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913 results returned

  1. Title: Geologic atlas of Stearns County, Minnesota, C-10, Part B, Plate 10, Sensitivity of Ground-Water Systems to Pollution


    Summary: Map showing the susceptibility of the ground water system (bedrock and unconsolidated sediments) to contamination, including the age of the water as determined from radioactive isotopes in the water, scale 1:100,000, Stearns County.

  2. Title: Geologic atlas of Stearns County, Minnesota, C-10, Part B, Plate 9, Hydrogeology of the Quaternary Confined Aquifers and Bedrock Aquifers


    Summary: Maps showing ground water resources and aquifer characteristics of confined Quaternary aquifers (aquifer surrounded by water impermeable material, usually clayey glacial till) and bedrock aquifers, scale 1:100,000, Stearns County.

  3. Title: Geologic atlas of Stearns County, Minnesota, C-10, Part B, Plate 8, Hydrogeology of the Quaternary Water-Table System


    Summary: Maps showing ground water resources and aquifer characteristics in the bedrock and unconsolidated sediments (glacial and stream sediments) overlying the bedrock and interactions between surface and bedrock aquifers, scale 1:100,000, Stearns County.

  4. Title: Geologic atlas of Fillmore County, Minnesota, C-8, Part B, Plate 6, Bedrock Hydrogeology


    Summary: Maps showing where and how much ground water may be present and aquifer characteristics of the bedrock geologic units, scale 1:100,000, Fillmore County.

  5. Title: Geologic atlas of Fillmore County, Minnesota, C-8, Part B, Plate 7, Pollution Sensitivity


    Summary: Map showing the susceptibility of the ground water system (bedrock and unconsolidated sediment aquifers) to contamination, scale 1:100,000, Fillmore County.

  6. Title: Soil Expansive


    Summary: Expansive Soils are defined as Maximum Measured Shrink-Swell Potential and were grouped by consultant Sean Wilson, geologist. Data originates from the NRCS Soils data known within the County of Marin GIS database as Soils. NRCS soils were downloaded from . This data set is a digital soil survey and generally is the most detailed level of soil geographic data developed by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. The information was prepared by digitizing maps, by compiling information onto a planimetric correct base and digitizing, or by revising digitized maps using remotely sensed and other information. This data set consists of georeferenced digital map data and computerized attribute data. The map data are in a soil survey area extent format and include a detailed, field verified inventory of soils and miscellaneous areas that normally occur in a repeatable pattern on the landscape and that can be cartographically shown at the scale mapped. A special soil features layer (point and line features) is optional. This layer displays the location of features too small to delineate at the mapping scale, but they are large enough and contrasting enough to significantly influence use and management. The soil map units are linked to attributes in the National Soil Information System relational database, which gives the proportionate extent of the component soils and their properties.

  7. Title: Shorter contributions to the geology of the Sioux Quartzite (early Proterozoic), southwestern Minnesota, RI-32, Plate 1


    Summary: Generalized interpretations of bedrock geology (distribution of rock at the land surface and beneath surface sediments) of the North Limb, Cottonwood County Basin, Jeffers-Comfrey area, Minnesota, scale 1:48,000.

  8. Title: Shaded relief aeromagnetic anomaly map of northeastern and east-central Minnesota, M-53


    Summary: Aeromagnetic anomaly map, (relative to the earth's magnetic field, interpretation of magnetic data collected from airborne surveys, the map colors indicate the distribution and concentration of magnetic minerals (primarily iron-bearing) within the upper crust of the earth, shaded-relief (psuedo 3d), northeastern and east-central Minnesota, scale 1:1,000,000.

  9. Title: Geologic map of the Gunflint Lake quadrangle, Cook County, Minnesota, M-42


    Summary: Interpretations of bedrock geology (distribution of rock at the land surface and beneath surface sediments) of the Gunflint Lake quadrangle, scale 1:24,000.

  10. Title: Geologic map of the Long Island Lake quadrangle, Cook County, Minnesota, M-46


    Summary: Interpretations of bedrock geology (distribution of rock at the land surface and beneath surface sediments) of the Long Island Lake quadrangle, scale 1:24,000.

  11. Title: Geologic map of the Hungry Jack Lake quadrangle, Cook County, Minnesota, M-39


    Summary: Interpretations of bedrock geology (distribution of rock at the land surface and beneath surface sediments) of the Hungry Jack Lake quadrangle, scale 1:24,000.

  12. Title: Geologic map of the South Lake quadrangle, Cook County, Minnesota, M-38


    Summary: Interpretations of bedrock geology (distribution of rock at the land surface and beneath surface sediments) of the South Lake quadrangle, scale 1:24,000.

  13. Title: General map of rainfall and temperature of Wisconsin, 1882


    Summary: Relief shown with form lines. Includes cross-sections: On E.E. -- On C.D. -- On A.B. "Plate No. IIC." "The Milwaukee Litho. & Engr. Co." 68 x 58 centimeters Scale approximately 1:960,000 General Map Collection

  14. Title: Hydrogeology of the Paleozoic bedrock in southeastern Minnesota, RI-61, Plate 2


    Summary: Cross section of Paleozoic bedrock from central Mower County east showing hydrostratigraphic (water bearing rock units) attributes and classification of aquifers and confining units (rock units that prevent water movement in the vertical direction), scale 1 inch = about 7 miles.

  15. Title: Hydrogeology of the Paleozoic bedrock in southeastern Minnesota, RI-61, Plate 1


    Summary: Cross section of Paleozoic bedrock from the northern part of the Twin Cities Metropolitan area south to central Mower County showing hydrostratigraphic (water bearing rock units) attributes and classification of aquifers and confining units (rock units that prevent water movement in the vertical direction), scale 1 inch = about 7 miles.

  16. Title: Geologic atlas of Mower County, Minnesota, C-11, Part B, Plate 10, Karst Hydrogeomorphic Units


    Summary: Maps showing distribution of karst (carbonate rock with caves, springs) units and features and karst hydrology in carbonate rocks susceptible to being dissolved by acidic ground water, scale 1:100000, Mower County.

  17. Title: Geologic atlas of Pine County, Minnesota, C-13, Part A, Plate 6, Sinkhole distribution, Depth to Bedrock, and Bedrock Topography


    Summary: Map showing the thickness (depth to bedrock) of unconsolidated sediments (Quaternary glacial and stream materials) over the bedrock surface and elevation of the bedrock surface (bedrock topography), scale 1:200,000; map showing locations of sinkholes and sinkhole cross sections, scale 1:100,000, Pine County.

  18. Title: Geologic atlas of Fillmore County, Minnesota, C-8, Part B, Plate 9, Springsheds


    Summary: Map showing the locations of springs and seeps and the interaction of surface drainage, karst (carbonate rock with caves, springs) ground water and subsurface flow, scale 1:100,000, Fillmore County.

  19. Title: Geologic atlas of Scott County, Minnesota, C-1, Plate 1, Physiography and Data Base


    Summary: Interpretation of land surface topography. Map showing locations of water wells, soil borings, outcrops and cuttings samples collected during water well drilling. Distribution and sources of primary information tthat guide the geologic interpretations used to make the geologic maps in the series, scale 1:100,000.

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