of the real estate holdings of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and is not to be interpreted as representing legal property boundaries.]
Title: State Trail Segments, Wisconsin 2023
- Polygon data
- 2023
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents state trail segments for Wisconsin in 2023. [This layer displays state trails in Wisconsin. State trails have been segmented into numerous smaller segments when a change in any of the listed attributes change along a state trail: Segment Name, Corridor Number (of network plan corridors), Surface Type, Trail Manager, County, Trail Pass Required, Open Status, Rail Trail, Allowed Use, or overlap with other trails. This layer was updated for with the 2023 Wisconsin Trails Network Plan Update and will receive updates as the above listed attributes change throughout the state trails. The Ice Age National Scenic Trail and North Country National Scenic Trail are not included in this layer, though it is recommended and encouraged that these are used alongside this state trails layer when working with Wisconsin state trails, due to their state trail classification.]
Title: Hydro Watersheds (10 digit), Wisconsin 2023
- Polygon data
- 2023
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents hydro watershed boundary(10 digit) for Wisconsin in 2022.[The intent of defining Hydrologic Units (HU) within the Watershed Boundary Dataset is to establish a base-line drainage boundary framework, accounting for all land and surface areas. Hydrologic units are intended to be used as a tool for water-resource management and planning activities particularly for site-specific and localized studies requiring a level of detail provided by large-scale map information. The WBD complements the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and supports numerous programmatic missions and activities including: watershed management, rehabilitation and enhancement, aquatic species conservation strategies, flood plain management and flood prevention, water-quality initiatives and programs, dam safety programs, fire assessment and management, resource inventory and assessment, water data analysis and water census.]
Title: Well Locations, Wisconsin 2023
- Point data
- 2023
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents well locations for Wisconsin State in 2022. [Well inventory (external version). Includes wells from the Drinking Water System (DWS), Water Use, Well Construction, DNR's Groundwater and Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS) and DNRs System for Wastewater Applications, Monitoring and Permits (SWAMP). In this external version of this dataset, municipal and other-than-municipal (OTM) are displayed as a section centroid, due to Homeland Security requirements.]
Title: Hydrography (1:24,000), Wisconsin 2023
- Mixed
- 2023
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents hydrography for Wisconsin, in 2023 and includes the layers 'WD_HYDRO_BANK_LN_24K', 'WD_HYDRO_FLOWLINE_LN_24K', 'WD_HYDRO_FLOWLINE_WBIC_LN_24K', 'WD_HYDRO_JUNCTION_PT_24K', 'WD_HYDRO_LINE_LN_24K', 'WD_HYDRO_POINT_PT_24K', 'WD_HYDRO_WATERBODY_AR_24K', and 'WD_HYDRO_WATERBODY_WBIC_AR_24K'[The DNR Hydrography database was developed statewide using several 1:24,000-scale sources. This data layer includes information about surface water features represented on the USGS 1:24,000-scale topographic map series such as perennial and intermittent streams, lakes, etc. Because the sources of the Hydrography data span many years and originate from several sources, the data may reflect areas of transition from one source to another. As a result, the water features as represented in the Hydrography data may not always match what you see on a particular USGS quad or Digital Raster Graphic (DRG). The DNR has updated 24k hydro surface water feature names following federal guidance to replace derogatory names. Please refer to the full list:https://edits.nationalmap.gov/apps/gaz-domestic/public/all-official-sq-names and online map: https://geonarrative.usgs.gov/names_taskforce/ provided by the United States Geological Survey for name change details. Authoritative download of the updated data is available from: https://data-wi-dnr.opendata.arcgis.com/ The DNR has also updated public map services for these changes.]
Title: Hydro Subbasins (8 digit), Wisconsin 2023
- Polygon data
- 2023
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents hydro subbasins for Wisconsin in 2023.[The intent of defining Hydrologic Units (HU) within the Watershed Boundary Dataset is to establish a base-line drainage boundary framework, accounting for all land and surface areas. Hydrologic units are intended to be used as a tool for water-resource management and planning activities particularly for site-specific and localized studies requiring a level of detail provided by large-scale map information. The WBD complements the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and supports numerous programmatic missions and activities including: watershed management, rehabilitation and enhancement, aquatic species conservation strategies, flood plain management and flood prevention, water-quality initiatives and programs, dam safety programs, fire assessment and management, resource inventory and assessment, water data analysis and water census.]
Title: DNR Managed Properties, Wisconsin 2023
- Polygon data
- 2023
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents DNR managed lands in Wisconsin in 2023. [This layer is derived from the DNR Managed Lands dataset, dissolved on PROP_CODE. This layer contains fee simple (DNR owned) land, DNR easement on private land and DNR lease on federal- and county-owned land. DNR easements on privately held property are not included. See metadata/data dictionary for interest (transaction type) classification. This dataset contains land managed by DNR represented as property. Use DNR Managed Land Parcels for the individual parcel polygons. This dataset is updated on a weekly basis. This layer represents the geometry of the real estate holdings of DNR Managed Lands and is not to be interpreted as representing legal property boundaries.]
Title: Repository of Dams, Wisconsin 2023
- Point data
- 2023
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents dams in Wisconsin in 2023. [This dataset represents 'Dams' in Wisconsin. A dam is a barrier that impounds water and generally serves the primary purpose of retaining water. Wisconsin law defines a dam as “any artificial barrier in or across a watercourse which has the primary purpose of impounding or diverting water and includes all appurtenant works, such as a dike, canal or powerhouse'. Visit https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/Dams for more information.]
Title: High Quality Wetlands, Wisconsin 2023
- Point data
- 2023
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents high quality wetlands in Wisconsin in 2023. [High-Quality Wetland points displayed in the DNR Watershed Restoration and Protection Viewer. These are unique wetlands and those wetlands with least disturbed or reference conditions. Points represent a generalized area, for legal and privacy reasons. All points are in HUCs that fall mostly within Wisconsin.]
Title: Ice Age Trail, Wisconsin 2023
- Polygon data
- 2023
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Summary: This data represents Ice Age Trail for Wisconsin in 2023. [This layer is hosted by Wisconsin DNR, and reflects Ice Age Trail updates received from the Ice Age Trail Alliance on October 25th, 2023. This layer is typically updated approximately every two months and is primarily for the purpose of DNR staff use and public download from DNR's Open Data Portal. For more current trail data contact Tiffany Stram (tiffany@iceagetrail.org) GIS/Technology Specialist at Ice Age Trail Alliance. This data layer includes lines representing existing sections of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail. This layer is a combination of GPS and digitized data, merged to represent one complete data layer for the IAT. The data was developed by the Ice Age Trail Alliance (IATA) in cooperation with the National Park Service's Ice Age Trail Office.]