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  1. Title: Districts: California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008


    Summary: This polygon shapefile depicts boundaries of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Districts. Various data sources were used to represent the boundaries. Overall, the boundaries are largely based on 100K source data (such as county boundaries). This coverage provides for general display and analysis of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Fish and Game Districts, created for the protection of fish and game as described in the California Fish and Game Code, Division 8, Section 11000. California Department of Fish and Wildlife Marine Resources Region. (2008). Districts: California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008. California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Marine Resources Region. Available at: This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  2. Title: California Coastal Surf Grass, 2005


    Summary: This polyline shapefile depicts distribution of surf grass along the California Coast. This data was extracted from a larger set of data which contained plant species found along the coast derived from the Minerals Management Service (MMS) maps data for the Pacific Coast intertidal shorelines of the Monterey Bay, Gulf of the Farallones and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuaries.This data describes shoreline habitat characteristics and biological assemblages on United States Geologic Survey (USGS) quad maps. This coverage delineates areas of Surf Grass along the California coast. California Department of Fish and Wildlife Marine Resources Region. (2005). California Coastal Surf Grass, 2005. California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Marine Resources Region. Available at: This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  3. Title: Lakes, Reservoirs and Ponds (Polygons): California, 2012


    Summary: This polygon shapefile is an update of California lake, reservoir, and pond layers as assembled by the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG). It includes many small and unnamed waterbodies in the High Sierra and California Cascades, some of which are not depicted on United States Geological Survey 7.5 arc-minute/1:24,000-scale topographic maps. Most data were captured at 1:24,000-scale or better. Waterbodies are represented as single polygons (with islands), with Latitude/Longitude coordinates of waterbody centroids and a unique numeric identifier for each. Waterbody polygons represent shorelines generally at full or near-full levels. A previous version of this dataset did not contain islands. The dataset was created for two purposes: First, to attempt to correct many inaccuracies in current GIS datasets for California waterbodies, especially regarding NAMES. Second, to provide a unique numeric ID system for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife of all digitized waterbodies in California in order to assist with fisheries and biological programs management and public fishing programs, including biological surveys, fish planting, and public fishing guides. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2012. Rancho Cordova CA: North Central Region (Region 2); Sacramento CA: Biogeographic Data Branch. This dataset represents a combination of 1:24,000-scale or better GIS datasets considered the best currently available. The initial sources come from DFG's fisheries programs, some of which included many Sierra Nevada lakes and ponds not represented on existing USGS maps and/or not known to exist in digitized format elsewhere. Unique ID's in the field DFGLAKEID reflect the LAKE_ID in FPB_Lakes shapefile in about 22,400 cases. Many errors (attribute and spatial) existed in all the contributing datasets, and many (but not all) have been remedied here. Lake name errors were addressed to the greatest extent, spatial representation errors to a lesser extent. USGS National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) High Resolution 'waterbody' polygons were used to replace some existing polygons. It was not used exclusively however, due in part to existing errors within the NHD datasets to date, the lack of completeness for CA and the lack of time on the editors end to incorporate NHD in cases where NHD polygon representation is better than what exists here. It is the intent that NHD polygons will be incorporated more as they get updated. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  4. Title: Lake, Reserviors and Ponds (Points): California, 2012


    Summary: This point shapefile is an update of California lake, reservoir, and pond layers as assembled by the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG). It includes many small and unnamed waterbodies in the High Sierra and California Cascades, some of which are not depicted on United States Geological Survey 7.5 arc-minute/1:24,000-scale topographic maps. Most data were captured at 1:24,000-scale or better. Waterbodies are represented as centroid points. The dataset was created for two purposes: First, to attempt to correct many inaccuracies in current GIS datasets for California waterbodies, especially regarding NAMES. Second, to provide a unique numeric ID system for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife of all digitized waterbodies in California in order to assist with fisheries and biological programs management and public fishing programs, including biological surveys, fish planting, and public fishing guides. This coverage provides an accompanying center point GIS layer for the lakes layer that was assembled by the California Department of Fish and Game. This point layer is useful for representing lake locations at small (zoomed-out) scales, labeling, etc. California Department of Fish and Game: North Central Region (Region 2) and the Biogeographic Data Branch. (2012). Lake, Reserviors and Ponds (Points): California, 2012. Available at: Points derived from fields containing coordinate values within the lakes dataset. Those values were derived from initially gaining 'centroids' using ArcGIS command tools, then editing the points as needed to place in a more central location within the lake polygons. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  5. Title: Map of the dominion of Canada


    Summary: Shows main railroads.; Inset: [Southern Ontario, Quebec and Meritime provinces]. Scale [1:6,336,000]. 31 x 45 centimeters Scale [1:12,672,000] 200 miles to 1 inch General Map Collection

  6. Title: The world


    Summary: Map shows color coded Commonwealth countries, and world time zones. Insets: [Arctic region] -- Antarctica -- The northern sky --The southern sky. Includes charts: "Air distance in statute miles" and "Distance between ports in nautical miles".

  7. Title: Map of the Northwest Territories


    Summary: Shows R.C.M.P. posts, radio stations, licensed trading posts, and game preserves. 88 x 87 Centimeters Scale approximately 1:3,831,770 General Map Collection

  8. Title: Map of central Canada showing transportation and commercial development


    Summary: Insets: The Cobalt-Porcupine-Rouyn area. Scale [approximately 1:1,100,000] -- The Sudbury area. Scale [approximately 1:1,100,000]. 33 x 60 Centimeters Scale approximately 1:3,250,000 General Map Collection

  9. Title: Map of Manitoba, Saskatchewan & Alberta : showing the number of quarter sections available for homestead entry, also number of quarter sections privately owned and unoccupied


    Summary: January 1929. 54 x 83 centimeters Scale [1:2,217,600] 35 miles to 1 inch General Map Collection

  10. Title: Manitoba, map showing disposition of lands


    Summary: Inset: "Map of Manitoba showing Dominion Land Agencies." 94 x 63 centimeters Scale 1:792,000; 12 1/2 miles to 1 inch General Map Collection

  11. Title: Map of the Atlantic Coast of Canada : showing inshore & deep sea fisheries with distances from principal fishing ports to banks & transportation lines


    Summary: Sea-bed contours in fathoms.; Includes distance chart and "Map showing ocean depths, tides & currents," approximately 1:7,000,000. 86 x 128 centimeters Scale approximately 1:1,600,000 General Map Collection

  12. Title: Map showing location & relative importance of grain elevators in Canada


    Summary: Includes "President Wilson's peace conditions" and "Allies' principal terms of armistice."; Includes proposed new boundaries and final battle lines. 16 x 46 centimeters Scale approximately 1:12,000,000 General Map Collection

  13. Title: Saskatchewan, map showing disposition of lands


    Summary: Cartographic Details: Scale 1:792,000. 1 in. to 12 1/2 mi. (W 110⁰00ʹ--W 102⁰00ʹ/N 55⁰30ʹ--N 49⁰00ʹ). Relief shown by spot heights. Corrected to July 1, 1918. Base map from plates of Geographer's Branch, Dept. of the Interior. 16th ed. 1 map : color, mounted on cloth backing ; 93 x 80 cm Scale 1:792,000. 1 inch to 12 1/2 miles General Map Collection

  14. Title: Refined Product Terminals, San Mateo County, 2015


    Summary: This point shapefile represents refined product terminals in San Mateo County, California. Credits Source: California Energy Commission Source Date: October 2015. This layer is part of the San Mateo County Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment Project. These data are intended for researchers, students, and policy makers for reference and mapping purposes, and may be used for basic applications such as viewing, querying, and map output production. County of San Mateo Information Services Department and California Energy Commission. (2019). Refined Product Terminals, San Mateo County, 2015. County of San Mateo Information Services Department. Available at: This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  15. Title: Natural Gas Utility Service Areas, San Mateo County Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment Project Area, 2015


    Summary: This polygon shapefile represents natural gas utility service areas in San Mateo County, California. Source: California Energy Comission. Source Date: Feb. 24, 2015. This layer is part of the San Mateo County Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment Project. These data are intended for researchers, students, and policy makers for reference and mapping purposes, and may be used for basic applications such as viewing, querying, and map output production. County of San Mateo Information Services Department and California Energy Comission. (2019). Natural Gas Utility Service Areas, San Mateo County Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment Project Area, 2015. County of San Mateo Information Services Department. Available at: This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  16. Title: Substations, San Mateo County Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment Project, 2014


    Summary: This point shapefile represents substations in the Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment Project area in San Mateo, County California. This layer is part of the San Mateo County Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment Project. Source: California Energy Comission. Source Date: 2014* Other Substation and Transmission Line Owners - California AEWSDArvin-Edison Water Storage DistributionMORENO VALLEYAMPAlameda Municipal PowerMWDMetropolitan Water District of Southern CaliforniaANZAAnza ElectricNASANational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationAPUDCity of Anaheim Public Utilities DistrictNCPANorthern California Power AgencyAZUSAAzusa Light and WaterNPUANeedles Public Utility AuthorityBARTBay Area Rapid Transit DistrictNV ENERGYNV EnergyBFPBurney Forest PowerPACWPacifiCorp WestBPABonneville Power AdministrationPCWAPlacer County Water AgencyBURBCity of Burbank Water & PowerPLSRPlumas - Sierra Rural Electric Co-opCA RECLAMATION DISTRICTPORT OF OAKLANDCA STATEState of CaliforniaPORT OF STOCKTONCALPINECalpine CorporationPRIVATECCSFCity & County of San FranciscoRCMURancho Cucamonga Municipal UtilityCDWRCalifornia Department of Water ResourcesREURedding Electric UtilityCORONACity of CoronaROSEVILLE ELECTRICCOLTONCity of ColtonRPURiverside Public UltilitiesFRESNOCity of FresnoSAN JOAQUINSan Joaquin CountyHEALDSBURGCity of HealdsburgSFPPSanta Fe Pacific Pipeline PartnersLOMPOCCity of LompocSIDSolano Irrigation DistrictPALO ALTOCity of Palo AltoSJVESan Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Org.ROSEVILLECity of Roseville ElectricSTANFORDLeland Stanford, Jr. UniversitySAN JOSECity of San JoseSVECSurprise Valley Electrification CorporationSHASTA LAKECity of Shasta LakeSVP (Silicon Valley Power)City of Santa ClaraVICTORVILLECity of VictorvilleTANCTransmission Agency of Northern CaliforniaSONOMACounty of SonomaTBCTrans Bay CableDCSCity of DublinTDPUDTruckee Donner Public Utility DistrictEBMUDEast Bay Municipal Utility DistrictTIDTurlock Irrigation DistrictECCIDEast Contra Costa Irrigation DistrictTPUDTrinity Public Utility DistrictFEDFederal FacilitiesUCBUniversity of California BerkeleyGWPCity of Glendale Water & PowerUCDUniversity of California DavisISLAND ENERGYCity of PittsburgUNKNOWNLIBERTY ENERGYUSBRU.S. Bureau of ReclamationLMUDLassen Municipal Utility DistrictVERNONCity of VernonMEIDMerced Irrigation DistrictWALCWestern Area Lower Colorado (WAPA)MIDModesto Irrigation DistrictYCWAYuba County Water Agency These data are intended for researchers, students, and policy makers for reference and mapping purposes, and may be used for basic applications such as viewing, querying, and map output production. County of San Mateo Information Services Department and California Energy Commission. (2019). Substations, San Mateo County, 2014. County of San Mateo Information Services Department. Available at: This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  17. Title: Parcels, Nevada County, California, 2014


    Summary: The parcel layer is attached to the Nevada County Assessor's Roll bi-monthly in order to maintain current attribute data and parcel geometry changes due to parcel splits and merges. Parcels with multiple owners are represented by overlapping polygons.

  18. Title: Salinas-Parajo Generalized Land Use/Land Cover Mapping


    Summary: The Nature Conservancy and Stanford University contracted Aerial Information Systems to develop a 2005 and 2012 Anderson level II terrestrial Land Use/Land Cover map for a portion of the Salinas Valley in Monterey County and portions of several valleys in the greater Pajaro River and San Benito River watershed in San Benito, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz counties, to support research and future modeling efforts in the area. This collection contains 2 geodatabases as well as 5 shapefiles, which were derived from the database feature classes. System requirements: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software that reads ESRI shapefile format.

  19. Title: Important Bird Areas: San Francisco Bay Area, 2008


    Summary: The objective of this project was to digitally map the boundaries of Audubon California's Important Bird Areas (IBA). Existing Important Bird Areas identify critical terrestrial and inland water habitats for avifauna, in particular, habitat that supports rare, threatened or endangered birds and/or exceptionally large congregations of shorebirds and/or waterfowl. The digitization of Important Bird Areas represents an important first step in conservation planning of these critical habitats using GIS. As of October 2007, a draft layer of all 148 Important Bird Areas in California was completed. Currently, a review is in progress with Audubon Chapters and local experts, with a final version completed by Nov. 1, 2008. The final map and data will be released to the public in November, 2008. Bird conservation efforts throughout California by Audubon California Bay Area Open Space Council, GreenInfo Network, Conservation Lands Network, and San Francisco Bay Area Upland Habitat Goals Project. (2011). Important Bird Areas: San Francisco Bay Area, 2008. Bay Area Open Space Council. Available at For IBA site summaries, please go to the following website: For criteria utilized to designate sites as Important Bird Areas in California, go to: For a searchable database by species, habitat, land use, etc., go to Please contact Audubon California for use in analysis or publications. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  20. Title: Maps and GIS data for the Elk River watershed, Humboldt County, California


    Summary: Digital geospatial data sets for two maps (Plate 1, Elk River watershed, Humboldt County, California, geologic and geomorphic features related to landsliding; and plate 2, Elk River watershed, Humboldt County, California, relative landslide potential with geologic and geomorphic features). These maps portray landslides, geomorphic features related to landsliding, relative landslide potential, geology, and stream channel geomorphic conditions in the Elk River watershed, Humboldt County, California. The GIS data are organized into four groups: landslide layers; geomorphology layers; fluvial layers; geology layers. by Gerald J. Marshall and Eric Mendes. Title from CD surface. Relief shown by contours. Includes text, Geologic and geomorphic features related to landsliding and landslide potential in the Elk River watershed / by Gerald J. Marshall and Eric Mendes. "Landslide and geomorphic features were mapped/compiled at a scale of 1:24,000 (1 inch equals 2000 feet). The geologic data were also compiled at 1:24,000...Accuracy of the map features in this database are not implied at scales larger than 1:24,000."--Metadata file. PDF images of maps include bibliographical references. System requirements: Intel Pentium processor or Macintosh Power PC or later with CD-ROM drive; Acrobat Reader 5.0 (included on disc); ArcExplorer viewer to view ESRI shapefile formats (included on disc); ArcView 3.x, ArcToolbox or workstation ArcInfo to view ESRI interchange file formats; WinZip 8.1 or greater (evaluation version included on disc). Digital files (some zipped) for 2 maps (ESRI shapefile [.shp] and interchange file [.e00] formats; PDF formats); text files (.rtf, .txt and .pdf formats); software (WinZip 8.1 evaluation version; ArcExplorer viewer; Acrobat Reader 5.0).

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