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7,670 results returned

  1. Title: Major natural gas and oil pipe lines


    Summary: Extent: 1 map Abstract: Map of Macomb County, Michigan, showing oil lines, gas lines, gas storage fields, regulator stations, and storage meter stations. Scale approximately 1:98,000

  2. Title: Major electric power lines


    Summary: Extent: 1 map Abstract: Map of Macomb County, Michigan, showing "24,000 & 40,000 volt transmission lines," underground lines, substations, "120,000 volt tower lines," and "stepdown stations." Scale approximately 1:98,000

  3. Title: Australia


    Summary: Shows borders, cities by population, railways, and steamer routes.; "Drawn by ... 1924."; Includes statistical charts.; On verso: text.; "C.19443."--panel. 38 x 44 centimeters, folded to 26 x 12 centimeters Scale approximately 1:11,000,000 General Map Collection

  4. Title: MassGIS 2003 Massachusetts Hospitals (September 2002)


    Summary: This point datalayer shows the location of 145 hospitals in Massachusetts. This data was developed by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) GIS Program based on database information provided by the Massachusetts Division of Health Care Finance and Policy (DHCFP) and various Internet sources. Please be aware that the attributes for the points in this layer do not include information on the type of care (e.g. specialty hospitals, acute care hospitals with emergency departments, mental health, rehabilitation, etc.) provided at each facility. Future enhancements to the layer may include such information. Therefore this layer should not be used as the primary source when seeking emergency care.

  5. Title: San Francisco Residential Security Map, 1937 (Raster Image)


    Summary: This layer is a georeferenced image of a 1937 Thomas Bros. street map of San Francisco (which also shows streetcar and trolley bus lines at the time) color coded by the Federal Government's Home Owners' Loan Corporation to indicate various levels of perceived risk to property value. These maps, drawn up for cities across the country, are associated with the practice of redlining -- denying home loans to certain neighborhoods, particularly those dominated by disfavored ethnic groups. This project traces the history of urban planning in San Francisco, placing special emphasis on unrealized schemes. Rather than using visual material simply to illustrate outcomes, Imagined San Francisco uses historical plans, maps, architectural renderings, and photographs to show what might have been. By enabling users to layer a series of urban plans, the project presents the city not only as a sequence of material changes, but also as a contingent process and a battleground for political power. Savvy institutional actors--like banks, developers, and many public officials--understood that in some cases to clearly articulate their interests would be to invite challenges. That means that textual sources like newspapers and municipal reports are limited in what they can tell researchers about the shape of political power. Urban plans, however, often speak volumes about interests and dynamics upon which textual sources remain silent. Mortgage lenders, for example, apparently thought it unwise to state that they wished to see a poor neighborhood cleared, to be replaced with a freeway onramp. Yet visual analysis of planning proposals makes that interest plain. So in the process of showing how the city might have looked, Imagined San Francisco also shows how political power actually was negotiated and exercised. Home Owners Loan Corporation (2017). San Francisco Residential Security Map, 1937 (Raster Image). Stanford University Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis. Available at: This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.

  6. Title: Premier series map of Minnesota


    Summary: Cartographic Details: Scale [1:950,400]. 1 in. = 15 mi. (W 97°00°--W 89°30 ª/N 49°30 ª--N 43°30 ª). Index on verso. Insets: Minest in Saint Louis County -- [Cook County] -- Saint Paul, Minneapolis and vicinity. Sheet includes: ill. of state capitol, list of agricultural associations, and statistics. 89 x 71 centimeters 1:950,400 General Minnesota Maps

  7. Title: Botswana Trails and Tracks, 2003


    Summary: Botswana Trails and Tracks is a line theme representing trails in Botswana. This layer is a component of the Global Map, a 1:1,000,000 scale framework dataset of the world. It consists of vector and raster layers of transport, administrative boundaries, drainage, elevation, vegetation, land use and land cover data. The data were prepared from information provided by national mapping and other organizations worldwide.

  8. Title: Botswana Miscellaneous Population Settlements, 2003


    Summary: Botswana Miscellaneous Population Settlements is a point theme representing settlements in Botswana. This layer is a component of the Global Map, a 1:1,000,000 scale framework dataset of the world. It consists of vector and raster layers of transport, administrative boundaries, drainage, elevation, vegetation, land use and land cover data. The data were prepared from information provided by national mapping and other organisations worldwide.

  9. Title: Botswana Landuse, 2003


    Summary: Botswana Landuse is a raster theme representing landuse classifications throughout Botswana at a resolution of 30 arc seconds. This layer is a component of the Global Map a 1:1,000,000 scale framework dataset of the world. It consists of vector and raster layers of transport, administrative boundaries, drainage, elevation, vegetation, land use and land cover data. The data were prepared from information provided by national mapping and other organisations worldwide.

  10. Title: Botswana Political Boundaries, 2003


    Summary: Botswana Political Boundaries is a line theme representing political boundaries in Botswana. This layer is a component of the Global Map, a 1:1,000,000 scale framework dataset of the world. It consists of vector and raster layers of transport, administrative boundaries, drainage, elevation, vegetation, land use and land cover data. The data were prepared from information provided by national mapping and other organisations worldwide.

  11. Title: Botswana Landcover, 2003


    Summary: Botswana Landcover is a raster theme representing land cover classifications throughout Botswana at a resolution of 30 arc seconds. This layer is a component of the Global Map a 1:1,000,000 scale framework dataset of the world. It consists of vector and raster layers of transport, administrative boundaries, drainage, elevation, vegetation, land use and land cover data. The data were prepared from information provided by national mapping and other organisations worldwide.

  12. Title: Botswana Roads, 2003


    Summary: Botswana Roads is a line theme representing roadways in Botswana. This layer is a component of the Global Map, a 1:1,000,000 scale framework dataset of the world. It consists of vector and raster layers of transport, administrative boundaries, drainage, elevation, vegetation, land use and land cover data. The data were prepared from information provided by national mapping and other organizations worldwide.

  13. Title: Botswana Railroads, 2003


    Summary: Botswana Railroads is a line theme representing railroads in Botswana. This layer is a component of the Global Map, a 1:1,000,000 scale framework dataset of the world. It consists of vector and raster layers of transport, administrative boundaries, drainage, elevation, vegetation, land use and land cover data. The data were prepared from information provided by national mapping and other organisations worldwide.

  14. Title: Botswana Water Course, 2003


    Summary: Botswana Water Course is a line theme representing rivers and streams in Botswana. This layer is a component of the Global Map, a 1:1,000,000 scale framework dataset of the world. It consists of vector and raster layers of transport, administrative boundaries, drainage, elevation, vegetation, land use and land cover data. The data were prepared from information provided by national mapping and other organisations worldwide.

  15. Title: Botswana Elevation, 2003


    Summary: Botswana Elevation is a Digital Elevation Model representing elevations throughout Botswana at a resolution of 30 arc seconds. This layer is a component of the Global Map a 1:1,000,000 scale framework dataset of the world. It consists of vector and raster layers of transport, administrative boundaries, drainage, elevation, vegetation, land use and land cover data. The data were prepared from information provided by national mapping and other organisations worldwide.

  16. Title: Botswana Vegetation, 2003


    Summary: Botswana Vegetation is a raster theme representing percentages of tree cover throughout Botswana at a resolution of 30 arc seconds. This layer is a component of the Global Map a 1:1,000,000 scale framework dataset of the world. It consists of vector and raster layers of transport, administrative boundaries, drainage, elevation, vegetation, land use and land cover data. The data were prepared from information provided by national mapping and other organisations worldwide.

  17. Title: Botswana Built-up Areas (points), 2003


    Summary: Botswana Built-up Areas is a point theme representing built-up areas in Botswana. This layer is a component of the Global Map, a 1:1,000,000 scale framework dataset of the world. It consists of vector and raster layers of transport, administrative boundaries, drainage, elevation, vegetation, land use and land cover data. The data were prepared from information provided by national mapping and other organisations worldwide.

  18. Title: FHA Insurance in Force by Tract, 2016


    Summary: The Federal Housing Administration, generally known as "FHA", provides mortgage insurance on loans made by FHA-approved lenders throughout the United States and its territories. FHA insures mortgages on single family and multifamily homes including manufactured homes and hospitals. It is the largest insurer of mortgages in the world, insuring over 34 million properties since its inception in 1934. The insurance in force represents the outstanding balance of an active loan. Location data for HUD-related properties and facilities are derived from HUD's enterprise geocoding service. While not all records are able to be geocoded and mapped, we are continuously working to improve the address data quality and enhance coverage. Note that this file only includes x, y coordinates and associated attributes for those addresses that can be geocoded to an interpolated point along a street segment, or to the centroid of the nearest U.S. Census block. Please consider this issue when using any datasets provided by HUD. Data is current as of 09/30/2016. This layer is intended for researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public for reference and mapping purposes, and may be used for basic applications such as viewing, querying, and map output production. This layer will provide a basemap for layers related to socio-political analysis, statistical enumeration and analysis, or to support graphical overlays and analysis with other spatial data. More advanced user applications may focus on demographics, urban and rural land use planning, socio-economic analysis and related areas (including defining boundaries, managing assets and facilities, integrating attribute databases with geographic features, spatial analysis, and presentation output.) United States. Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2016). FHA Insurance in Force by Tract, 2016. United States. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Available at To learn more: please visit:

  19. Title: CDBG Activity, 1998-2015


    Summary: The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is a federal block grant distributed via formula to states and local governments. States and local governments use these grant funds to carry out housing, economic development, public services, and public improvement activities that serve low- and moderate-income people. The locations of CDBG activities are derived from addresses provided by HUD grantees from 1996 to present in HUDs Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS). Until recently, these addresses were not validated on point of entry. The prevalence of missing or incorrect address data means that HUD cannot guarantee the accuracy of these locations. However, due to recent improvements to IDIS, HUD expects the quality of activity locations to improve over time. Data Current As Of: 9/25/2016 This layer is intended for researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public for reference and mapping purposes, and may be used for basic applications such as viewing, querying, and map output production. This layer will provide a basemap for layers related to socio-political analysis, statistical enumeration and analysis, or to support graphical overlays and analysis with other spatial data. More advanced user applications may focus on demographics, urban and rural land use planning, socio-economic analysis and related areas (including defining boundaries, managing assets and facilities, integrating attribute databases with geographic features, spatial analysis, and presentation output.) United States. Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2016). CDBG Activity, 1998-2015. United States. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Available at

  20. Title: ACS 5 Year CHAS Data by County, 2008-2012


    Summary: This polygon shapefile contains Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) data at the county level. The CHAS is derived from the American Community Survey (ACS) data, which has a smaller sample size than the Decennial Census (which was the basis of the 2000 CHAS). As a result, the Census Bureau cannot produce data using only one year of survey responses, except in very populous areas. For areas with population 65,000 or greater, ACS estimates are available each year using only the most recent year’s survey responses (known as "1-year data"). For areas with population 20,000 or greater, ACS estimates are available each year based on averages of the previous three years of survey responses ("3-year data"). For areas with population less than 20,000—including all census tracts, and many places, counties, and minor civil divisions—the only ACS estimates available are based on averages of the previous five years of survey responses ("5-year data"). The primary purpose of the CHAS data is to demonstrate the number of households in need of housing assistance. This is estimated by the number of households that have certain housing problems and have income low enough to qualify for HUDs programs (primarily 30, 50, and 80 percent of median income). It is also important to consider the prevalence of housing problems among different types of households, such as the elderly, disabled, minorities, and different household types. The CHAS data provide counts of the numbers of households that fit these HUD-specified characteristics in HUD-specified geographic areas. In addition to estimating low-income housing needs, the CHAS data contribute to a more comprehensive market analysis by documenting issues like lead paint risks, affordability mismatch, and the interaction of affordability with variables like age of homes, number of bedrooms, and type of building. Dataset uses custom HAMFI figures calculated by HUD PDR staff based on 2008-2012 ACS income data. This layer is intended for researchers, students, policy makers, and the general public for reference and mapping purposes, and may be used for basic applications such as viewing, querying, and map output production. This layer will provide a basemap for layers related to socio-political analysis, statistical enumeration and analysis, or to support graphical overlays and analysis with other spatial data. More advanced user applications may focus on demographics, urban and rural land use planning, socio-economic analysis and related areas (including defining boundaries, managing assets and facilities, integrating attribute databases with geographic features, spatial analysis, and presentation output.) United States. Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2016). ACS 5 Year CHAS Data by County, 2008-2012. United States. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Available at

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