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783 results returned

  1. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission Future Land Use


    Summary: This polygon datalayer depicts future land use areas with associated attribute data for the Atlanta Regional Commission's (ARC) 10-county region. ARC documentation states that: This map was created from the future land use maps of municipal and county comprehensive plans within the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) area in 1996. The local government source documents were originally compiled at various scales, with varying enhancements to a common classification system, and for differing time frames (target planning years ranged from 2000 to 2020). Where necessary, land use categories were first converted back to the basic land use classification system of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs' (DCA) Minimum Planning Standards. In order for these data to be useful at a regional level, the source documents were then generalized, based on a 50 acre minimum mapping unit, and digitized for relative consistency in detail and edge-matching. As local governments routinely adopt amendments to their future land use maps, it is recommended that interested parties contact individual counties or municipalities directly to get accurate, up-to-date future land use information. Although ARC does not guarantee absolute accuracy and completeness of information, this dataset is believed to be a reasonable representation of land use plans in the Atlanta Region, as defined by DCA and submitted by our local governments.

  2. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission Shopping Malls


    Summary: This point datalayer depicts regional shopping malls with associated attribute data for the Atlanta Regional Commission's (ARC) 10-county region. Attributes include: Names of largest (anchors) stores; mall square footage and location by city and street address. ARC documentation states that: This Theme was created from a list of malls in the Atlanta Region originally prepared for the 1997 Regional Development Plan (RDP) to identify major activity centers. The point locations of these malls were digitized in ArcEdit using a variety of data sources, primarily ARC's street centerline database (ARCmap). The locations are approximate centroids of the land area and include some proposed, as well as existing malls.

  3. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission Georgia State Senate Districts


    Summary: This polygon datalayer depicts the State of Georgia's Senatorial Districts as adopted by the Georgia General Assembly in 1999. Used to delineate voter districts for the Georgia General Assembly, this Theme may also be linked to the U.S. Census Bureau's Summary Tape Files (STF) for the display and analysis of demographic data.

  4. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission Cities and Municipalities


    Summary: This polygon datalayer depicts boundaries for cities and towns located within the 10-county Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) area. ARC documentation states that: 'This Theme was derived from the 2000 TIGER files that are based on the boundary and annexation data provided by local governments. It has been updated in some areas by ARC.'

  5. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission Georgia State Boundary


    Summary: This datalayer contains a single polygon which describes the outline of the territory for the state of Georgia.

  6. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission Bicycle/Pedestrian Trails


    Summary: This polyline datalayer depicts bicycle and pedestrian projects, with associated attribute data, for the Atlanta Regional Commission's (ARC) 10-county region. ARC documentation states that: This Theme represents the bicycle/pedestrian component of the 2025 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) as well as existing bike/ped trails. This dataset was recently revised by Wilbur Smith Associates, working with various staff within the Transportation Planning Division (TPD) and the GIS Division at ARC. This Theme was created in ArcInfo using a variety of hardcopy sources from ARC's local governments for 'heads up' digitizing against the 1999 digital orthophoto quarter quad (DOQQ) imagery. Various features (arcs), representing on-street bike/ped trails and projects, were selected from GDOT's DLGF street centerline file, the primary contributing source to the new Atlanta Region Streets Theme (STREETS). Off-road bike/ped paths were approximated for both existing and proposed (future) trails using this same imagery and street base. To identify the RTP (proposed) trails, use the STATUS field to classify and symbolize, or to query records with a value equal to 'future.' To identify existing trails, use the STATUS field for a value equal to 'existing.' Please note, not all RTP Bike/Ped projects are necessarily represented in this Theme.

  7. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission Transit Projects


    Summary: This polyline datalayer depicts transportation pojects with associated attribute data for the Atlanta Regional Commission's (ARC) 10-county region. ARC documentation states that: This Theme currently represents the transit component of the 2025 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). This dataset was originally produced in 1997 by Day Wilburn Associates working with various staff within the Transportation Planning Division (TPD) and the GIS Division at ARC. This Theme was created in ArcView using a variety of hardcopy sources where proposed transit projects were approximated during 'heads up' digitizing, using ARCmap, ARC's street centerline database and other datasets for spatial reference. Please note, not all RTP transit projects are necessarily represented in this Theme.

  8. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission Landuse and Landcover


    Summary: This polygon datalayer depicts various types of land use and land cover areas with associated attribute data for the Atlanta Regional Commission's (ARC) 10-county region. The geographic extent of this Theme is the Atlanta Region 13-county area which includes ARC's 10 counties, plus the EPA non-attainment counties of Forsyth, Paulding, and Coweta. Though the terms are often used interchangeably, landuse and landcover are not synonymous. Landcover generally refers to the natural or cultivated vegetation, rock, or water covering the land, as well as the developed surface which can be identified on aerial photography. Landuse generally refers to the way that humans use or will use the land, regardless of its apparent landcover. As such, this theme is primarily a landcover database with an extra landuse component which is essential to many of ARC's key agency functions ARC documentation states that: This land use/cover theme was created by on-screen photo-interpretation and digitizing of ortho-rectified aerial photography at a scale of 1:14,000. The primary sources for this mapping effort were 1999 natural color imagery with four-foot pixel resolution, provided by Aerials Express, Inc. (formerly DigiAir, Inc.) and 1999 color infrared (CIR) digital orthophoto quarter quads (DOQQs) with one-meter pixel resolution, provided by the US Geological Survey (USGS) through the Georgia GIS Clearinghouse. Using both sources of imagery, landcover polygons were delineated using ARC's previous (1995) landuse/cover GIS database as the principal source of collateral (secondary) data. Where possible, all newly digitized arcs were aligned to the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) DLG-F street centerlines, which were used, along with the 1995 landuse/cover dataset, as primary 'backcoverages' in ArcEdit.

  9. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission Georgia Counties


    Summary: This polygon datalayer depicts county boundaries for Georgia. ARC documentation states: 'Please note that some Georgia county boundaries, which are related to census tracts, have changed from the 1990 to the 2000 Census. As these changes are relatively insignificant in the Atlanta Region, ARC continues to use the 1990 Census geography for the state and county boundaries.'

  10. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission MARTA Bus Routes


    Summary: This polyline datalayer depicts MARTA bus routes with associated attribute data for the Atlanta Regional Commission's (ARC) 10-county region. ARC documentation states that: This Theme was created in ArcView using MARTA's digital road network as a base map for 'heads up' digitizing, where bus routes were 'traced' over existing arcs representing the various streets used by MARTA. The street base was originally developed by Navigation Technologies (NavTech) and converted for use within GDS, MARTA's GIS system. For the purpose of this CD, ARC's GIS Division adjusted many of the arcs to coincide with the MARTA rail lines and rail stations, and to improve the positional accuracy against the 1993 Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quad (DOQQ) imagery. This Theme represents the initial release of MARTA's bus route system and does not reflect changes to routes effective March 23, 2002. Although this Theme graphically depicts all of the different routes in MARTA's bus system, there is currently no 'link' to tabular data that would describe these routes maintained by MARTA.

  11. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission MARTA Rail Lines


    Summary: This polyline datalayer depicts MARTA rail routes with associated attribute data for the Atlanta Regional Commission's (ARC) 10-county region. ARC documentation states that: This Theme was created in ArcView through 'heads up' digitizing, using MARTA's digital road network as a basemap. For the purpose of this CD, ARC's GIS Division converted the original ArcView shapefile to ARC/INFO format for re-work in ArcEdit. Some of the arcs were adjusted to improve the positional accuracy against the 1993 Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quad (DOQQ) imagery and to coincide with other Themes, primarily MARTA bus routes and rail stations. ARC also used 1999 digital imagery for improved positional accuracy of the new expansion of the North Line to Sandy Springs and North Springs.

  12. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission Expressways


    Summary: This polyline datalayer depicts all interstate highways in the Atlanta Region and Georgia Highway 400. This Theme is a subset of ARC's street centerline database. The features included in this Theme were identified by ARC's Transportation Planning Division.

  13. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission Georgia Congressional Districts


    Summary: This polygon datalayer depicts boundary polygons depicting U.S. Congressional Districts in the state of Georgia as drawn by the United States District Court in 1995. Used to delineate voter districts for the U.S. Congress, this Theme may also be linked to the U.S. Census Bureau's Summary Tape Files (STF) for the display and analysis of demographic data.

  14. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission Detailed Hydrographic Features


    Summary: This polyline datalayer depicts hydrographic features (major and intermittent streams and lakes) for the Atlanta Regional Commission's (ARC) 10-county region. ARC documentation states that: 'The geographic extent of this Theme is a rectangle based on USGS 7.5' quadrangles and extends beyond the Atlanta Region 5 miles to the north and west, and 15 miles to the south and east.'

  15. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission 2000 Census Tracts


    Summary: This polygon datalayer depicts census tract level boundaries with associated census attribute data for the Atlanta Regional Commission's (ARC) 10-county region. Data displayed here was derived from the US Census Bureau SF-1 release of July, 2001. ARC documentation states that: 'This Theme was derived from the 2000 TIGER files provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. All attribute data for the 564 census tracts associated with this 10-county Atlanta Region theme is drawn from the Census Bureau's SF1 release (July, 2001). Please be advised that for the first time, the Census Bureau allowed persons to classify themselves as a member of one or more races in the 2000 census. Users need to note the lack of comparability between race data in the 1990 ARC Census Tracts Theme and race data in this 2000 ARC Census Tracts Theme. Many more data variables are included in the SF1 release than are present here, and please note that the focus is generally on personal and household social characteristics, rather than on economic information (e.g. income and poverty) or housing unit characteristics. These latter variables are what are called 'sample variables' and will be available only in summer 2002 with the release of the SF3 sample. Please note that this Theme currently contains Census demographic data only and does not incooporate details on employment, population estimates and forecasts, or household and housing unit statistics.'

  16. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission Area Zip Codes


    Summary: This polygon datalayer depicts zip code postal zones, with associated attribute data, for the Atlanta Regional Commission's (ARC) 10-county region. ARC documentation states that: This Theme was originally created from the national ZIP Code coverage provided by ESRI and GDT. The boundaries have been significantly changed by ARC's GIS Division using a variety of sources to improve their positional accuracy. Please note, there are some inherent problems with ZIP codes which affect the use of this Theme. Since there are overlapping areas with some of the U.S. Postal Service ZIP code data, this Theme can only show the estimated general area for many ZIP codes. Also note that some ZIP codes refer to post office boxes which only represent point locations, thus are not part of this polygon Theme.

  17. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission TIP Road Projects


    Summary: This polyline datalayer depicts transportation improvement road projects with associated attribute data for the Atlanta Regional Commission's (ARC) 10-county region. ARC documentation states that: This Theme currently represents the road component of the FY2002-2004 TIP which is a subset of the 2025 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). This dataset was originally produced in 1997 by Day Wilburn Associates working with various staff within the Transportation Planning Division (TPD) and the GIS Division at ARC. This Theme was created in ArcView using a variety of hardcopy sources for 'heads up' digitizing against ARCmap, ARC's street centerline database, where certain coincidental arcs representing road projects were selected from ARC's street base, and where other roads were simply 'traced' over existing arcs or approximated for future projects. Please note, this datset was created for use at a regional viewing scale. As the alignment of many new projects is unknown, the digitized positional accuracy of some features is more 'schematic' than precise. Please note, not all TIP road projects are necessarily represented in this Theme.

  18. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission Region Boundary


    Summary: This datalayer consists of a single polygon which depicts the outer boundaries of the Atlanta Regional Commission's 10 counties, or those Georgia counties which comprise the greater Atlanta urban and suburban areas. This layer was developed from a related layer (ARC County layer). Counties included here are Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry and Rockdale. The boundary shown here also serves as the ARC Regional Development Center (RDC) boundary under the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA). Please note that some Georgia county boundaries have changed from the 1990 to the 2000 Census. As these changes are relatively insignificant in the Atlanta Region, ARC continues to use the 1990 Census geography for our current county boundaries.

  19. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission Olympic Venues


    Summary: This polygon datalayer depicts Olympic venues used during the 1996 Olympic games, along with associated attribute data for the Atlanta Regional Commission's (ARC) 10-county region. ARC documentation states that: This Theme was created to show the location of venues in the Atlanta Region in preparation for the 1996 Olympics. The geographic extent of this Theme extends beyond the Atlanta Region to the north and east, including Lake Lanier in Hall County.

  20. Title: Atlanta Regional Commission Streets


    Summary: This polyline datalayer depicts streets and roads, with associated attribute data, for the Atlanta Regional Commission's (ARC) 10-county region. ARC documentation states that: This Theme represents a conflation of various street centerline data: GDOT's General Highway Base Map, U.S. Census Bureau's TIGER 2000 files, ARC's ARCmap database, and U.S. Forestry Commission's Forestry Maps. The conflation process was performed by The University of Georgia's Information Technology Outreach Services (ITOS) to merge geographic and attribute street data, as well as to reconcile differences between data sources. Forestry data was obtained by referring to Forestry maps and digital orthophoto quarter quadrangles (DOQQs), then adding features to the coverage in ArcEdit. GDOT's General Highway Base Map source was digitized from mylar map sheets and overlaid on the source mylars for quality assurance. Both the TIGER 2000 and ARCmap street bases were incorporated by overlaying the sources with the coverage and importing missing features. The resulting dataset contains interstates, state highways, county roads, city streets, private roads, forestry roads, and unknown roads. Unknown roads are based solely on features identified on the 1999 color infrared (CIR) DOQQ's with a minimum length of 500 meters. All sources have been photo-revised using the 1999 CIR DOQQs at a scale of 1:5,000, thus significantly improving the positional accuracy of the STREETS Theme published in previous releases of ARIS. Although ARC does not guarantee absolute accuracy and completeness of the data, this Theme is believed to be a reasonable representation of the streets in the Atlanta Region.

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