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  1. Title: Polling Places, Tompkins County, NY, 2006


    Summary: Point locations of polling places in Tompkins County, New York. To locate places where Tompkins County voters can vote in local, county, state and national elections.

  2. Title: Election Districts, Tompkins County NY, 2006


    Summary: Local, county, state, and national 2006 election district boundaries in Tompkins County, New York. Election districts determine representation in local, county, state, and national governments.

  3. Title: Election Districts, Tompkins County NY, 2005


    Summary: Local, county, state, and national 2005 election district boundaries in Tompkins County, New York. Election districts determine representation in local, county, state, and national governments.

  4. Title: New York City Voting Poll Sites, 2013


    Summary: New York City Voting Poll Sites, 2013 is a point theme representing polling locations in New York City as of 2013.

  5. Title: New York City Voting Poll Sites, 2012


    Summary: New York City Voting Poll Sites, 2012 is a point theme representing polling locations in New York City as of 2012.

  6. Title: Polling Places - Elections


    Summary: Polling Places as of June 15, 2004. Derived from SQLServer DB, GISPUB.Elections.WebSitePollLookupGIS.

  7. Title: 1992 Election Precincts


    Summary: Department of Elections Precincts for 1992 - 2003

  8. Title: Voter Precincts, Napa County, California, 2013


    Summary: This layer is composed of Polygons depicting Voter Precincts as provided by the Napa County elections department.

  9. Title: Supervisorial Districts, San Francisco County, 2012


    Summary: Supervisorial Districts, developed by Redistricting Task Force, submitted on 18 April 2012. Note: for mapping and analysis purposes, the non-land areas of the districts have been removed in this version. The original submitted dataset with ocean and bay included described here.

  10. Title: Land Use and Land Cover, Tompkins County NY, 2012


    Summary: The Tompkins County Planning Department produced a land use and land cover data set of Tompkins County, NY in 1995 and in 2009 updated the data using the 2007 natural color ortho-imagery. Further updates were made in 2012. The need for this data set has been identified by various county departments, local municipal agencies, and other not-for-profit organizations. High resolution natural color digital orthoimagery acquired from the NYS Office of Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure Coordination (CSCIC), and a number of other secondary digital data sources (wetlands, hydrology, tax parcel and planimetric base data) were used to interpret and delineate land use and land cover directly on-screen. The land use and land cover classification system that was designed for the 1995 project to meet the needs of the users of these data was used for the 2007 data. In 1968, the Land Use and Natural Resource Inventory (LUNR) a state-wide land use and land cover mapping project, used aerial photographs to identify 130 land use and land cover classes. The Tompkins County land use and land cover classification system has been designed to be comparable with the LUNR classification system. Comparable classification systems will enable users to analyze changes in land use and land cover over the previous thirty year time period. Provides a county-wide data set of all land use and land cover classes in Tompkins County. Potential uses of these data include land use and land cover time change analysis, comprehensive planning and development suitability analysis.

  11. Title: Land Use and Land Cover, Tompkins County, 2007


    Summary: The Tompkins County Planning Department produced a land use and land cover data set of Tompkins County, NY in 1995 and in 2009 updated the data using the 2007 natural color ortho-imagery. The need for this data set has been identified by various county departments, local municipal agencies, and other not-for-profit organizations. High resolution natural color digital orthoimagery acquired from the NYS Office of Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure Coordination (CSCIC), and a number of other secondary digital data sources (wetlands, hydrology, tax parcel and planimetric base data) were used to interpret and delineate land use and land cover directly on-screen. The land use and land cover classification system that was designed for the 1995 project to meet the needs of the users of these data was used for the 2007 data. In 1968, the Land Use and Natural Resource Inventory (LUNR) a state-wide land use and land cover mapping project, used aerial photographs to identify 130 land use and land cover classes. The Tompkins County land use and land cover classification system has been designed to be comparable with the LUNR classification system. Comparable classification systems will enable users to analyze changes in land use and land cover over the previous thirty year time period. Provides a county-wide data set of all land use and land cover classes in Tompkins County. Potential uses of these data include land use and land cover time change analysis, comprehensive planning and development suitability analysis.

  12. Title: Hydrography, Tompkins County NY, 2001


    Summary: The Tompkins County Planning Department utilized inter-departmental mapping expertise of the Tompkins County Information Technology Services GIS Division to produce a data set of surface water features for Tompkins County, New York. The need for this data set has been identified by various county departments, local municipal agencies, and other not-for-profit organizations. To provide a complete network of streams within the county boundaries and to add enough basic attributes that a fundamental degree of categorization would be achieved. To provide a stream layer for map production and to provide a framework for relating streams to external databases.

  13. Title: Watersheds, Tompkins County NY, 1991


    Summary: The Tompkins County Planning Department utilized inter-departmental mapping expertise of the Tompkins County Information Technology Services GIS Division to produce defined watershed boundaries for surface water features for Tompkins County, NY. The need for this data set has been identified by various county departments, local municipal agencies, and other not-for-profit organizations. To produce boundaries for watersheds as they were defined for the Tompkins County Planimetric Hydrography data set.

  14. Title: Tax Parcels, Tompkins County NY, 2014


    Summary: Parcel boundaries are a geographic representation compiled from legal descriptions of property surveys and deeds of ownership as recorded in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office annually. Tax parcel boundaries in Tompkins County for a given year plus selected information added from the Tompkins County real property services (RPS) database for web applications. The boundaries represent the one-to-one match (GIS and RPS) with the parcel boundaries shown on the final paper maps for a given year. This version is mainly used for applications where there is a live link to the extensive RPS data via Imagemate Online.

  15. Title: Tax Parcels, Tompkins County NY, 2011


    Summary: Tax parcel boundaries in Tompkins County for 2011 plus selected information added from the Tompkins County real property services (RPS) database for web applications. The boundaries represent the one-to-one match (GIS and RPS) with the parcel boundaries shown on the final paper maps for the given year. This version is mainly used for web-based applications where there is a live link to the extensive RPS data via imagemate online. The parcel boundaries represent legal descriptions of property ownership, as recorded in various public documents in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office. This is a trimmed-down version of the Taxparcelrps database for web application use (on the Tompkins County website).

  16. Title: Tax Parcels, Tompkins County NY, 2010


    Summary: Tax parcel boundaries in Tompkins County for 2010 plus selected information added from the Tompkins County real property services (RPS) database for web applications. The boundaries represent the one-to-one match (GIS and RPS) with the parcel boundaries shown on the final paper maps for the given year. This version is mainly used for web-based applications where there is a live link to the extensive RPS data via imagemate online. The parcel boundaries represent legal descriptions of property ownership, as recorded in various public documents in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office. This is the New-York-State-mandated database of property ownership and information in Tompkins County. This database is related to a subset of the RPS database extract using the SWISPRINTK field.

  17. Title: Tax Parcels, Tompkins County NY, 2009


    Summary: Tax parcel boundaries in Tompkins County for 2009 plus selected information added from the Tompkins County real property services (RPS) database for web applications. The boundaries represent the one-to-one match (GIS and RPS) with the parcel boundaries shown on the final paper maps for the given year. This version is mainly used for web-based applications where there is a live link to the extensive RPS data via imagemate online. The parcel boundaries represent legal descriptions of property ownership, as recorded in various public documents in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office. This is the New-York-State-mandated database of property ownership and information in Tompkins County. This database is related to a subset of the RPS database extract using the SWISPRINTK field. Please note that this version does not contain property ownership or property value information.

  18. Title: Tax Parcels, Tompkins County NY, 2008


    Summary: Tax parcel boundaries for all of Tompkins County for 2008 plus selected real property information added from Tompkins County RPS. The boundaries represent the one-to-one match with the parcel boundaries shown on the final paper maps for a given year. The parcel boundaries represent legal descriptions of property ownership, as recorded in various public documents in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office. This is the New-York-State-mandated database of property ownership and information in Tompkins County. This database is related to a subset of the RPS database extract using the SWISPRINTK field. Please note that this version does not contain property ownership or property value information.

  19. Title: Tax Parcels, Tompkins County NY, 2007


    Summary: The active tax parcel boundaries for all of Tompkins County for a given year plus selected real property information added from Tompkins County RPS. The boundaries represent the one-to-one match with the parcel boundaries shown on the final paper maps for a given year. The parcel boundaries represent legal descriptions of property ownership, as recorded in various public documents in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office.

  20. Title: Tax Parcels, Tompkins County NY, 2006


    Summary: The active tax parcel boundaries for all of Tompkins County for the current tax year. The boundaries represent the parcel boundaries shown on the final paper maps for the current tax year. The parcel boundaries represent legal descriptions of property ownership, as recorded in various public documents in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office. This is the database of property ownership and information in Tompkins County, as mandated by New York State. This database can be related to the New York State Office of Real Property Services (RPS) database extract using either the SWISPRINTK field or the PARCELKEY field.

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